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Meera Khalifa



Reflection for number 4 lesson

On 19th of October, I explained a math lesson about the number 4. I did my usual routine
with the students. Am going to reflect on the lesson that I taught, the things that I will do
differently next time, the learning outcomes that I wanted to achieve, and if the lesson was
There are things that I will do the same next time I teach this lesson. The online story about
the numbers was a good idea and story to explain the lesson with. It has the concrete and the
images that represent number 4. The students enjoyed the story, because, of the sounds. The
activities for the low and medium level students are easy to follow and the students like them,
so, I will do them again. Stippling the number card on the board is something that I will do
The things that I will do differently the next time that I teach the lesson are, the activity that
I had for high-level students were they had to do the maze. The maze that I had for them is a
bit hard for them. As a result, next time I will look for a simple maze that that fits their age.
The writing part, next time rather than letting the students came and write in front of their
classmates. I will give them 2 flashcards were they will use their finger to write over the
number. So they can all try and practice writing the number. Next time I teach this lesson, I
will display the number shape in the beginning. My rewarding system wasnt that strong I
forget to praise the students. As a result, I will praise a lot when the students are doing great
work and engage with the lesson.
I was able to achieve my learning outcomes with the students. They were able to identify
the number four. I knew that, because, in the areas they were counting the objects and saying
that these are 4 blocks represent the number 4. In the activities that I had for the students, all
of them had to write the number and all of them were able to write it.
I think the lesson was successful, because, I achieved my learning outcomes with the
students. While I was observing the students, I knew as a teacher that the students understood
the lesson, because, they were engaged and enjoying the activities. They give me good respond
and fast answers when I was asking them some questions about the lesson.
Next time, I should pay more attention to the students and how to respond to their work and
answers. I should praise them with verbally or materially. This is based on Skinner theory, who
is one of the most important behaviourist theorists. He believes that we a child or a student get
a positive reinforcement to a behaviour that will increase the chances of making that behaviour
happened again ( Berger , 2005).

Meera Khalifa



Reflection about number 5

On 27th of October and before the last day of my teaching practice I explained a math
lesson which is about the number 5. I did my routine, I explained the lesson, and I evaluated
the students while they were doing the activities. Ill be reflecting on the lesson that I taught,
on the things that I will do again, and the things that I will do differently next time. My
overall feelings about the lesson and the level of success that I had for the lesson.
There are things that I would do again if I taught the number 5 and these are, the game that I
had in the beginning was a good start for a review and a warm up. Because, I started with a
concrete where the students counted the balls. I stopped till number 4 and then I showed them
the 5th ball. Before that, I asked them to give suggestions about what is inside the pumpkin.
That will help in letting the students use their imagination. I will also give the students the
flashcards of the number again to pass it around so they can write over the number by their
finger. Because, all the students can try it and it will help me in saving time. Asking the
students with different levels to go and look for things that represent the number 5 is a
strategy that I will always use to evaluate the students understanding. For the activities, I
would use them again for sure. Because the students enjoy playing with the clay and that
helps in promoting the students understanding about the lesson and it develops the students
fine motor skills. The worksheet that I had for all levels is a good method in keeping the
students working and making the students learn even more. As a teacher, it helps me a lot in
managing the students in case the students finished the activities quickly.
I would like to change few things and do them differently next time I teach this lesson.
For the pumpkin that I had, I couldve asked one student to come and put the balls back on
the pumpkin to make the students practice counting the balls. Rather than, me taking them
back and putting them behind me. Next time I teach this lesson, I would give the students two
cards of the number 5 to practice writing the number in the circle time when they pass it
around. Because, one card wasnt enough for 24 students and they took a little bit time and
some students were feeling bored.
I achieved my aims and my learning outcomes that I had in my lesson plan with the
students. The students were able to recognize number 5, they were able to point to number 5
in the classroom, and the groups that represent number 5. They were capable of ordering the
numbers correctly. Because, I evaluated the students in circle time where they have to order
the scattered numbers. The students did a rote and rational counting in the lesson. The
students answered correctly to the groups that represent the number 5 in the evaluation that I
did in the circle time.
I feel more satisfied with my effort about this lesson comparing it to the last lesson I
taught which was about the number 4. I feel that I explained the lesson very well and the way
that I explained the lesson was smooth. I was happy with the activities that I had for the
students. I made sure that they are fun and enjoyable for all the levels. I like that I had a
worksheet for all the students in case they finished the activities quickly and before the time
of their meal.

