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Common Core Aligned Lesson Plan Template

Subject(s): Math
Teacher(s): Ms. Towne

Grade: 5

School: Whittier Elementary

Date: October 26, 2015


1. Common Core Learning Standard(s) Addressed:
5.NBT.7 Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies
based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the
strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.

2. ELD and State Content Standard Addressed (History/Social Science, Science, Physical Education, Visual and
Performing Arts):

3. Learning Objective: (What will students know & be able to do as a result of this



Students will use strategies to solve subtraction equations and word problems with I will use strategies to solve
subtraction equations and word
problems with decimals.

4. Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the


real world? Why are these outcomes essential for future learning?)

Students will use different strategies from previous lessons to find the difference for
subtraction equations.

I will use different strategies from

previous lessons to find the
difference for subtraction equations.

5. Essential Questions:

How can you find what strategy works best to solve each problem?

6. Class Information:
a. Total number There are 30 students total. Out of 30 students, there are 16 boys and 14 girls.
b. EL/Special Needs Out of the 30 students, 20 are ELs. Two of the ELs does not have their CELDT testing
scores. In their CELDT testing scores, the ELs were tested on their listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
A 1 is the lowest score and a 5 is the highest score.
a. Listening: Out of the 18 EL students that were tested, there were zero students at level 1, one
student at level 2, three students at level 3, seven students at level 4, and seven students at level 5.
b. Speaking: Out of the 18 EL students that were tested, there were zero students at level 1, zero
students at level 2, three students at level 3, twelve students at level 4, and three students at level 5.
c. Reading: Out of the 18 EL students that were tested, there were zero students at level 1, five
students at level 2, twelve students at level 3, one student at level 4, and zero students at level 5.
d. Writing: Out of the 18 EL students that were tested, there were zero students at level 1, zero
students at level 2, eleven students at level 3, six students at level 4, and one student at level 5
c. Academic background in content area - The students have been learning and practicing decimals and
using the place value chart to categorize numbers.
d. Linguistic There is a student in the class that does not speak any English, and she is slowly learning the
basics of English phonics and phonemic awareness. She is sitting next to another student that is translating

for her. Since the class is all Hispanic, the students are also fluent in Spanish.
e. Cultural/Health
f. Physical
a. Large muscles are developing quickly
b. Desperately need outdoor time and physical challenge
c. Snacks and rest periods benefit their rapidly growing bodies
g. Social
a. Work very well in groups; enjoy clubs, activities, and team sports
b. Highly sensitive to and able to resolve questions of fairness and other social issues
c. Able to enjoy cooperative and competitive activities
h. Emotional
a. Friendly, generally happy; quick to anger and quick to forgive
b. Usually truthful; developing more mature sense of right and wrong

i. Interests/Aspirations The students like mustaches. I know that because in our student store we have
every Friday, my MT had fake mustaches as a prize to pick out, and all of them were gone, because the

students were having so much fun playing around with them. The students also like when we read aloud to
them. They really get invested in the book, because they always desire to read more when we come to the
end of a chapter.

7. Anticipated Difficulties (Based on the information above, what difficulties do you think students may have with the

I anticipate that the student that does not speak any English will have difficulty comprehending the math concepts. I
think the students may have trouble deciding what strategy works best to solve each problem.
8. Modifications/Accommodations (What specific modifications/accommodations are you going to make based on the
anticipated difficulties?):

I will make differentiation for the student that does not speak any English by allowing one of her classmates to translate the information. I will
show the students different ways of solving the problem using various strategies.

9. 21st Century Skills Check all that are applicable


Collaboration (X)


Critical Thinking (X)

Describe how the 21st century skill(s) you have circled will be observed during the lesson:
The students will need to collaborate with their table groups about the problems they are doing to check for
understanding. They will be critical thinking when they are working to solve each problem using the various
10. Technology - How will you incorporate technology into your lesson?
The technology I will be using is the smart board as the screen, and the document camera will be used to project
subtraction problems and word problems up on the screen so the students will be able to see what I am doing.



Assessment Criteria for Success: (How will you & your students know if they have successfully met the
outcomes? What specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? What does success on this lessons
outcomes look like?)
a. Formative: I will be walking around the classroom after I have finished teaching the lesson to see how the
students are doing and see if any of them need help with solving the math problems.
b. Summative (if applicable):
c. (Attach rubric here, if applicable):


Instructional Method: Check one
Cooperative Learning

Direct Instruction

Inquiry (X)

13. Resources/Materials: (What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson?)

SWUN math book

Document camera

Smart board (for screen projection)

Whiteboard (if needed for change of scenery)

Small whiteboard and markers (if I need to pull a flex group of students)

Paper money (each bag has $20 1 ten, 1 five and 5 ones)

Coins (each bag has $1.25 - 10 pennies, 3 nickels, 5 dimes, and 2 quarters)

30 pieces of scratch paper numbered 1-5 for each person within each table group to work out the problems

14.Procedure (Include estimated times. Please write a detailed procedure, including questions that
you are planning to ask.):
OPEN: Money can not buy happiness, but it sure can come pretty close. I have bags with plastic coins and paper
bills on each table. We are going to play a game. The first table that can supply the correct answer wins that round.
We will have five rounds. I will assign a spokesperson to each table. The spokesperson is the only one that can raise
his or her hand if your table has the answer. I am going to project the problem on the screen, and your table group
will have 5 minutes to come up with the right answer using your coins and bills. The spokesperson will raise his or her
hand if your table group is finished, and I will come to your table and assess whether your answer is correct. I will
assign a spokesperson for each table group.

