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INTRODUCTION ‘The objective of this chapter is to review and discuss interpoiation techniques commonly in use in the mining industry today, including simple examples. This chap- ter will not attempt to compare the relative accuracy of each techaique as this subject has adequately b: covered by several authors (Knudsen and Kim, 1967; David, 1974; and Barnes, 1979). When appropriate, methods will be compared relative to the results of simple examples and computational ease. The ex- amples presented are based on metallic deposits. The techniques, however, are not restricted to metallic de- posits and can generally be applied to nonmetallic ones. ‘The purpose of interpolation, as applied to a mineral- d deposit, is to extend the knowledge of the grade and geology of localized samples to an estimate of the grade and mineralogy of a larger block of ground or even an entire deposit. The word interpolation means to compute values between given values and is limited to that region between the known values, The distine- tion between interpolation and extrapolation is. im- portant and must be adhered to in the application of these techniques. In general, the interpolation must be limited to the area enclosed by verified samples. The methods being discussed can be broadly broken into three categories: (1) geometrical methods, (2) talce weighting methods, and (3) geostatistical tech- niques. GEOMETRICAL METHODS Geometrical methods have traditionally been con- sidered hand methods, but computer assistance works well for many situations. Advantages of most geo- metrical methods include the fact that sample points retain their identity throughout the interpolation, there- by simplifying checking and a reduction in the amount of mathematical number crunching characteristics of ‘many other methods. Polygon Methods Polygon methods aré the most popular geometrical methods and include as special cases: (1) square blocks, (2) rectangular uniform blocks, (3) triangular blocks, and (4) polygonal blocks. This chapter will consider only the polygonal blocks ‘which usually are generated by the mine planning engi- eet and geologist working in close conjunction 10 establish a set of interpolation rules for a specific de- posit. Such a set of rules is shown in Table 1. These rules essentially conform to the mineralization controls as known, The examples described here apply 10 a horizontal section pierced by vertical drill holes, but the procedure will work equally well on nonhorizontal sections. For simplicity, these rules, and the subsequent discussion and examples of this chapter, were applied two-dimensional application. The procedures :may readily be extended to three dimensions, Considering that we plan on mining the deposit by open pit methods and with the rules in Table | in mind, the interpolation proceeds as follows: 1) Locations of drill holes and other samples are established for a specified level using available drill-hole survey data, Usually, the drill-hole location and assays, of interest are depicted on a horizontal section, 2) Drillshote interval assay data are composited to intervals consistent with bench height. The elevation of the sample is typically determined at the midpoint of the bench. Table 2 shows a typical drill-hole sample reporting form and corresponding composited grades (interval assay data). 3) Area of influence or radius of influence is estab- lished by geologic and mining experience. 4) Lines are drawn between drill holes that are within two times the radius of influence of each other. Table 1. Example of Polygon Interpolation Rules” - Utimate polygon shape is octagonal (eight-sided). 2: Radius of influence is Af. No polygon exceeds 2 x7 ft from a sample pcint gril holes are in excess of 5x f apart, use a radius of A {to show trend into undhileg area, holes are in excess of & x Aft, but less than $ x R ft apa a) Construct an R ft radius circle if assays are of unlike enar- acter, ie. rock types, diferent mineralization, or one ors and the other waste >) Use s2x4 tt radiusit assays are-of lke character to locate a point on aline between the holes alin is then drawn to the point and tangent to the A ft ciamatar circle. 6, For noles lass than « x ft apart, construct @ perpendicular bisector between the holes. a) Ifthe holes are between 3x A and 4 xR ft apart, Use an R fRracius circle and connect the circles by drawing wings at 2 90 angle from the centor of the Rf radius circle to a2 xR A ‘radius circle. The perpendicular bisector constructed above bbecomes the dividing line between 2x A ft arc intersections, ) If the holes are less than 3 xR A apart apd a polygon eannot be constructed entirely trom perpendicilar lines trom adjacent holes. tnen use an A ft radius ciele and connect the Circles with tangent lines, The dividing line isthe perpendicu lar bisector between the holes, 7. After one gair of noles nas been analyzed using these, rules. another pair is evaluated, and this procedure is re= peated unti all combinations have been evaluated. 