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Direct Instruction Model- English 07

Subject: Language Arts

Date: 09-29-15

Core: !1 2 3
Semester: ! S1 S2

Teacher: Mickey Legesse

School: Damascus Middle School

Student will engage in:

! independent activates pairing
! cooperative learning hands-on
peer tutoring
! whole group instruction
! technology integration
a project

Standards/Objective Met:
7.4 The student will read to determine the meanings and pronunciations of unfamiliar
words and phrases within authentic texts.
b) Use roots, cognates, affixes, synonyms, and antonyms to expand vocabulary.
To be successful with this standard, students are expected to
Use common Greek or Latin affixes and roots to predict the meaning of
unfamiliar words and make connections with word families (e.g. phobia, and
Procedures Followed:
10 minutes Bell-ringers (prefixes/suffixes)
15 minutes Review of previously learned material/lesson connections: Read, Think,
Review worksheet
Review drawing conclusion and making inferences
using Plicker
35 minutes Vocabulary role play, show not tell, drawing, or song
Vocab and
Students will be put in six groups and as a group
they will present their specific vocab to the class
Each group will be given 10-15 minutes to
prepare a 1 to 2-minute presentation as group or
with the help of a teacher.
Students will grade their own group based on
communication, cooperation, and creativity.
20 minutes Read Downriver
Homework Given: none
Teacher Notes: Remind students about the skills they learned during Rivers Way and to
apply these skills within their group work.

Name:___________________________________________________ Date:________________________________

Paired-Texts Vocabulary

1. decimate (DES-uh-meyt) verb; To decimate something is to severely

damage or destroy most or all of it. For example, a powerful earthquake can
decimate an entire city.
2. imminent (IM-uh-nent) adjective; Imminent refers to something that is
going to happen at any moment. If you see that your phone battery has only 2
percent of its power left, you know that a total loss of power is imminent.

3. roil (royl) verb; To roil something is to disturb it by stirring it up. You could
roil the water in a pond by using a stick to stir up the mud on the bottom. You
can also roil people: A change to the school dress code might roil the
studentsin other words, it might stir them up emotionally. If you say that
something is roiling, you mean that it is moving around in a violent, swirling

4. accumulate (uh-KYOO-myuh-leyt) verb; To accumulate is to collect, gather,
or let pile up. For example, a collector of stamps will accumulate stamps.

5. palatable (PAL-uh-tuh-buhl) adjective; Something is palatable if it is

pleasant or acceptable. Palatable is usually used to describe food and drink. It
can also be used to describe something that is acceptable to the mind, such as
an idea or notion. For example: Megan found the idea of going for a swim
6. plethora (PLETH-uh-rah) noun; A plethora is a very large amount or
number of something maybe even more than what is needed. Someone
who owns 15 pairs of sneakers has a plethora of sneakers.


1- Very bad 2- Not too bad 3- Ok 4- Good 5- Excellent





1- Very bad 2- Not too bad 3- Ok 4- Good 5- Excellent




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