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WP2 Reverse Outline


Main Point of Paragraph


Overall, depending on the discipline, an author must use different moves,

conform to different conventions, adhere to certain limitations, and know their
audience so as to better connect to the reader and drive their points home.


Paragraph 2 begins the analysis of the articles as it looks at the similarities

between the different genres and how they use the same move of first-hand
accounts to help establish their point, despite the fact that theyre so different
from each other.


This paragraph serves as an intro to the first source, the sociological Article, as
it gives a small introduction to the topic of the article and its main idea.


Focusing on the first move specific to the sociological article, this paragraph
dives into the call-to-action move that the authors use throughout their paper to
not only conform to their disciplines conventions, but also to help create a
sense of so-what


Still analyzing the same article as paragraph #4, paragraph #5 evaluates the
move of expansion that the sociological article used, as it dives into why the
authors chose to include the different places/organizations that are susceptible
to hazing, and what affect it has on the readers.


Paragraph 6 focuses on the 2nd academic Article (the psychology paper) and
gives a small introduction to the topic of the paper and what it covers.


Focusing on the Psychology article, Paragraph 7 looks at how the psychologists

presented their data to the reader, and tries to show the importance of how the
data was presented, why it was presented the way it was, and the influence it
has on the readers.


Changing the focus of the paper, paragraph 8 gives background on my final

source, the Vice News Article, and gives a small introduction to the article and
its topic.


Paragraph 9 begins to focus on the importance of Vice News not having to

conform to the same conventions as the first two articles. It starts the argument
by looking at the pictures the website is able to provide, and analyzes how the
pictures improve the message of the article and the results they have on the


Also focusing on the importance behind Vice News being of a different genre,
Paragraph 10 centralizes around the storytelling the author is able to do, and
how it works in multiple ways to support the argument; from serving as an

anecdote and hook, to providing context.


Paragraph 11 serves as a transition as it focuses on the expected/intended

audience for the Vice Article and what they have come to expect and prefer for
this genre.


Number 12 follows the same path as Paragraph 11, except it changes genres
and looks into the expected audience of academic articles, and what they
expect and prefer. It then showcases the importance of knowing your audience
while writing and how knowing can improve the overall argument of a paper.


Wrapping up the entire paper, the conclusion sums up moves one last time for
the reader, and tries to restate the thesis so as to drive the point home.

I first focused on working on my transitions and phrases. This is an area I find that I
struggle with because I like to jump straight into the next argument and forget to weave each
paragraph with the last. I tried to improve my transitions between paragraphs 3, 6, 8, and 10 by
having a transition at the beginning of these paragraphs that mentions the topic of the previous
paragraph and then slowly relates the old topic or idea or article to the new topic/idea/article that
Im covering.
After transitions between paragraphs, I focused on the small changes that Z pointed out
to me in the comments of my original copy. I began by clarifying certain parts of my paper that
were said to be unclear, choppy, or made little to no sense. I then went through my paper and
looked for sentences that lacked parallelism or could be improved by omitting or adding words
to/from it. I also focused on improving my vocabulary throughout and tried to use words that
were more specific and clear of what I was trying to convey.
Lastly, I changed my thesis around to help its coherence with my paper. I waited to do
this last, because I wanted to do a reverse outline first. After I was able to see what each
paragraph was arguing, I would be more apt at putting my arguments into my thesis at the
beginning of my paper. Rather than stating about the different genres, I chose instead to use the
word discipline because it has better connection to the points that I present in my body

paragraphs. Also, I dont really focus on genre too much, nor do I really elaborate on it, so it was
best to remove that from my thesis. I also added the part about adhering to certain limitations
to my thesis because the limitations of each genre and discipline was a large part of my
argument and so it was only right that I include it in my thesis.

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