8. The assay value of the aolygon wil be the composited assay value of the rill nole that the polygon was constructed ‘oun. Mate equivalenter | = wee 54 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design Table 2. Example of Drill-Hole Log and Composite Reporting Form Orili-Hole 1D = C-23A ©ollar Lovation’= 1800.0N 800.08 Elevation = 5198.0 Azimuth = 0.0 Attitude = -90.0 Depth ‘Assey 5 0.400 10. 0.580 15. 9.440 20. 0.480 25. 0.400 30. 0.380 3s. 0.330 40, 0.590 45, 0.480 50. 0.600 56. 0.560 60. 0.320 585. 0.700 70. "0.210 75. 0.0 80. 0.080 a5. 0.200 90. 0.070 Composites at 40 ft" EW NS Elevation Assay 1) 800.00 4800.00 «5178.00 0.4400 2) 800.00 1800.00 5140.00 0.3942 3) 800.00 1800.00 5114.00 0.1258 * Metric equivalent: 1 fx 08088 =m This step may be altered by rules such as those in Table 1 5) Perpendicular bisectors are constructed on each of these connecting lines, 6) Bisectors are extended until they intersect. If two lines run parallel or approximately parallel, and it is obvious that they will not intersect before the line Closest to the drill hole intersects another line, the bisector that is closest to the drill hole is accepted as the polygon boundary. 7) In areas where drill holes are separated by dis- ances greater than two times the radius of influence, an eight-sided polygon (octagon) form is drawn around the hole location, representing the maximum area of influence. This step may also be altered by rules such as those in Table 1 8) Drill holes along the periphery of the ore body are extrapolated to the radius of influence and the octagonal form is drawn around the drill hole Example 1: As an example of hand-generated poly- gons, consider the composited samples and their loca- tions on level 5140 of a theoretical open pit copper mine, shown in Fig. 1. Using @ maximum radius of influence of 76.2 m (250 ft), 2 level map is generated, as shown in Fig. 2. Note that the polygon method degenerates to rectangular method for regularly spaced drill holes that are closer to each other than two times the maximum radius of influence. Lightly shaded areas designate material projected to have 2 grade of 20.6%. By using a planimeter, and assuming a bench height of 12 m (40 ft), the projected tonnage of 20.6% Cu can be calculated to be 1 805 203 t (1,989,896 st) at an average grade of 0.93. [A tonnage factor of 1.88 t/m? (2.08 st per cu yd) was assumed. The procedure to calculate this example by hand after the composites had been calculated and plotted took approximately 1 hr. Polygons in Conjunction with a Geologic Model Mineralization controls are easily introduced in the consideration of how far to extend the zone of influence of particular sample; all of the rules described previ- ously for the example of polygonal interpolation could also have been extended to include specific considera- tions concerning mineralization controls. For example, a fault located in a certain portion of the deposit is known to be postmineralization. Therefore, sample grades would not be projected from one side to the other, even though the maximum radius of influence had not been exceeded. The same- condition would apply regarding different formations, favorable or non- favorable rock types. Also, metal grades of interest should not be projected into overburden. Rules should be determined to deal with assigning » metal grade to in-place material which is less than a full bench height thick, such as near the surface of the deposit. Using = computer, lists like Table 1 ean automatically be considered as well as rules concerning mineralization controls for the specific deposit. In these procedures, wwe are always measuring or computing from the hole out to find polygon boundaries. However, it is very complicated to have a computer draw lines representing polygon boundaries in its memory and to assign area grades according to the procedures described previ- ously. Very litle accuracy is sacrificed by dividing the deposit into hypothetical blocks. The size of the block is dependent on sample density, objective of the project, ‘and equipment to be used. Mineralization inventories a a pn EST BE A ae f Drill-Hole Interpolation EVATION= size 10 5160 1 2000 ; | Sai eal gen \ eh%: chieseeshesh, oSshoSoht otek, i w SBS FSS Be aoe CBr Sates 4 ? E 1000. abies Sires Fig, 1, Assay composites. C figures q 5 Sas cla ee som ces geoeks denote hole numbers and second fig. i3 ct fey Cepptaenses eSnae taba ures are percent copper (composited bts 08353 values). feof oft oft obsteSancbitee é s 8 8 3 $ 7 co ° DEPARTURE > 1 composed of hypothetical blocks can then be developed either manually or with the assistance of the computer. ‘A typical procedure for generating the model is de- scribed as follows: 1) Generate a grid system dividing the deposit into 2000. 