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Finishing this course, HD 497 Capstone, I was able to reflect on my journey here at
Pacific Oaks College and all of the knowledge I have gained thus far. This course helped me
fulfill many goals I had through analyzing past assignments, projects and written papers. I was
able to demonstrate mastery of the programs level outcomes through my writings and
assignments. I feel I have demonstrated growth in class through improvement in my writing and
critical thinking. It was also clear that I was willing to take risks and genuinely engage with
classmates with course materials as I was always opened to new information presented or shared
with me.
This course has added to my knowledge of how to assess my learning process as an
undergraduate student here at Pacific Oaks College through reflections and written assignments
for each course taken throughout my journey in the B.A. program. This course gave me tools I
needed to reflect deeply and grow from my course writings. I practiced different assessments in
my learning processes which them was able to use in my writings for this course. I leave
Capstone course with confidence in everything I have observed and gained and know I will use it
in my career.
Using the Weebly website I was able to conceptualize and communicate my learning
from my Pacific Oaks College experience in the form of a clear and concise portfolio. The
website portfolio is clear and so easy to follow as someone who is navigating through it; even if
that person has no experience with an online portfolio. The portfolio website allowed me to
clearly show my growth in each course taken at POC for my BA in Human Development. Im
sure that the Capstone committee will be able to see my learning and ways I understand through
my portfolio .

HD 497 Capstone | C. Franklin 1


The new technique I acquired for developing an assessment tool was through an online
website which I learned here at POC last semester while taking HD 445, Writing Our Stories
course. Capstone offered me the opportunity to strengthen my skills and place my new acquired
tools to good use especially when assisting fellow classmates in this class. I chose to create my
portfolio using Weebly website as it is much professional and updated with todays times and
technology. I feel that I am able to use this site as a helpful tool while applying for my future
career in Human Development.
I have contributed greatly to others in class by assisting them with their portfolio
websites. Many classmates were lost and confused using this website as it was a new approach
and tool. I feel great about offering my skils and abilities to fellow peers and seeing how they
gain knowledge through my help. Others in class contributed to my learning and understanding
through sharing what they gained from various courses here at POC. My peers were also helpful
by emailing me documents I needed for certain classes and letting me know where I may find
information on a certain course when it wasnt readily available.
I was comfortable sharing stories from my Pacific Oaks experience and observations. I
was able to freely reflect on how much I have learned about myself, others, and how to be an
active agent of change. I learned many new concepts that will continue to stimulate my thinking
even after I graduate from POC with my BA Degree. I learned how to identify signs of prejudice
in myself towards others and change gears when doing so as a way to grow. I also learned how to
be happier and less stressed by my communication skills. I was surprised by this knowledge as I
believed myself to be a great communicator yet now have better abilities to become one.

HD 497 Capstone | C. Franklin 2

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