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It is concluded from the Insolation Investigation that the smaller the area exposed to the sun, the

hotter it will be. We started with the sun pointing on black construction paper at 75 degrees
and we traced the circle of light on the paper. After cutting the circle out it weighed .3g, and the
next two oblong shapes weighed .3g. As the angle decreased, the mass increased. This relates
to more light being spread out instead of direct. Our data shows that as the angle decreased,
the mass increased. With the first three trials being small that shows that the sun would have
been more direct and more focused on one spot meaning the temperature is high as compared
to the last two trials where the sunlight is less direct and focused meaning the temperature
would be lower. When the sun is not directly overhead and the suns rays hit the planet at an
angle, the energy is distributed over a larger surface area, thus reducing the intensity of
insolation. (Hangout 1 Insolation Investigation).

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