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Towson University

Department of Secondary Education

Lesson Plan Template
Name: Jennifer Stanley

Date: 10/06/2015

Brief Class Description (contextual information including number of students, subject,

level, IEP/ELL/GT or other special considerations):
I will be teaching in an 8th grade GT Language Arts classroom. Although none of the 24
students have IEPs or 504s, there are 2 students with medical conditions in the classroom. I will
have approximately 20 minutes for my portion of the lesson. The remaining 70 minutes of the
class period will be led by the primary instructor.
Unit: The Challenge of Civil Rights
Lesson Topic: Rhetorical Analysis 101 [review]
Prior Knowledge (How do you know the students are ready for this lesson?):
Prior to this lesson, students will have discussed the importance of rhetorical devices in
presenting an argument and attempting to persuade an audience. In the previous lesson, the
students were presented with a list of rhetorical devices and their definitions and were asked to
find examples of these devices in a provided text (in this case, a letter from a freed slave to his
former master). Therefore, students should have background knowledge of the terms listed
(attached) in order to participate in this opening activity.
Standard (State and
Professional Organization
Content Standard)
Overall Lesson Standards:
RI.8.5. Analyze in detail the
structure of a specific paragraph
in a text, including the role of
particular sentences in
developing and refining a key
W.8.9. Draw evidence from
literary or informational texts to
support analysis, reflection, and




Overall Lesson

Terms Practice

Terms Practice

Students will prove

their understanding
of rhetorical
devices by
identifying and
explaining specific
terms purposes.
These answers will
be reviewed in
class in order to
further the

Students will
identify targeted
rhetorical devices
in given quotes and
explain their
purpose. After they
complete the
worksheet, they
will switch with
another group and
analyze their

(1) Students will

identify rhetorical
devices in a
historical letter in
order to compose
a response to its
writer utilizing
selected rhetorical

SL.8.1. Engage effectively in a

range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in

groups, and teacher-led) with

diverse partners on grade 8
topics, texts, and issues,
building on others' ideas and
expressing their own clearly.


changing the
analysis as they see

Materials Needed:

Rhetorical Terms practice slips (with quotes)

Rhetorical Terms teacher example
Rhetorical Analysis 101 list
Timer/clock for activity

Technology Integration/Needs:
During this opening lesson, an overhead project is required for students to observe the
example presented by the instructor. Additionally, the overhead will be accessed at the end of the
activity, in order for the teacher to review the students work with them and ensure that they
understand the meaning and application of the rhetorical devices provided.
Lesson Procedure:
Opening Activity:
At the beginning of the lesson, I will ask students to remind me what they learned during
the previous class period. I will provide students with enough time to think about what they did
and, once I have a correct response from one of the students (identifying rhetorical devices or
techniques in a text), I will then transition into the main activity of the day. Before letting the
students break off into groups, however, I will model an example of the activity they will be
completing during the lesson (example attached with notes).
Time Allotted: ~5 minutes
Transition: Now that Ive modeled how to complete this review, Im going to
place you into groups so that you and your classmates can complete some more examples. [After
being placed into groups and while handing out the assignment sheets] Youll have five minutes
in small groups to fill out the sheet, determining if the device used is structural or meaning-based,
what the device is called, and why it is significant or how it impacts the audience. After that,
youll exchange your work with another group. At this point in time, you will have the
opportunity to analyze what the previous group has written and change or add on to their answers
accordingly. Can anyone remind me what the first step of the directions was? (Answer: five
minutes in small groups to analyze the quotation). Okay, your five minutes starts now!
Activity 1: Rhetorical Terms Practice
After being distributed into groups (via their birth days seven groups total), students
will have five minutes to fill out the assignment sheet with their partners. After the five minutes
are up, I will ask students to switch their sheet with another group and will analyze/change

material as they see fit. Once another five minutes are up, I will collect the students analyses
and prepare to discuss the answers with the class.
Time Allotted: ~15 minutes
Transition: Okay, you should be finishing up your responses Dont worry,
this isnt going to be graded based upon correctness. Were going to review these with you so
that you better understand rhetorical devices and why they are used. Mrs. Kuczynski, would you
like to take over for the review?
Activity 2--end: Further Discussion of Rhetorical Devices / Closing Activity:
These sections of the lesson will be handled by the primary instructor
Time Allotted: ~70 minutes

This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle,

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,
This other Eden, demi-paradise
-from Shakespeares Richard II

Circle one:
Term: _____________________________
How/why is it being used?

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny

compared to what lies within us.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Circle one:
Term: _____________________________
How/why is it being used?

This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well
as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable Rights of
Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Circle one:
Term: _____________________________
How/why is it being used?

She is not as young as she once was.

Circle one:
Term: _____________________________
How/why is it being used?

The general who became a slave.

The slave who became a gladiator.
The gladiator who defied an emperor.
Circle one:
Term: _____________________________
How/why is it being used?

The average person thinks he isn't.

Circle one:
Term: _____________________________
How/why is it being used?

We must learn to live together as brothers

or perish together as fools.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Circle one:
Term: _____________________________
How/why is it being used?

Feather of lead, bright smoke, cold fire, sick health!

-from Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet
Circle one:
Term: _____________________________
How/why is it being used?

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