Meera Khalifa



I think that I did a great job and a successful lesson. The students did well in the activities
and they solve the worksheet correctly. The students respond to the questions that I asked
positively. Before, I send the students to the tables to do the activities. I asked three students
with different levels to look for things that represent number 5 in the classroom. They all
good job, of course, the low-level students took more time. But, he/ she gave me the correct

Meera Khalifa



Reflection for rectangle lesson

On 14th of October, I explained a math lesson about a rectangle. I did my usual routine
with the students, explain the lesson and evaluate the students with the activities that I had.
Am going to reflect on the lesson that I taught and I will list the methods that I would like to
use again when I teach this lesson and the things that I will do differently next time I teach it.
I will talk about my overall feeling about the lesson and if I think the lesson is successful.
There are several methods and strategies that I would use again to teach the lesson.
Displaying video about shapes was a good method to review and to introduce the shape to the
students. I think that students enjoy videos more and that supports the visual and aural
learners. Showing the students the shape concretely first is important than displaying the
shape on the screen only. I would teach the students that the rectangle can be crosswise and
lengthwise again. Because, the students can see the rectangle in different ways as its
important to make them clarify these different ways and dont mix it with other shapes.
Following the shape by their fingers is a good way. I would use this strategy again. Because,
it helps the students in identifying the shape, to practice the shape, and to not mix between
the square and the rectangle. Hiding the shapes and asking (Is this a rectangle?), is a strategy
that I will use it again to help me in evaluating the students in the circle time.
For the activities, I would do the activities that I had again. Because, these activities
support a lot of domains in the child development. The colouring sheet that has the UAE flag
will develop the student scheme about the different ways of the rectangle as they see the UAE
flag every day in the assembly, tearing the papers and creating the rectangle supports the
students understanding about the shapes and colours. The last activity that I would surely use
again is creating a rectangle with a string. Because, it helps the students fine motor skills, their
understanding about shapes, and when they cut the string they will develop an understanding
about measurement. There are few things that I would do differently if am going to teach this
lesson again. I would like to reduce the learning outcomes. I think they are a lot for young
students. Describing the sides of the rectangle (2 short sides and 2 long sides). I think I
shouldnt do that with them for this lesson. I believe it will be a good idea to display this shape
and let them describe it for a measurement lesson. For the activities that I had for the highlevel students I think I shouldve cut the string for the students before the lesson and they only
have to glue them and create the shape. Because, the students had a hard and long time to cut
the string. This is based on Piagets theory, he believes that the students learn more when the
do the work by themselves and that they have to take the chances to create their own knowledge
and understanding (Mooney, 2013).
I do think that I achieve my learning outcome for the lesson. The students were able to
identify and clarify the rectangle, naming things around them that has a rectangle shape. For
example, one of the students said that the door is a rectangle and the TV. Their answers have
shown that the students were able to clarify that the rectangle can be crosswise or lengthwise.
The students were able to count the sides of the rectangle.

Meera Khalifa



My overall feeling about the lesson is that am satisfied and happy with my lesson. I felt
that the activities were good and fun and the students enjoyed doing more physical activities
(fine motor skills). Because, the teacher is less likely to do activities that support the fine
motor skills for the students. When I did the evaluation in the circle time by asking the
questions and showing them different shapes and answering correctly to my questions.

