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Assignment/Activity Title CAP Debates

Skill Public Speaking, Research


Year Sophomore
Portfolio Category

For this assignment, my partner and I were tasked with arguing in favor of civil asset forfeiture against two other
students in front of a class of students and parents. I had to give a five-minute opening speech, a two-minute rebuttal
speech, and I had to question one of my opponents on her speech.
Its important for this assignment to be in my portfolio because it highlights my growth in many areas. This
assignment reflects my growth in public speaking and critical reasoning because it pushed me to gain confidence and
speaking/ communicaton ability while in front of a crowd. This is because one cannot successfully win a debate only by
reading a speech. I had to be confident, sure of myself, and also I had to challenge my opponents. This project also helped
develop my research skills. I had to compile tons of information including court cases and police records and compose it
all into a speech. The speech also had to be set up very specifically so I could get the audience to sympathize with my side
of the argument. This was significantly different then other research projects Ive ever done because instead of just a paper
or power point, I needed make a persuasive speech out of the information.
If I were to do the project again, I would try to memorize my speech better. I think if Id had been able to
completely memorize my speech I would have been able to say it more confidently. Also I would try and plan out my
rebuttal beforehand. I just free styled mine based on what my opponents said and I thought it could have been better. I
think this project illustrates my newfound strength at public speaking and research ability because my partner and I won.
Based on and only on the information presented at the debate, my classmates voted my side, affirmative.
By completing this assignment, I learned that I actually enjoy public speaking, especially debate-like public
speaking. The arguing, the questioning, and the ruthless rebuttals were extremely fun for me. I loved how I could just cut
my opponent off as soon as I got my answer, and discredit them to their face. Im sure it was as fun to watch as it was for
me to be a part of it.

Student Signature


Teacher Signature


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