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1.Robertson, J. A. (2015). Science Disputes in Abortion Law.

Texas Law Review,

93(7), 1849-1883.
for this document it talks about the different laws of abortion in texas. The article
discusses the government restrictions on abortion and the rights of humans. it has
different kinds of discussions with scientists about abortion and the abortion law.
when evaluating this article about abortion i have seen that it has been peer
reviewed by people. the intended audience for this article are people that want to
learn the laws about abortion and what the government regulations are in america.
this is a good article for my topic because it talks about laws on my topic and has
scientists that have discussions about abortion and the laws.

2) Abortion. (2014). Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia, 1p. 1.

for this article that i picked it talks about the definition of abortion. it talks about
the legalization of abortion through the many years and how it is today. it gives
some examples on different cases of abortion when they were trying to legalize it
and how they went about it. it gives us some numbers on abortion and also talks
about some other laws in other countries.
when reading this article it gave me some good information on what i need to
know for my project. the article has been peer reviewed. the intended audience for
this article would be people that are trying to learn more about abortion and the
history for it. it is good for my topic because it gives me information and the
definition for my topic. it also talks about history of it and gives me some numbers
for different years.

3) Purvis, D. E. (2015). Expectant Fathers, Abortion, and Embryos. Journal Of Law,

Medicine & Ethics, 43(2), 330-340 11p. doi:10.1111/jlme.12249
for this article it talks about both the father and the mother about abortion. it
describes like how a father can just get up and leave the family after his wife or
girlfriend has a kid but when a women has an abortion it is a big deal. it talks about
different family cases with abortion and family.
when reading the article it gave some information that was good. for the
credibility I couldn't find if it was peer reviewed or not. the intended audience is for
people that want to learn about family legal issues with abortion and when fathers
leave their wife or girlfriend after she has a kid. for this article i think that it made
some good points and that i could use some of them in my paper but on some parts
it just talks about things that i don't need to add in.

4) Cohen, I. G. (2015). Are All Abortions Equal? Should There Be Exceptions to the
Criminalization of Abortion for Rape and Incest?. Journal Of Law, Medicine & Ethics,
43(1), 87-104. doi:10.1111/jlme.12198
this article describes a lot about abortion. it also explains about crimes and
abortion. this is a very interesting and informational topic. the reason i say that is
because with abortion not everyone gets one because they don't want the kid.
some people do it because of a crime like rape and some people do it because they
just don't have the funds at the time to have a kid. i think this is a great article
for this article it had some really good points. after reviewing it i saw that it has
been peer reviewed by people. the intended audience for this article should really
be everybody because everyone is different and they all have their different
opinions about the topic abortion and especially if you talk about crimes and
abortion. this topic is very good for my research because it gives information about
the abortion crimes and how everyone should realize there is a reason people get

5) Robb, A. (2014). ABORTION IS LEGAL. Cosmopolitan, 256(9), 258

this article discusses the abortion bill from 2013. it talks about situations that
married couples have with abortion and it discusses things with medical people. it
talks about women and abortions with the medical clinic.
this article gave some good points and some good information. it has been peer
reviewed by people. the intended audience for this article could be medical
students or people wanting to learn about abortion. i don't think that i would use
this article in my paper, even though it makes some good points it just isn't the best
thing to add into my paper about abortion.

6) Crescio, A. (2015). Abortion: A Threat to the Actualization of the Mother. Human

Life Review, 41(1), 57.
for this article it talks about the thoughts of abortion for people that are
christians. they say that every child should have a chance at life and that every
mother should have a kid. they say that no women should have an abortion
because the kid hasn't done anything wrong to get a chance at life.
this article is interesting because it gives thoughts on a religion standpoint. the
article has been peer reviewed. the intended audience for this article is people of
different religion because it can tell you what their religion is and what they believe
in about the topic. i think that this would be a good point to put in my paper
because it tells other peoples thoughts on the topic and what their religion says
about it.

7) Camargo, M. G., & Guilhem, D. B. (2012). Abortion procedures provided by law -repercussions for the health service: an exploratory study. Online Brazilian Journal
Of Nursing, 475-478 4p.
the main point in this article is to describe the legal point that it is to have an
abortion. it discusses the women's health with an abortion.
the article about abortion for legalization has been peer reviewed. it explains
some good stuff and has a good idea about the topic but i'm not sure i would put it
in my paper because i don't need more information about if it is legal or not. the
intended audience is people more along the lines of women because they need to
know the laws of it if they are going to get one.

8)Lindsey, S. K. (2013). Attitudes toward Parental Involvement Clauses in Minor

Abortion Laws and Individual Differences in Religion, Political Affiliation, and
Attribution Style Among College Students. Individual Differences Research, 11(2),
this article describes the process that people that want to have abortions that are
minors. Doctors or people that are doing the abortion have to get consent from the
legal guardian because the person is under the age of an adult. another reason is
because you may not be able to have one because of your religion or maybe your
parents don't want you to have one.
For the article about young kids having abortions with the consent of their
parents it has been peer reviewed. The intended audience for this article would be
underage kids that get pregnant and want an abortion also adult that have kids that
are pregnant. this article would be relevant for my paper because it discusses laws
for underage abortions and what people think on them.

9) Medoff, M. (2014). Race, Restrictive State Abortion Laws and Abortion Demand.
Review Of Black Political Economy, 41(2), 225-240. doi:10.1007/s12114-014-9183-0
This article informs people about different races and abortion. It informs readers
what race has had the most abortions which is blacks and hispanics. The study
investigates if the state abortion laws differentiate between the different races.
This is a very good article because it discusses different races and their abortion
rates. The article has been peer reviewed. The intended audience can be anyone of
any race trying to receive an abortion. This would be good information to put in my
paper because it talks about abortion with other races.

10)Kavanagh, E. K., Hasselbacher, L. A., Betham, B., Tristan, S., & Gilliam, M. L.
(2012). Abortion-Seeking Minors' Views on the Illinois Parental Notification Law: A
Qualitative Study. Perspectives On Sexual & Reproductive Health, 44(3), 159-166
8p. doi:10.1363/4415912

The article discusses stuff about how many states have parental involvement
with their child's abortion. The main point for this article is that they have sat down
and discussed with many underage kids about if their parents should be involved in
their abortion process or not.
This article was interesting. It informed us about what the underage world thinks
about with having an abortion with or without a legal guardian being with you or
knowing if you have one or not. The article has been peer reviewed. The intended
audience for this article would be minors and parents with kids that could be
pregnant before they become adults. I would use some of the information that the
kids have said in their interviews about having a parent know if their underage kid is
going to have an abortion.

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