Meera Khalifa



Reflection for parts of the face lesson

On 20th of October, I explained English lesson about the parts of the face. I did my routine
with the students. In this reflection, I will write what I will do the same next time I teach this
lesson, the learning outcomes that I had, things that I will do differently next time, and if the
lesson was successful or not.
There are things that I will do the same next time I teach the lesson. First, the video (head,
shoulders, knees, and toes). I will display it again, because, the students know the song and
they act very well with the song. Second, the circle activity, where the students had an
envelope that has the parts of the face. The students had to show up the parts of the face when
I see the name of it. For example, I said (nose), the students had to show me the nose. That
helped me a lot in accessing the students during circle time. The activities that I had for the
different levels. Students enjoyed tearing papers and cutting the parts of the face and gluing
There are few things that I would do differently next time I teach this lesson. First, I will
warm up the students with a song that has movement. So, that the energy gets out from the
students bodies and to get the students in order. The pictures that I had in the envelope were
small. So, next time I will make the pictures big for the students.
I do think that I achieved my learning outcome with the students despite the bad management
system that I had that day. They were able to name the parts of the face correctly and their
work and how they respond to the activities wasnt bad. The students took extra 10 minutes
for the activities and that was bad, because, they usually do tearing papers and gluing them,
but, they took a long time. So, I told the students that they didnt finish their work that they
can continue doing it next class.
In this lesson I think I was successful in the activities that I had for the students. They were
fun to do and it support a lot of the students developmental domains. However, the lesson
wasnt successful in the management part that I had been bad. The students were going out of
I think that I didnt provide the right environment to the students. I think that they were out of
control, because, of the carpet that they have in the classroom. The carpet is small for 24
students. Each time they have English class they have this fight. Some students will sit in
front of their classmates. I can link this to Krashens theory who is a linguistic, one of his five
main hypotheses is the effective filter hypotheses that means when the student is in a safe
environment where the teacher shows good image and confident that will open up the door
where the child will be better and ready to learn, and the filter will be down when they enter a
bad and uncomfortable environment (Schtz, 1998).

Meera Khalifa



Reflection for parts of the body lesson

On 18th of October, I explained English about the parts of the body. I did my routine with
the students, explained the lesson, and evaluated their understanding. Am going to reflect the
lesson that I taught and what am going to do again, what I would do differently, did I achieve
my learning outcomes, and do I think the lesson was successful.

There are two things that I will do again if I explained this lesson again. First, is the video
and getting all the students together to copy the video, because, the students enjoyed doing the
movement. Second is the activity that I had in the circle. Where the students had to listen to me
and organize the body parts. I would do it again, because, it helps me as a teacher in evaluating
the students understanding all in one.
There are two things that I would do differently next time I teach this lesson. Rather than
drawing the body parts on the board. I would ask one of the students to come and I explain the
parts of the body on the student body. For the activities, the activity that I had for low-level
students was easy, because, the finished early and I didnt have any other thing for them. I think
that I had to give them a doll and they have to put the parts of the body again in the right place.
I did achieve my learning outcomes with the students. They were able to identify the body
parts. I know that when I did my evaluating and observing while they were doing the activities.
They knew and were able to name the parts of the body when they did the activity in the circle.
I do think that my lesson was successful. The video that I had for the students was easy and
fun, they were able to sing along with the video. The activities were good the students had a
good respond with the activities. Some students took some time to finish the activities. I knew
it was successful, because, one of the students came and told me that she hurt her leg. I asked
her to tell me what we call that part of the body and she said leg.

Next time, I should pay more attention on how the students sit in the circle. I should be a
model for them and organize the students in the circle before I start explaining the lesson.
This is based on Banduras social learning theory. He believes that people learn and copy
others behaviours by observing them. So, for me I have to be a good model on how I sit in
front of the students (McLeod, 2011).

