Chapter Four Columns Desgn

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4.1 introduction
Columns are structural member primarily carrying axial
load .usually columns carry bending moments as well,
about one or both axes of the cross section, and the
bending action may produce tensile forces over a part of
cross section. Even in such cases, columns are generally
referred to as compression members, because the
compression forces dominate their behavior.
The main reinforcement in columns is longitudinal,
parallel to the load, and consists of bars arranged in a
square, rectangular, or circular pattern. The ratio of
longitudinal steel area Ast to cross concrete cross section
Ag is in the range from 0.01 to 0.08 , particularly where
the steel must be spliced , most columns are designed
with ratios below 0.04.
According to ACI code 10.9.2 aminimum of four
longitudinal is required when the bars are enclosed by
spaced rectangular or circular ties , and a mimimum of
six bars must be used when the longitudinal bars are
enclosed by a continuous spiral .

4.2 types of columns :Columns could be classified according to :

a. Based on the from and the arrangement of the
reinforcement :


1 . rectangular or square reinforced with vertical steel

bars and lateral ties (fig 4.1 ) or spirals .
2. circular columns reinforced with longitudinal steel bars
and spiral reinforcement (fig 4.2) or ties .

Fig 4.1

fig 4.2

b. Based on the position of the load on the cross section :

1. Concentrically loaded : carry axial force only and
passing through the centroid of the cross section .
2. Eccentrically loaded : carry axial load and uniaxial
bending , or carry axial load and biaxial bending .
c. Based on type of failure :


1.Short columns : material failure by initial yielding of

the steel at tension face, or initial crushing of the
concrete at the compression face.
3. Slender columns : failure due to buckling
if k x LU/r34-12M1/M2 the column is short
k : the column length factor =1 (both column ends
pinned )
Lu: unsupported length of the columns. (m)
r: radius of gyration =(Ig/Ag)(1/2) , or 0.3 h for
rectangular columns (h is the dimension in the
direction considered ).
M1: smaller factored end moment ( KN.m).
4.3 design procedure and sample of

In general all columns in this project are short ,
concentrically loaded , and rectangular (or squre)
columns reinforced with lateral ties.
pn(max)=0.80{0.85fc-(Ag-AST)+Fy AST},=0.65(for
tied columns) and 0.8. the reduction factor ( which
is greater in beams than in columns) reflectes the
importance of the columns in the structure , because

a column failure could result in the collapse of the

entire structure , while a beam failure would affect
only a local region . and the reduction factor 0.8 is
imposed to allow for accidental eccentricies of
loading not considered in the analysis .
design of column c1 :
a. Design due to axial load :
1. Axial load on the column
2. Take =0.02
3. pn(max)=0.80{0.85fc-(Ag-AST)+Fy AST},=0.65(for tied
By solving the provious equation get Ag=123392mm2
Use =250mm
h=Ag/b =123392/250=493.5mm
use = 500mm
Ast=0.02 Ag
820 (Asprovided =2512mm2
4. Check the assumption that the column is short :

kxLu/r = 1*3000/(0.3*500) =20<34

USE Av=210mm =157mm2
Spacing of ties shall be the least of :
1. 16xmain bars diameter =16x20=320mm
2. 48x tie bars diameter =48x10=480mm
3. 300mm
Use 210mm @300


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