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Introduction to the Life of Moses

I. Who was Moses?

II. Who were the “children of Israel”?

A. Abraham (b. 2166 BC)

1. Genesis 12:1-2 (“I will make you into a great nation”)

2. Genesis 15:1-6 (“count the stars . . . so shall your offspring be”)

B. Isaac (b. 2066 BC)

1. Genesis 17:17-19 (a miracle child, firstborn of the covenant)

2. Genesis 22:15-18 (“because you have done this…”)

C. Jacob, also known as Israel (b. 2006 BC)

1. Genesis 28:12-15 (“all peoples on earth will be blessed through you”)

2. Genesis 32:22-29 (“I will not let you go until you bless me”)

III. Why were they in Egypt?

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A. Joseph (b. 1915 BC)

1. Genesis 37:1-11 (“will we actually bow down to you?”)

2. Genesis 37:12-36 (“come, let’s sell him”)

3. Genesis 41:41 (“I hereby put you in charge of the land of Egypt”)

4. Genesis 46:1-4 (“go down to Egypt, I will make you into a great nation there”)

B. Pharaoh – Genesis 45:16 (“I will give you the best of the Land”)

IV. How did they become slaves?

1. Genesis 46:33-47:3 (“your servants are shepherds”)

2. Exodus 1:6, 7 (“much too numerous”)

3. Exodus 1:8 (“a new king, who did not know Joseph”)

4. Exodus 1:9-22 (“we must deal shrewdly with them”)

IV. Three themes from Israel’s history and Moses’ life

A. God’s promises are true, even in hard times

1. God promised Abraham he would rescue his children

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2. A $2 million miracle

3. God has promised to send his Son again

B. God’s love for us is real, even when we’re treated harshly by others

1. God is always aware and will always care

2. He will do whatever it takes to rescue us

3. Why does he delay?

C. God is always with his people, even when they can’t perceive his presence

NEXT WEEK: In Israel’s darkest hour, a savior is born…

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