Graded Discussion

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QUESTION 1: Examine an educational wiki site, focusing on its objectives, user friendliness
and inherent features, and ways it could be improved.

According to Tom Stafford and Matt Webb (2006), a wiki is defined as a website that enables
you to add, remove and edit every page using a web browser. Klobas (2006) cited in EDTK2030
Unit 4, pg. 13, explained that wiki not only refers to wiki sites but also the software used to
maintain them.
Educational wiki site
Retrieved from then
narrowed down to
The site used was originally developed to share classroom activities such as, videos, projects,
slideshows and electronic student portfolios. It focuses on inspiring students and also providing
them with information needed to become engaged learners. Another focus is that of developing a
professional community for teachers and students where teachers are free to use models seen and
students can learn from the work of other students like them.
The educational wiki site was designed by a teacher at an elementary school of a grade two class.
The site is available to all who wish to browse through whether it be for a learning activity,
motivation or an instructional strategy to teach a concept. The webpage is very colourful,
attractive and is easy to follow. Activities posted are reader friendly to children of all ages and
allows one to move from one page to another without difficulties. However, the page is

incomplete and some of the content is unavailable due to lack of resources and technical
Some ways in which the site can be improved is that it should be up to date and should show
results of ratings from persons who have used the site before. . According to Klobas (2006) cited
in EDTK2030 Unit 4, pg. 15, a good wiki page should be up to date, hence the reason for
suggesting such improvement.
The site can also be improved by adding new activities and instructional strategies for students,
teachers and others who which to engage in the learning community. Activities displayed did not
show a clear picture of diversity and inclusion therefore I think that this too is an area that can be

QUESTION 2: Explain how you can use ICT to build one of the aspects of the critical thinking

According to Jim Wohlpart Spring (2007), critical thinking is a way of thinking that where the
thinker intentionally analyzes an issue or problem, while at the same time evaluating the thinking
process (Adapted from In addition, Barak and Dori (2009) cited in David
Subran (2013), viewed critical thinking as a skill which requires the leaner or thinker to take
responsibility and control of ones own mind. Critical thinking is basically thinking about real
problems and the skills used to help one to solve these problems. It also involves logical and
reflective thinking prior to deciding what one believes and the action which precedes.
Information Communication Technology (ICT) can be used to help develop the critical thinking

skills in children. One component of critical thinking that can be enhanced using information
communication technology is that of evaluation and assessment.
Bob Adamson (n.d), defines assessment as, the process of gathering information or evidence to
monitor progress and achievement of learners over a certain period of time in the efforts of
improving learning and teaching. These include methods such as observation, testing and
interviews. Evaluation is the process of making an overall judgment about ones work or learning.
Teachers therefore use various forms of assessment to evaluate students learning and general
The use if ICT in the facilitation of evaluation and assessment has many benefits for learners.
Information technology tools can be used to share students work and receive immediate feedback
from peers, teachers and also outside respondents. An example of such ICT tool is that of goggle
share. This tool allows one to share their work with multiple persons at once and feedback is
given immediately. The skill of evaluation can also be developed in ICT when students give
constructive criticism in response to their peers work. This is also developed when students
engage in group task because they have to evaluate every detail or part of the assignment to
ensure that it reflects what the teachers or lecturer asked. Another benefit is that there are ICT
tools that keeps records of learning task therefore students and teachers can reflect and make
decisions to improve student achievement. Records can also be kept for parent teacher
conferencing. Building this skill will teach students to be more reflective learners but it will also
help them to become better problem solvers.
An activity to help develop evaluation and assessment in students at the grade four level using
ICT. Students will view a video of how to create a rain gage as part of their school Science
project during a Science lesson. Students will then carefully create their own models of a rain

gauge. After creating the model students will write about a short summary then document it in a
word document during Information Technology class. Students work be reviewed by both the
class teacher and the IT teacher. Students pieces will be printed out and in groups of two they
will carefully critique and reviewed by themselves and their peer. At the next Information
Technology session students will make their corrections and print out their publish pieces.

Daud, Nuraihan Mat ; Husin, Zamnah. Developing critical thinking skills in computeraided
extended reading classes. British Journal of Educational Technology, 2004, Vol.35 (4),
pp.477-487. Retrieved from

David Subran 2013. Developing higher-order thinking with ICT. Retrieved from

Examples of Educational Wiki (n.d). Retrieved from

EDTK 2030 Information and Communication Technology in Education (2014/15). Unit 4:

Educational Application of Web 2.0 Tools.[Essential Reading]. UWI Open Campus

Istiqomah (n.d). Assessment vs evaluation - SlideShare. Retrieved from

Jim Wohlpart Spring 2007. Critical Thinking: How to Read and Analyze Arguments
Retrieved from

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