#280 BBB 03-25-10 55

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BBB issues warning

about u~e of Google
name/logo scams
Submitted by Better Business aI Trade Commission and
Bureau of Mississippi state attorneys general.
Other scam sites re­
Better Business Bureau ported are Google Biz
serving Mtssissippi is Kit, Google Cash. Google
warning consumers of na­ Money Profits and Goo­
tionwide scams that use gle Success Kit.
the Google name to get The BBB offers this ad­
access to individual cred­ vice to help avoid such
it card information.
Dozens of Web sites are scams:
trading on the Google • Check the BBB Reli-I
name to scam people who ability Report for busi- ,
want to learn about mak­ ness practice and I'
ing money from home. complaint information. ,
These sites are using • Beware of work-at- '
the Google name and home offers using logos
prominently display its from Google, Twitter or
logo to mislead consum­ other prominent online
ers into thinking they are businesses.
getting a job through Goo­ • Question offers that
gle. guarantee large earnings
According to Bill Moak, with I~ttle effort and no I
president and chief exec­ experIence.
utive officer of the Missis­ • Research the validi­
sippi BBB, "many families ty of domain names
are searching for ways to through www.whois.net.
earn extra money using • Read the Web site's
Web sites that tout huge terms and conditions
money-making potential carefully; keep in mind
while working from home. that low<ost items or
Unfortunately, most wbrk­ free trials could cost you
at-home opportunities in the end. i
don't deliver on what The BBB has been
they promise, and victims serving Mississippi con­
find that they lose hun­ sumers and bUSinesses
dreds of dollars instead of since 1964 by promoting
making extra money.~ an ethical marketplace.
Two main scam sites, A Reliability Report on:
Google Treasure Chest businesses can be olr I
and Google Money Tree, tained online at
generated hundred of www.ms.bbb.org or by
BBB complaints. Eventu­ calling the BBB Auto­
ally, these sites caught mated Response Line at :
the attention of the Feder­ 800-987-8280. '

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