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These instructions are for the reader who is

starting to print basic 3D models at home
or work using a MakerBot 3D Printer.

MakerBot Replicatior
Power Adapter
2GB SD Card
MakerWare (software)
Filament (ABS or PLA)
3D Model of your Choice

1.) Creating your object. You can create a 3D object in any CAD software, or download an
object from various websites. For these instructions, we will be downloading an object
from Makerbot Thingiverse.
2.) Downloading your object. Go to Use the search field at the
upper right to search for what you want to print. We will search for lego and select
the Giant Lego Darth Vader.

a. Once you have identified your

object, click Download this
Thing! to open the
downloads window.

b. Download the desired STL

files, in this case the
Download All Files
button on the right hand
side of the screen will be

3.) Open Makerbot Makerware. Makerware is Makerbots software that creates the X3G
file required for printing.
a. Click the Add Button. The Add button will open the file explorer, navigate to the
file to be printed, in our example the body_darth_vader_rebuilt.stl. The file
will open at the center of the build plate.
b. Move. Select the Move button and click and drag the body to the left.
c. Click the Add Button again. There is room for more than one part on the build
plate. Lets add the hands.stl file. Now both files are located on the build plate.
d. Manipulate. Now you can manipulate each part separately or together. Move
the parts so they are not touching, but not too far apart.

4.) Making your part.

a. Select the Make It button. The Make dialog appears and provides several
b. Make With. Select the model printer to be used, select Replicator 2. The model
can also be found in the right bottom corner on the front of the printer.
c. Material. Chose the type of material you are building with, ABS or PLA.
d. Quality. Specify the quality of build you desire. Smaller layer heights provide a
more detailed model, but take more time.
e. Raft. A raft is a base for supports and helps your object stick to the build plate.
f. Supports. Supports provide easily removable structures under overhanging parts
of the object.
g. Advanced Options. Click for a menu with more options such as temperature and
infill percentage. More information can be found at
h. Cancel. Click cancel to cancel the process.
i. Export. Save the toolpath to an SD care to print on the Makerbot Replicator 2.

5.) Printing. Insert the SD card port behind the Makerbot Replicator 2s LCD interface.
a. Build from SD. Using the arrow keys, navigate to Build from SD and press the
M button to view the files available.
b. Select file. Select the file name you created to begin printing. The Makerbot
Replicator 2 will begin heating and print your file.

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