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TCNJ Lesson Plan

Student Name: Katie Giancaspro and David Chiesa


Name: Lawrenceville
Grade level: First


Teachers Name: Mrs. Pileggi

Guiding and/or Essential Questions:
How do our choices affect others?
How can we be respectful to others?
Pre-Lesson Assignments and/or Student Prior Knowledge:
The children have experience discussing making good choices and
what it means to be a good friend. They participated in respect week
where much of these discussions took place. Respect week included as
least two videos that the entire school was required to watch, as well
as a parade. One video was about what people should say more often
(ex. thank you). The children watched this video and were able to
share things that they think we should say more often.
6.3.4.D.1: Identify actions that are unfair or discriminatory, such as
bullying, and propose solutions to address such actions.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.1.7 Use illustrations and details in a story to
describe its characters, setting, or events.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.1.2 Ask and answer questions about key

details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through
other media.
Learning Objectives and Assessments:
Learning Objective


Students will identify and

Teacher will assess student sentences

write one way that they

for accuracy and completion. Teacher

can show their friends

will assess sentences to make sure


they are all ways to show



Chrysanthemum Book

Chart Paper

Paper Hearts (One per child)


Strips of paper for students to write sentences on


Plans for set-up/distribution/clean-up of materials:

Students will bring their pencils with them to the rug and place
them in front of them. Before the read aloud begins, the teacher
will give a student in the first row all of the paper hearts. All
students will take one and pass the rest along. They will hold
onto these hearts until they have written their sentences.

When students are on the carpet, Ms. G and Mr. Chiesa will hand
out clipboards with strips of paper attached to them for students
to write their sentences on.

Step by Step Plan:

1. Introduction: The class will be in their reading spots on the rug. Mr.
Chiesa will say that after he stayed for the Respect Parade last week,
he felt so inspired that he wanted to read a book about how important
it is to treat people respectfully. Before he reads the story, Mr. Chiesa
will ask the class what they learned during respect week. The book is
about a girl named Chrysanthemum, and in the story, her feelings get
hurt. Everybody will get a paper heart, which represents
Chrysanthemums heart where she holds all of her good feelings. The
hearts will be passed around the rug. Mr. Chiesa will say that each
time someone in the story says something hurtful to Chrysanthemum,
students will crumple their paper hearts a little bit to show her feelings
being hurt.
2. Mr. Chiesa will read the story out loud. The first time
Chrysanthemums feelings are hurt, he will do a short think-aloud and

say, Wow, Chrysanthemum didnt like that. Look at how sad she looks
in the picture. I might crumple my paper heart a little bit right now.
3. Mr. Chiesa will finish reading the story and turn the lesson over to
Ms. G.
4. Ms. G will ask the students to give an example of a time when they
bent their paper hearts and why they did. Next, she will instruct
students to fix their hearts. She will ask if anyone was able to do that.
When the students realize that they were unable to fix them, Ms. G will
explain that its hard to make our hearts look exactly the same as
before. This is the same as when we hurt a friend's feelings and try to
make them feel better. Its not always easy. This is why we need to
choose our words carefully and think before we act. She will ask
students if they can remember something that someone did that made
them feel better when they were sad. This will help them begin
brainstorming for the next part of the lesson. She will instruct students
to think of a way they can be kind and respectful to their friends and
write it on a piece of paper attached to their clipboards, which we will
tape to a chart. Ms. G will hand out all clipboards.
5. Closure: After a few minutes, Ms. G will instruct students to pair and
share what ideas they wrote down with a partner. Then, she will call on
2-3 students to share their ideas with the entire class. After that, she
will ask students, one row at a time to bring up their ideas to attach to
the chart. When all students have placed their ideas on the chart, Ms.

G will read some to the class. She will emphasize that these are great
ideas that the class should try to think about everyday. From there, the
classroom teacher will take over.
Key Questions:

When did you bend the paper heart? Why?

How does Chrysanthemum feel?

Does your heart look the same as when I first gave it to you?

How do you think we can show our friends respect?


Introduction: 5 minutes
Read Aloud: 10-12 minutes
Introduction to Activity: 3 minutes
Independent Work: 2-3 minutes
Whole Group/Closure: 5 minutes

The students will be called to the carpet by table number and
instructed to sit in their reading spots, where they will remain
throughout the lesson.
Classroom Management:

We will praise students who are being good role models.

When we need the students attention, I will say Hocus Pocus

to which the children will reply Everybody Focus.

We will also use the peace symbol, which stands for respect/quiet
to remind the students to raise their hands when talking.


We will provide adequate wait time after asking a question,

enabling all students to think.

Students will be participating in a pair and share, which will give

them practice verbalizing their ideas to other people in a clear
and concise manner before having the opportunity to share that
idea in front of the class.

We will encourage students to use invented spelling when they

are unsure of a word and to circle words they believe may be
spelt wrong.

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