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During our last day for this semesters CWTS, we watched a short documentary entitled

Ambulansyang de paa which talks about the struggle being experienced by our fellow Filipinos
in the remote areas and far from the range of help of the health services. In the documentary, people
who are sick and needs emergency are being carried in a duyan-like structure of ambulance where
there are two people carrying it. This called Ambulansyang de paa travels for hours just to reach
the city proper where the health center is present to assess the patient who is sick. With the long
distance from the community to the health center, this improvised ambulance travels in different
weathers and structures of the road, which adds difficulty in carrying the patient towards the center.

This documentary shows many problems about the primary health care here in the
Philippines. It reflects the lack of health care services and support in remote areas, far from the
urban areas. This made me realized that health care professionals should be sensitive and aware
enough that these problems really happen and exist in this world. As a future professional like of
them, this made me realized that we should really help our fellow Filipinos, give back services to
them as iskolars ng bayan, and share them the things we have learned and studied for. I also
realized the real importance and purpose of the return service agreement after watching the
documentary. Most of our professionals nowadays directly go abroad to work there, forgetting our
fellow Filipinos here in the Philippines who should be the one first experience their service. I hope
that this documentary would also serve as an inspiration too to my fellow future nurses in
determining what track they want to pursue after graduating.

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