Collaboration Assignment CH 2

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Collaboration Exercise

Presented by:

Jamey Breitenbauch
Jesus Rivas
Michelle Stupfel
Katie Clark
Jacoby Wiege

2-6. Build a content-sharing

Decide the types of content we will be creating- Our group has chosen to
produce office documents.
Decide whether our team wants to use desktop or cloud based applicationsOur team is using desktop based programs because of the easy accessibility.
Decide the server we will use to share content- Our team has chosen to stick
with Microsoft programs and use OneDrive. We also will use email to ensure a
back-up copy for everyone.
Implement your Content-Sharing server- Everyone in our team has
successfully created a OneDrive account and can share content.
Procedures to use when sharing content- We share content in a timely manner
that is related directly to the project or our specific task. We also dont leave any
details out when sharing about the project.

2-7. Build a task management method:

Determine how we want to manage tasks. What task data do we want to store
on the task list- We follow our tasks list to the best of our ability. Our team will
store and report all data relevant to the task; completing these tasks within our
Decide the tool and server we will use to share our tasks- Our team will continue
to use OneDrive.
Implement the tool and server in step B.- As mention in the previous slide we
have all created OneDrive accounts to share content.
Write procedures for the team when managing tasks- Procedures for our team
include a task list with clear deadlines for each task, clear task assignments for each
team member, each team member having an understanding of all the tasks and why
they must be completed, and regular feedback on the progress of our task(s).

2-8. Using your new

collaboration information
system answer the following
Great idea!

What if we did
it like this?

What is Collaboration?- This is when

individuals work together as a team in
order to learn more about the task at
hand. When a problem is identified and
a plan to solve this problem is
implemented collaboration is often the
best tool to utilize. While most problem
solving methods dont focus on
feedback, collaboration does. The sole
purpose of collaboration is to obtain
more knowledge about the subject/task;
then give this knowledge to your team
as feedback. This will help everyone
better understand the issue, and
ultimately help solve the problem.

2-8. Using your new collaboration information system answer the

following questions:
What Characteristics make up a
good team member? Shares all content truthfully.
Is not afraid to start difficult
Does not follow everyone else's
Is not afraid to put out new or
unpopular ideas.
Our team agrees with these
methods and can conclude that
we must utilize them.

What would you do with an

ineffective team member?-

An ineffective team member is not

truthful, does not start
conversations, follows the group,
is afraid of expressing themselves,
and does not self manage.
Our team would try to implement
this ineffective team member to the
best of our ability. Hopefully the
team would be able to find a task
that he/she would excel at above
the other team members.

2-8. Using your new collaboration information

system answer the following questions:
How do you know if you are collaborating well?- If your team is collaborating
well then you will see a successful outcome and a growth in team capability.
You should also have a meaningful and satisfying experience in the process of
your whole team becoming informed. lastly, effective collaboration should allow
all team members to have a better understanding of the decision making process.
How do you measure these characteristics?- Some characteristics of
successful collaboration are easy to measure; for example, a successful outcome.
This is a simple matter of whether or not a team has completed its task(s) on
time and within budget. A characteristic like having a meaningful and satisfying
experience is a lot harder to measure. This is when teams can turn to things like
surveys. Team members can individually take surveys that will ask questions in
order to help determine the teams success or failure at collaboration.

2-8. Using your new collaboration information

system answer the following questions:
Briefly describe the components of
your collaboration IS.
Our content sharing method is
the canvas discussion forum
Our team produces office
To share docs. and task lists our
team uses OneDrive.
Our communication method is
Our team follows organized

Describe what your team likes and

dislikes about using your new
collaboration IS.
Likes: Content sharing
method(Canvas), the production of
office documents, and the
organized procedures.
Dislikes: OneDrive.
This is really the only issue we
ran into as a team when
creating our IS. The team was
able to figure everything out,
but it proved not to be as
likable as originally thought.

Work cited
Kroenke, David M., and Randall Boyle. "Ch. 2 Collaboration Information Systems."
Using MIS. 8th ed. N.p.: Prentice Hall, n.d. 35-80. Print.

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