BODY: I will ask the class who the spokespeople are so that they are aware those 6 people are the only ones that can
answer for their teams. Okay, raise your hand if you are the spokesperson for your table group. I will look around
and make sure that only the 6 people whom I have chosen are raising their hands. These 6 people are the only ones
that are allowed to answer for your groups, so make sure that your spokesperson is involved in solving the problem. I
also have pieces of scratch paper for each table that are numbered from 1-5 so that your group can work out the
answer on paper however you think is best. Remember, I will be awarding points to table groups that work together
as a team. I expect everyone to participate and work together to solve each problem. Does anyone have any
questions before we start our game? I will wait for a few minutes to answer any questions the students may have
before we start playing the game. I will make sure to have all 5 subtraction and word problems ready to put under the
document camera to project up on the screen for the students to see. All 5 of the problems will be in terms of money.
I will have the timer set for 5 minutes and ready to start. On your mark, get set, go! I will show the problem on the
document camera and start the timer for 5 minutes. I will be looking out for table groups that are working together
and I will award them table group points on Class Dojo. When a table group has the answer, the spokesperson will
raise his/her hand, I will stop everyone else, and I will make sure their answer matches the correct answer I have. If
the first table does not have the correct answer, I will go to the table that finished next, and so on. If none of the
tables have the correct answer, I will make a note to go over that problem with them all at the end. I will do this same
procedure for all 5 problems. I will ask the class, Are there any problems that you did not understand that you would
like me to do with you? If the students say they would like to see the problems, I will do any of them that they say
they need help with. If they do not need any help with the problems, I will move on with my lesson.

CLOSE: What do you think your math lesson was about today? I will wait and see if any of the students guess what
the lesson was about before I reveal why I was doing what I was doing. Your math lesson was about subtracting
decimals. I used money to make it easier for you to see how subtracting decimals applies to real life. Now, please
open your SWUN math books to page 209 and start working on the Student Practice problems. Mrs. Franz and I will
be walking around to see how you are doing if you need help. Mrs. Franz and I will be walking around the classroom
helping students who need help, and I will pull a flex group of students to work with at the back table if needed. Your
math homework for tonight is to practice and study your math facts.

1. What instructional strategies did you use to help students achieve the lesson objective?
The instructional strategies that I used for my math lesson were visual and tactile. I played a game with my
students as an anticipatory set to my lesson by getting the students engaged and motivated in the subject
matter content. The students were playing the game as teams to see which table group teams were the
quickest in solving each problem. The game was visual because I showed the problems to the students on the
document camera that was projecting on the screen in the front of the room so that the students were able to
see and write each problem as I put it up on the board. The game was also visual and tactile because the
students were not only solving the subtraction problems that were on the board on their papers, but they also
had to compile the correct amount of money using paper bills and plastic coins. In order to declare a winner, all
members of the table group had to solve the subtraction problemnot just write the correct answer, and they
had to have the correct amount of money on the table.
Were the students successful at achieving the lesson objective?
a) If so, provide student evidence.
There were only 6 students that were successful at reaching the measurable lesson objective of solving the 5
problems on their papers. In order for me to count the students papers as achieving the objective, the
papers needed to have: all 5 problems solved, the decimal point present in the correct spot, and the dollar
sign in the answer. All 8 of these students met these requirements. Out of the 35 students in the math class,
only 8 of them met the objective completely.
b) If not, why do you think they were not able to achieve the lesson objective? What are your next steps?
The rest of the 27 students were either really close to achieving the lesson objective, or were going too fast
in order to win the game. Out of the 27 students that failed to meet the objective, there were 8 students that
only wrote the answer. They did not even put the dollar sign by their answer, even though they knew we
were counting in money terms. The students would forget to carry down the decimal point or not put the

dollar sign on their answers. All of the students were able to correctly solve all problems, but I wanted them
to show their work and not just write the answers. I wanted them to show they could solve the problems so
that I could see their mastery of the objective.

2. What would you change about the lesson and why?

I would have made the problems a little more challenging for the students because they were solving the
problems faster than I anticipated, and it made the game go faster and did not provide a challenge for the
students. I could have changed up the way I set up the problems. All of the problems were set up the same,
because all of them were smaller numbers that were subtracted by bigger numbers. I could have had a word
problem or two to challenge the students and make them decode the problem in order to find the subtraction
problem they needed to solve. I would have explained the rules a little better. I should have let them know that
in order for a team to be a winner, they needed to have all students in the group have the problem written out
and solved with the decimal point and the dollar sign in the correct place in the answer, and the money needed
to be counted and the correct amount.

Classroom Lessons ONLY: After presenting your lesson in your BST classroom, please review and reflect on student
work related to this lesson. Make copies of student work for levels of high, middle, and low, and write your comments
on the copies.

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