C c2 Unit Exam

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Q1 2015

Christ & Culture 2 Unit Exam

Name: _________________________________

Date: __________


1) True & False [10 marks]


Culture is a set of meanings, beliefs, values and practices that

identify you as belonging to a particular group of people
2. All powerful rituals are considered sacraments
3. People create rituals only for special and significant events.
4. Rituals are only found in humans
5. Culture is public
6. All rituals have a bodily component.
7. Secularization separates religion from public institutions
8. Our culture gives us our identity
9. Cities cannot have a certain culture associated with them
10. Tradition helps to continue on culture
2) Matching (Vocabulary) [10 marks]:

First Confirmation

Morning Routine

Do Not Enter plaque

The Sun

Holy Matrimony


The Canadian Maple Leaf


Bar Mitzvah

Store Hours

A. Sign

B. Symbol

C. Simple

D. Powerful E. Sacrament

Christ & Culture 2 Unit Exam

Q1 2015

5) Written [30 marks]

1) Every year Taylor goes to the homeless shelter on her birthday to remind
herself that it is important to always help serve others. This year however,
Taylors friends want to throw her a big party. Taylor insists that she needs to help
at the homeless shelter because it has deep meaning to her. Help Taylor convince
her friends that helping at the homeless shelter is more than a simple ritual. (8
marks, 4 for each trait of a Powerful Ritual and 4 for an example of each from the

Q1 2015

Christ & Culture 2 Unit Exam

2) Choose 4 of the 7 sacraments and give a symbol used in that sacrament and
what that symbol represents to the participants. (12 marks)


What the symbol Represents

Q1 2015

Christ & Culture 2 Unit Exam

In class we had a debate about whether Religion was essential for culture to exist.
Using MULTIPLE examples (at least two from Mr. Chief Calfs classes), please
choose one of the following statements and elaborate [10 marks]
Religion is essential to culture


Culture is essential to Religion


Q1 2015

Christ & Culture 2 Unit Exam

Choosing a
Focus and Detail

Use of examples

spelling, etc.)

Student has clearly

chosen a side (1
There is one clear,
well-focused topic.
Main ideas are
clear and are well
supported by
detailed and
(4 Marks)
Examples are used
properly for the
students position.
Examples are also
relevant to the
position. (4 marks)
Student has used
proper writing
mechanics in their
writing. (1 mark)




There is one clear,

well-focused topic.
Main ideas are
clear but are not
well supported by
information. (3

There is one topic.

Main ideas are
somewhat clear.
(2 marks)

Student has no
clearly chosen a
side (0 marks)
The topic and
main ideas are not
(1 mark)

Examples are used

properly for the
students position
but are not
relevant to the
position. (3 marks)

Examples are not

clearly defined to
support the
students position.
(2 marks)

Examples are not

defined to a
position and are
understandable (1
Student has not
used proper
writing mechanics
in their writing. (0

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