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Teacher: Beth Ann Balalaos

Lesson number: Lesson Title: What If it Were Me?

Grade/Subject: 5th/Poverty
Central focus: Composition
Essential literacy strategy: Argue/Persuade Using Evidence
Requisite skills: Organizing Text
Reading and Writing connections:
Students will be able to draw from text and research in order to build upon personal experiences
Content/Common Core Standard(s):
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with
reasons and information.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.1.A: Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an
organizational in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writers purpose.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.1.D: Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and
information clearly.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.2.B: Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or
other information and examples related to the topic.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.2.D: Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or
explain the topic.
Learning Objectives associated with the content standards:
Students will be able to begin creating a narrative essay.
Students will be able to make inferences and observation based on research.
Students will be able to use previously learned vocabulary words in their writing in a clear and concise
Students will be able draw information from text in order to support their reflection.
Students will be able to state their opinion based what they have previously learned
Academic Language

Language function:
Summarizing and Informing
Additional language demand ( at least one of the two- only include the one(s) you address. Delete what
you do NOT address, most likely syntax)

Since ________ felt like this I believe that I would feel similar/different because __________
Based on ________ I believe I would react to this situation because ___________
Based on the research I have done, like, _________ people living in poverty often ________. So my life
would be like___________
Student Friendly Daily Learning Target I can statements or pose as question)
I can state my opinion based on poverty
I can introduce the topic of poverty
I can make observations and inferences on what I have read in research and in texts
I can write a concluding sentence
I can write a narrative essay
I can reflect on what I have written
I can use what I have learned in my writing

Monitoring Student Learning: Formal and Informal Assessments prior to, during & after
learning segment
Description of formal/ informal assessments:
For their formal assessment students will create a narrative essay based on their experiences if they were
living in poverty. As well as, their ability to establish a situation in order to direct the reader.
For their informal assessment students will be assessed on their use of previously learned information
from the research they have completed, and from the text they have read.
What is being assessed:
The students will be assessed on their abilities to create a narrative essay and their ability to make
inferences and observations based on the research they have conducted.
Assessment accommodations:
All students will have access to a graphic organizer so that students will be able to plan out their essays.
Students who require accommodations will be able to brainstorm ideas with the assistance of the Special
Education teacher before this assignment is introduced to the rest of the class. Students will also have
access to the definitions of new vocabulary words, with pictures, so that they may use them in their
narrative essay.
Type of feedback that will be given to students:
Students will receive feedback in their reflective journal based on their entry as well as, their narrative
journal. Students will also receive a grade based on a rubric with their placement in each section. The
rubric will also include comments about their narrative essay and how it was written.
What students will do with the feedback:
Students will have a second day in order to finish and edit their essays. Students will able to use the
feedback given to them in order to make corrections, and ensure that they have all components of their
narrative essay.
Instructional Resources and Materials:
Graphic Organizer
Connection to prior academic learning and prerequisite skills:
Previously students have learned the reasons in which some people may become victims of poverty, the
important vocabulary words that are being used in this unit, as well as a simulation of creating a budget
based on a fixed income while living in a life of poverty. Students have also read a text, and resource
sources in order to gain further knowledge on the living circumstances of those who are impoverished.
Students have learned about those who are living a life of poverty around the world, as well as, in America
and their community.

Connections to cultural/personal/community assets:

Through this assignment students will be able to express their feelings, emotions and knowledge in
regards to those living a life of poverty. Students will be able to take the knowledge they have learned, in
order to create a narrative essay based on their opinions and feelings if they were to be living a life of

Instructional Strategies & Learning Tasks that support diverse student needs
Motivation/Hook/Anticipatory Set: ( 10 min) As a hook the teacher the teacher will share an
example of a narrative essay that she has written based on the same topic.

Teacher Action
(include higher order thinking
questions, grouping strategies)

Student Action


Teacher will give a description of what the

students will be completing for their narrative
essay. The components of a narrative essay
will be shared. The teacher will then ask the
students for some examples of emotions or
feelings that they might include in their essay.

Students will write in their notebook the components of a

narrative essay. The students will then answer the
question asked by the teacher and give examples of
feelings or emotions that they might include in their
narrative essay.


The teacher will then instruct the students to

complete a Write, Pair, Share with the person
sitting next to them. First the students will
create a introduction sentence and then share
it with their peer.

The students will complete a Write, Pair, Share with the

person sitting next to them. The students will create an
introduction sentence to their narrative essay and then
share it with the students sitting next to them.


The students will begin to write their narrative essays.

The teacher will then instruct the students to
begin writing their narrative essays, the
teacher will tell the students that they will be
able to finish their narrative essays tomorrow,
and the students will also receive feedback
about their narrative essay.

Closure ( 10 min)
The students will write in their reflective journal about how they felt overall about the topic of
poverty. This journal entry will be used in order to assist them with expressing their feelings in a
less formal manner, so that they might use what they have written for their narrative essay. The
teacher will then review the students work and make recommendations for revision.
How students will reflect on their own learning
Students will reflect on their own learning by writing in their journals based on how they felt overall on the
topic of poverty. During this writing students will have the opportunity to ask any questions that they may
have, share feelings of discomfort or share any comments. The teacher will read each journal entry and
respond to what the student has written.
Accommodations/Modifications to requirements in IEPs and 504 plans
There are 6 students in the class with IEPs. One of the students in the class difficulties steam from their
medical issue of epilepsy, they are classified under other health impairment. This student receives
extended time, flexible seating, pacing and refocuses. Every student in this class receives
accommodations such as, flexible seating, extended time, refocusing and questions explained. Four of the
students are classified under learning disability and they all receive similar accommodations, in addition
some receive resource room, and modified tests in math, and fewer choice options on tests. Many of the
students also receive speech and language therapy. One student in the class is classified for as speech
and language impairment, therefore this student receives access to class notes, and checking for
understanding. All of these accommodations and modifications will be monitored by the general education

teacher, special education teacher and aide throughout the lessons.

Students will work closely with the Special Education Teacher while writing their narrative essay. They will
also work with the Special Education teacher in order to create a brainstorming page, which allows the
students to plan out their essays, and allows the students to express themselves more efficiently.
Students will also be able to use vocabulary sheets in their writing. The student who receives a modified
curriculum will have extended time to finish the formal assessment; in addition this student will only be
required to write one paragraph for the narrative essay.
Technology Integration to Support Learning
Students will be able to use their iPads in order to access the resources given to them in order to use the
information they have gathered in their narrative essay for real-life experiences.

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