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The Lion and The

A story by: Hail, Evan, Ari and
Once upon a time in a jungle far far
away Mouse was watching the sunrise.
Suddenly, he heard a Screeeeech, an
owl was swooping down to catch him!
Mouse quickly escaped by jumping into a
log. He ran and ran and ended up running
into a very sleepy Lion. Lion woke up
with a start and growled, GRRRRR.
Scared, Mouse tried to escape, but he
couldnt. Mouse said, Please dont eat
me! I can help you. One little friend
can help a bigger friend one day. Lion
decided to not eat Mouse and let him go,
but Lion was not sure he believed Mouse.
At last, Mouse returned home safely to
his family and Lion did too.
Putt- putt- putt the engine of a
hunters old truck cooed as it entered

the jungle. The hunters saw a lions

footprints and thought it would be a
good place to trap a big, mighty lion.
They began to set up the ropes.
Unknowingly, Lion walked right into it
and the trap sent him up into the tree
tops branches! The mighty lion said,
Rawrr, Rawrr, Rawrr and Mouse heard
his new friends mad voice. Mouse ran
really fast to the tree to save Lion. Up
he climbed to the tippity-top branch. He
chewed the ropes of the trap, scratch
scratch, to save his friend, Lion. At
last, Mouse chewed the last rope and the
Lion broke free! Lion said Thank you! I
guess a little friend can help a big
Safely home they finally returned
and Mouse told his babies all about
saving Lion. He taught them that a
little friend can help a big friend one

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