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Journal 3

This day was a hard week for me, I was very tired because I taught 4 lessons. Some
of the students were participating with. But others dont. So, my aim was to keep
students quiet and engage them. It was so hard because every day there was one
student cry and its difficult to stop her crying. Even it was a hard week, I found
something make me happy. The students who were engaged in the lesson were
good at doing activities. Some of them had previous knowledge and others were
trying their best. They make me think that they are intelligent and they will success
more in the future. This week, I think that I was good at make some students
engage. But I really need to focus on making all of them participate. Because while I
was teaching the lessons, some students were talking to each other and I didnt
notice that until my MST told me. I encouraged them to be quiet according to
Skinners theory about positive reinforcement. This can really be a problem if it
continue next week. After this hard week. I learn that children are doing their best
when I praise them also I learn from my MST that I can use facial expression to
manage the classroom.

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