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Please find details in yellow.

Point 1
1. The reason you are not getting anything , is because the program checks if
any changes have been made inside KONH based on date of selection screen
and user id (in this case TST_190225 ) who made the change. I also tried
with a * in the Created By with same result.
If you run with the below selection screen (Variant TEST_001) , you get the
output. There is no data that matches sales org 1600 .There are some
detailed reduction conditions which we can discuss. Please send me the
detailed FDO which was used for the development.
This is not related to authorization, please run the report in PE0 and see if
the output is as expected.

Point 2:
It is needed to rerun the transaction again , while switching from Sales to
Purchase Prices. This should not be the fact. When switching radio button the
fields should be initialized.
I have fixed this.

Point 3:
Please run with below selection screen ( after making sure KONH has some entries
for the above select). Tried to make a new Purchase Price and then run it again with
a * in the Created By and the Article no 99813701000 and DS01 as Purchasing
org. Still it runs like forever
I have fixed this. Please refer to variant TEST_002

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