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Guided Reading Group Instructional Level F

November 19th
Familiar Read: Guess What?
Group Focus Strategy Development: Using vowels to decode.
New Book: Students will do a picture walk and read new book, Shell Shopping. Listen
to students read aloud and take anecdotal notes.
Letter/Word Work: Find ou words from the text. Make a list of rhyming words.
Journal Follow-Up Activity: Question: If you were a hermit crab, what kind of shell
would you choose?
Anecdotal Notes
Student A: Catches mistakes and re reads. Difficulty decoding something and
sharp. Easily finds words in text and rhymes words independently.
Student B: Uses very little expression. Worked on expression together. Easily found
ou words in text but had some difficulty rhyming words independently.
Student C: Improved expression since last lesson. Doing well with expression and
decoding. Had difficulty independently finding ou words in text and had some
difficulty rhyming words.

December 1st
Familiar Read: Shell Shopping
Group Focus Strategy Development: Continue using vowel sounds to decode.
New Book: Students will do a picture walk and read new book, Itchy, Itchy Chicken
Pox. Listen to students read aloud and take anecdotal notes.
Letter/Word Work: Rhyming words ending in y.
Journal Follow-Up Activity: Write about a time you were itchy.
Anecdotal Notes
Student A: Great job with expression! Had trouble decoding lotion and oatmeal.
Easily finds words in text and rhymes words independently.
Student B: Re-read some sentences that ended in exclamation marks to add
expression. Read fluently. Had more success rhyming words independently.
Student C: Used expression and read fluently. Had more success rhyming words

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