Uwi Open Campus-Assignment One 2015

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Course Code: EDTK2030

Course Name: EDTK2030 Information and
Communication Technology in Education

Course Coordinator: Rehana Seepersad

Assignment 1: Affordances and Constraints of Email
as an ICT tool for learning
Due Date: Sunday 13th September, 2015

Student Name: Shander Langellier

Student ID: 313104157

According to Tinio (2003), Information Communication Technologies (ICT) refers to a variety

of technologies and other resources that are used to create, store, communicate, disseminate and
manage information (cited in EDTK 2030, Unit 1, pg 3). The potential use of software in the
education system to facilitate positive outcomes in the learning process has been enunciated by
many educators and the manner in which students learn in the classroom has and continues to
evolve with the introduction of newer forms of technology. ITC has become part of our daily
lives and has changed aspects of our lives affording us to do daily task such shopping,
communicating, business transactions and even baking without leaving our homes. In the
education sector, computer supported collaborative learning emphasizes how technology can
learning to enhance members communication and interaction (Lipponen, 2002) and improves on
the delivery of lessons by teachers. Use of an ITC tool such as emails is one which can serve as
an affordance to facilitate learning but some also has constraints for students.
Salomon (1993), defined affordance as the actual and perceived properties of something which
determines how the element can possibly be used in specific situations. Kennewell (2006) states
it even better by stating that it encompasses the attributes of the item that provides a potential
for action, which gives students the opportunity to be taught using a specified tool to obtain the
desired results. In addition, Kennewell refers to constraints as that which sets the actions that
can be maintained by the element. In essence a constraint is not that of physical in nature but is
dependent on a users knowledge, disposition and skills. Therefore affordance and constraints in
education are to some extent interrelated when used as an ITC tool (emails) for learning.
According to Januszewski and Molenda (2008), believe that learning theories describe how
people learn best, since they provide a framework for interpreting and understanding growth and
development which occurs in learning environments that guide teachers decisions for each

individual child (cited in EDTK 2030, Unit 2, pg 36) . Some of these theorist include the Social
Learning Theory, Constructivist Theory, Activity-Based Learning Theory, Experimental Learning
Theory and Reflection-Based Learning Theory. In the constructivist theory proposed by Jean
Piaget, children learn best by being actively involved in the learning process. Therefore, the
students will be the ones using the ICT tools to read and send emails.
The reflection-based theory by allows the learner to look back and reflect on learning task by
asking critical questions. This allows the learners to replay past events change values or figure
but most importantly it fosters the development of critical thinking skills. For example students
can email other peers or specialist to help find information or solutions needed after reflections.
Finally the social learning theory by Lev Vygotsky supports the use of ITC. Vygotskys theory
proposes that people learn through interactions with each other. Students can communicate with
peers or teachers in both social and formal settings. Students can easily seek clarification from
their teachers via emails.
As a student of university the affordance of ITC is very important for me. Sending of emails
offers an excellent medium for me to communicate with my peers and lectures. Emails make it
very simple to seek clarification from my tutors and to complete group work with my peers thus
fostering collaboration and cooperation. For example when given group task each individual
does his or her own research them emails the research to each member. As we work in such
manner email can afford the development of social and communication skills. However, there
were some constraints of using emails in socializing and completing group task. One of the main
constraint was incompetence of group members when using ITC tools. In some cases, one group
member would delay when sending his or her share of research or was unable to send the email

on the desired date. Another constraint of email as an ITC tool for learning is that some students
do not have access to the internet or Wi-Fi services.
Since all students or peers may not acquire the skills to compose and send an email, I would
recommend that all students engage in a computer assisted learning course prior to beginning
online studies. Also, students can also seek help from another group member or colleague who is
competent in the field. Students should also consider getting their own internet or Wi-Fi services
or find a caf where they can easily gain access to compose and send emails.
In order to implement the second recommendation, there must be proper planning. In group task
with my peers we should first set up a time schedule to allow persons adequate time to compose
and send emails. Secondly, we can assign persons to be responsible for others as if they were
buddies therefore one would know if any peer is encountering difficulties. Lastly, students I
would offer to tutor or walk my peer through the process of composing and sending an email via
telephone or any other medium that he or she is comfortable with.
Email is an effective learning tool in the teaching and learning environment which improves
social and communication skills. However, affordance and constraints are two factors which can
positively or negatively impact the learning and teaching process but those accessing it must be
prepared for both in order to reach the desired goal.

Affordances & Constraints of email as an ICT Tool for Learning. (n.d.). http://perspectives-inedutec1.webnode.com/affordances-constaraints-of-email-as-an-ict-tool-for-learning/

Assignment: 1. (n.d.). ICT IN THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS. http://ictinteachinglearning.weebly.com/assignment-1.html

EDTK 2030 (Unit 1) - 2015. Development and Characteristics of ICT UWI Open Campus

EDTK 2030 (Unit 2) - 2015.Learning theories that guide ICT-Mediated learning. UWI Open
Fu, Huijuan ; Chu, Samuel ; Kang, Wenxia (2013). Affordance and Constraints of a Wiki for
Primary-school Students Group Projects. Educational Technology & Society Vol.16 (4),
p.85-96 [Peer Reviewed Journal]

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