Meera Khalifa



Reflection on the letter S lesson

The last lesson that I taught in Al Madam Kindergarten was and English lesson about the
letter S. Am going to reflect on the lesson that I taught and I will mention the things that I will
do again, what the things that I will do differently, the learning outcomes, and if the lesson was
successful or not.
I did the video and I let the students do the movement. That video and strategy helped me
a lot in my management system. The students enjoyed the video and they always ask me to
display it for them again, so that is a thing that I will do again when I teach this lesson. The
activities also I will do them again the students loves the colouring and I will give them the
chance to do that. Writing in the air is a strategy that Ive used with the students I call it (magic
finger). They like the name and like imagining that they are writing.
What I will do differently is in the activities. The high level students had to use the pencil to
fill the letter S. I think that I would let them use the clay next time or provide different materials
and they can choose what they want to work with.
I was able to achieve my learning outcomes with the students. They were able to make the
sound of the letter S, they linked the sound of the letter to the sound of snack. They learned
some words that starts with the letter S and they did practice how to write the letter in the circle
and in the activities I give them the space to practice writing the letter. So, I did achieve my
learning outcomes with the students. The lesson was successful, the students gave a good
respond and answers to the questions that I asked. They were engage with the activities and the
Next time, I should do different activities for the students, I should focus on hands on
activities. Rather than, letting them do worksheets only. I can link this to Piagets theory. He
believes that the students should have the opportunities and do things by themselves in order
to build their knowledge (Mooney, 2013).

Meera Khalifa



Reflection on the letter M lesson

On 26th of October, I explained an English lesson about the letter M. I welcomed the
students and I explained the lesson to them. Am going to reflect to the lesson that I taught and
the things that I will do again, what the things that I will do differently, the learning outcomes,
and the level of success about the lesson that I had.
There are things that I did in the lesson that I will actually do the same when I teach this
lesson again. The video that I had were all of the students had to copy the man and do the
movement, is a thing that I will do again, because it helped me a lot in getting all the students
engage, the students had a good time in doing the movement, and most important is that I was
able to control them. The video also about the letter M was good, it helped me in introduce
the lesson to the students and they were able to learn the sound of the letter through this
video. The activities, for the low and medium level students am going to redo them next time,
the students enjoyed colouring and looking and circling the letter M. Letting the students
practice writing the letter in the air was a good thing and I will do it again, because, it gives
the students chance to do something in the circle time rather than sitting and listen to the

Things that I will do differently will be the following things. In the medium level students
they had to circle the letter M and their was a box in the working sheet that has different
letters and the letter M in the 2 forms ( M,m). I forget to write in the sheet that they have to
circle both forms. As a result, some students only circled M capital and I had to let them look
for the m small. In the high level activity, the students didnt finish the activity on time and
some of them didnt write the letter in the right way. So, next time I will look for an easy and
a good activity that support their levels.
I achieve my learning outcomes with the students. They were able to identify the sound of the
letter M, they knew the two forms of the letter M, and they did learn some words that starts
with the letter M. All of the students were able to answer my questions and will they were
working they did a good job in the activities. The lesson was successful, the students were
engage with the activities and with the songs. They were able to answer my questions
Next time, I should pay more attention to groups activities, because, every lesson that I teach
I let the students work individual. I can link that to Vygotskys theory, he believes that when
the children with different levels work together in a group. They will cooperate, talk, and
learn from each other and that will develop their social skills as they grow up (Vialle,
Lysaght, & Verenikina, 2008).

Meera Khalifa



Berger , V. (2005). Famous Psychologists: B.F. Skinner. Retrieved from Psychologist Anywhere
Mooney, C. (2013). Theories of childhood: an introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget,
and Vygotsky. St. Paul: Redleaf Press.
Schtz, R. (1998, April ). Stephen Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition. Retrieved from

McLeod, S. (2011). Bandura - Social Learning Theory. Retrieved from Simply Psychology:

Vialle, W., Lysaght, P., & Verenikina, I. (2008). Handbook on child development 2e. Austraila :
Cengage Learning Austraila .


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