4s wa @ 2 RSs + w “23 asso MON 88 09 | 08] 3 10 repeat se). s2 orL0a 3 2 1000 S g 26 PERERA 45 [3 5 ae ya ASS a E 8 [ae 2s SL eS 8 6 S s OEPARTURE Fig. 2. Hand-generated polygons from com: posited samples in Fig. 1. logical block units. The block size is based on opetat- ing practices, sample spacing, desired geologic resolu- sion (dependent on sample spacing), and objective of the model, For example, it does not improve the accu- racy of grade and tonnage projection to subdivide a model into 6x6 m (2020 ft) by bench height blocks if sample spacing is 152 m (500 ft). 2) Geologic characteristics are assigned to each block of interest. This is usually accomplished by overlaying vertical geologic sections with a grid and assigning these characteristics to blocks halfway to the next section. This simplified procedure of generating a geologic model can be modified by using vertical sec- tions in both directions and a set of appropriate rules 3) Assign metal values and other characteristics of interest to each block by the following general proce- dure: (1) Compute the distance from the block center 10 all sample locations. (2) If no samples (or com posites) are within the area of influence considerations (as described in Table 1), no grade is assigned to the block, (3) The nearest sample value is assigned to the block, provided the rock and mineral types of this block in the geological model are compatible with the rock and mineral types of the sample. In some cases, sologic compatibility may be disregarded if the saraple 's located in the same block being considered. In situation, the value assigned to the block may be the 56 Open Pit Mine Planning and Design average of the multiple samples, if one. Example 2: Fig. 3 shows the application of i <6in- Puterized polygonal interpolation 10 the composited . valles shown as level 5140 in Fig. 1. The shaded area ere is more than is some function of distance which is related to specific mineralization controls. If this function can be defined Of approximated, accurate meta! grades can be pro ~-jected-for nonsampied areas. Alt interpolation téch- nigues assume that grade is related to distance, and it bas oe ‘einerslisation i a oa willbe shown later that polygon methods are actualy a (100% 100 ft) by bench height blocks before intepots, ‘Pia! cASe of an inverse distance weighting method tion. Because the distance from block to composite is The objective of distance weighting methods is 10 computed from the block center, results vary slightly *8ign @ grade to 2 block or a point based on @ linear from the defined polygons in Fig. 2. Accumulation of combination of the grades of surrounding points, Since locks with projecied grades >0.69 Cu is calculated it generally can be assumed that the potential influence as 1 845 012 t (2,033,778 st) at an average grade of of grade at a point decreases as we move away from 0.92%. that point, grade change becomes a function of inverse distance. Many other phenomena in nature are also DISTANCE WEIGHTING METHODS proportional to an inverse function of distance: change Distance weighting methods became more popular in the effect of gravity, magnetism, attenuation of light ‘when computer assistance became available because of and sound, to mention a few. The questions are: “What the large number of repetitive calculations required. is this functional relationship for a particular deposit?” Te normally is understood that the distribution of grades __and “Does this function change from deposit to deposit ELEVATION= 5120 TO 5160 2000. 15*5 570 Tete Te 16 "G5 aa] S'O OOOO Oa 0°0 “00 “a1 "1a"az"a2"42 jas'a0"49"0 *0°0 “0 “0 *o*o tart “aden aealestas"as eid .ia'0 £0°0 at2i“at‘a1 “aca Jsas"49)14"1e"2‘ia"0 "00 at“a1"ar"21"adao) Js'as"42)14"ia"ia"14"0 700 21 21 39 39 32 32k SS 049,0 lo 738"39.39. 32°32 Oe lo “39°39'39"23 23 es *9*9°s 7 o“0 “iovto"23°2s 25} te*e"s S 070 “Io"10"1o"lo"2 2 7 *4*4 Fig. 3. Computergen- & 1000. 1o*o “i070 PSE: 77 .4,4 a A 070 (see 2 “2 (26 26] Rsciad)s (3 fig 0 vse"ae'ae 26.41 ai 26-2626) At s645,525 0 Y98;48)48\48,41"ai‘ai‘17 17 333 : 0 48,28,28°28%81 117 1717 7 *0"23"23.23 23 22"22"02 athe ‘estas'zs 22222 a "o%0 ‘0 olo “‘ekeelaolaszs’s ‘3 “se30\39f0 [0 [0] 0 “0 “0 “exfos'2n'20"0"0 “0 “0/00 "0 “0"0"0 “as 23'23'23.00°o ooo 0 8 § x S DEPARTURE i i; i i i i) I i i dL

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