Writing To Convince

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Caesar Concha

RWS 1301

To whom it may concern,

After countless years of bickering and debate over U.S gun control policy, followed by a total
lack of government action being taken from either side of the issue, mass shootings in the
U.S have become almost commonplace. Despite direct correlations between countries low
murder rates and strict gun policies, many argue against the instatement of a stricter gun
policy. That the second amendment should be upheld, rather than updated to better fit our
current situation. Yes there are some issues a government shouldnt become involved with,
such as personal or household regulations, and a government should not have so much power
that it can take away and outright strip rights away from its citizens. Be that as it may, a
countries government should also not stand idly by while its citizens are being shot down in
droves. Action must be taken.
When taking in to consideration the effects a stricter gun policy has had on other nations,
such as Japan or Australia, we see that the stricter a country is about the allowance of
personal fire arm ownership, the lower the countries murder rates are, especially in terms of
fire arm based murders. This correlation is fairly obvious to see, less guns, less gun related
murders. However, a certain country believes an amendment written in a time where slavery
was legal and equality of the sexes was an abstract thought, is more important that thousands
of its citizens lives. In 2015, the U.S has recorded an estimated 12,000 people have been
killed by a firearm, four times greater than how many people died in the 9/11 attacks.
Having established the obvious need for action to be taken on a legislative and executive
scale, and the effectiveness of a strict gun policy on other nations, it is my belief at this point
in time that enacting said strict fire arm policy in the U.S is the only solution to slowing the
growth, or even reducing, the insanely high number of shootings in our nation.
Thank you for your time and concern,
Caesar Concha

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