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write a matlab script to generate 10000 gaussian variates according to the procedure based on the
central limit theorem(m=2 and s=5). To generate the uniform variates make use of the MATLAB
function rand.
2) compute the sample mean and the standard deviation using MATLAB function mean and std
respectively.Compare these parameters to the actual mean and standard deviation. Is the
difference significant? does the difference vary as the sample size changes?
3) Draw the histogram of the gaussian variates generated in part (1). Use k=20 and K=100.
Investigate the impact of K.
4) MATLAB has a standard function called randn which generates random numbvers selected
from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation of unity. Use a linear
transformation to generate Gaussian variates with mean m=2 and standard deviation s=5. Draw
the histogram of the resulting variates and compare to ther histogram obtained in part (3).

5) Implement the box muller algorithm



A PN-sequence is generated using a linear feedback shift register
(LFSR) of length m - 4 with generator polynomial p(x) = 1 + x3 +
x4 and initial state of the register 1 0 1 0.

1. Draw the ddiagram of the LFSR and dtermine the output PNsequence that corresponds to the given initial state. What is the
length of the PN sequence?
2. Assuming that the PN sequence is used in a direct sequennce
spread spectrum system with chip rate is 107 chips/second,
determine the time duration of the PN sequence.
3. Assuming that the PN sequence is used in a frequency-hopping
spread spectrum system find the frequency hopping pattern.



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