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FIRST HOUSE Public (voters and taxpayers), defendant in trial, political party in power. Beginning of
any enterprise involving public acceptance, decision of referee, membership.
SECOND HOUSE Economy & money currency, banks, bonds, and anywhere securities and money
are transacted, personal property of the people such as galleries, museums, decision of legislators that
cost the public, public ownership of movable property.
THIRD HOUSE News & information (telephones, computers, mail, printing, newspapers, magazines,
roads). Transportation (highways, railroads, airplanes, buses, automobiles). Weather losses (by accidents
or storms). Neighborhoods & neighboring counties. Board of Education, court reporter, baliff, witnesses.
Schools. Countries bordering a country. Opinions of a countrys people.
FOURTH HOUSE Land. Houses. Weather & disasters (sea, earthquakes, floods, landslides, fores
fires, real estate, offices, farm land, ghettos, hotels, apartments, agriculture and crops, mining). Board of
directors, place of action in contests. Jury. Holocaust of war. Political party out of power. Meeting places
of groups and organizations.
FIFTH HOUSE Speculations in stock market. Children. Ambassadors. Sports. Theaters. Threat of
death to countrys leader. Lotteries and gambling. Conventions. Gains from mining. Entertainment.
Movies. Amusement parks. Birth rate.
SIXITH HOUSE Civil servants (police and military) all branches. Medical employees. Red Cross.
Unrest, panic. Epidemics. Food. Well-being of the 1st house. Employees. Deliberation of jury, transcript
of court. Illnesses of the people. Stored grain. Cafeterias. Drug stores.
SEVENTH HOUSE Marriage & Divorce. Law and legal system. Congress, Senate. War or Peace.
Treaties. Truces. Verdict of jury. Crime. Open enemies. Alien infiltration. Fugitives. Court martial.
Visitors from foreign countries. Foreign attitude. National disputes.
EIGHTH HOUSE Stock markets. Interest rates. Pensions and benefits. Taxes. Treasurer. Foreign
stocks and bonds. Coroner. Surgeon. Funeral parlor. Death rate and kind. Debts from foreign countries. Cabinet of President. Mayor. Governor appointees.
NINTH HOUSE Air travel. Space explorations. Religion. Academic matters. Publishing. Foreigners.
Foreign imports & exports. Internet. Shipping. Long distance travel. Emissaries, Secretary of State &
Labor. Supreme Courts. Advertising. Public opinion. Teachers. Lecturers.
TENTH HOUSE Government. Honors. President. Status of nation. Ideals. Governor, Mayor. Influence in world affairs. Administration. Ruler of 10th is the President, head of country or company. Credit
ELEVENTH HOUSE Treasury. Vice President. Legislation and politics. Radical groups. Mints.
Unbonded relationships. Memberships in clubs and organizations. Parliament. House of Commons. Our
TWELFTH HOUSE Terrorists. CIA. Secret Service. Large animals. Charitable institutions. Welfare.
Medicare. Hospitals. Convents. Parole systems. Prisons, crime and criminals. Detectives.
Judy Collins, 1/2004.

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