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Mr. Arcadio Quintana who has been teaching English at the collegiate level for
the past 5 years, has generously volunteered his time to head this workshop. We
have verified with the front office staff room 127 is available for the allotted time.
This room is equipped with computers which will aid in the effectiveness of our
workshop. We have obtained a grant of $3,000.00 through the program
GetEdFunding to cover the expenses associated with this workshop.
As we mentioned previously, each day will be dedicated to a different element of
visual aids.
Day one through three will cover graphs, tables, charts, and illustrations.
Day four will be dedicated to preparing a presentation for a mock scenario
to allow the students to apply what they have learned.
Day five will be primarily discussion and allowing the students feedback.
Following is a projected budget reflecting the expenses we obtained through
Room rental








We have obtained funding, the instructor to head this workshop, and interested
participants, all we are lacking is your permission to move forward with this
request. Given all the information we have offered we hope you see how
beneficial this can be. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact
us via email Thank you for considering this proposal.

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