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BBB offers alert for

debit card users
Special to the Herald ). SD since card issuers typically
With the increasing use of have "zero liability" policies.
debit cards (rather than credit However, these policies some·
cards) and the dramatic times exclude PIN-based trans­
increase in debit card spending, actions.
there is also an increase in cred­ Stick with ATMs located at
it card fraud. Banks across the banks. Machines at conven­
country are raising concerns ience stores, airports and isolat­
about the rise in fraud attempts ed locations are easier targets '
relating to debit cards. for attaching skimming devices I
Thieves are creating counter­ to gather data. Generally non- ,
feit ATM or debit cards by bank locations have less traffic i
stealing PINs and other account and no surveillance cameras. i
data using a technique known Monitor your bank accounts
as skimming. This is accom­ closely. Checking statements
plished by setting up equipment online is preferable instead of
that captures magnetic stripe waiting for monthly statements
and keypad information when to arrive in the mail. Federal·
PINs are' used at ATM law limits your liability for i
machines, gas pumps, restau­ fraudulent debit card charges to
rants and retail establishments. $50, but only if the theft or loss
The Better Business Bureau is reported within two business
(BBB) Serving MisSiSsIppi days of discovering the prob­
offers some tips to help protect lem.
account data: "When you have unauthorized
Don't type your PIN at the charges on a credit card, you
pump. If you use a debit card at won't be out any money while
the gas pump, select the option the disputed charges are being
for it to be processed as a credo investigated," said Bill Moak,
it card. This can provide better President/CEO of the
protection from fraud liability Mississippi BBB.

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