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Part One

Write down the two genres you have chosen (include titles, who or
where they come from, and what genres they are), and answer the
questions that follow:
Genre 1: Typography
Genre 2: Oral
1. What is your topic of inquiry?
a. My topic of inquiry is; should schools provide students with
technology devices?
2. Why did you select these two specific genres?
a. I selected these two genres because in typography I am
able to find surveys or research about the topic and oral
because I am able to hear exactly what others think on the
3. How does each genre communicate about your topic of inquiry?
a. Typography communicates about my topic by having facts
as well as opinions on the topic actually recorded on paper,
which is very useful.
b. Oral communicates about my topic because I have the
opportunity of building my own research on the topic and
finding out what some local schools have to say about it.
Part Two : Typography
Answer each of the following prompts for both genres as a way of
organizing the content of your Genre Analysis assignment.
Audience and Purpose
1. Who is/are the intended audience(s) and discourse
a. The intended audience would have to be parents of school
aged children, as well as the students themselves, and the
school district. The intended discourse communities would
have to be the school, school district, and the community
of parents with students.
2. What does the audience already know and what do they want to

a. The audience knows that a lot of schools are starting to

provide technology devices but they want to know if it is a
good idea or not.
3. How much time will the audience spend with each genre?
a. The audience will only spend a very small amount with this
genre because the article is quite short and straight to the
4. What was the purpose (inform, persuade, and/or entertain)?
a. The purpose was to inform.
5. How formal/informal is the language?
a. The language used is a formal one.
6. What specialized vocabulary is used?
a. Some specialized vocabulary that is being used is a school
vocabulary. Mentioning classrooms, as well as the system
meaning to the school system.
7. What other language features do you notice (text, type, font,
color, visuals, etc)?
a. In this article the pros and cons are all in bold followed by
the explanation. They do this so the reader gets a quick
summary of what they are and then continue to read and
learn why they are pros and cons.
Rhetorical Issues: Ethos, Pathos, Logos
1. How does this genre establish (or attempt to establish) its
credibility with the audience?
a. They do this by trying to connect with the audience by
trying to answer the many questions they would have. As
well as having the article posted on an education website.
2. What emotions is the genre attempting to evoke from its
a. I dont think the article is trying to evoke a specific emotion
other than that of doubt. Doubt of technology in schools
being good or bad.
3. What types of evidence are used to support claims? Is it
valid/reliable? If there is no evidence, what is used to help
support the information presented?

a. They use current issues to support a lot of their claims,

however they dont cite any other evidence. I think
although no other evidence is cited it is still a reliable
source because it covers a lot of the issues and questions
that are being asked toward the topic.
Structure and Delivery
1. How is the information organized to covey its message?
a. The information in the article is organized by putting the
pros and cons into two different sections. And putting them
in bolded letters to stand out more than the other text.
They also add a conclusion to the article as another
2. Are there limitations placed on the information because of the
genre? Does it have more freed to express what it needs to
because of the genre?
a. There are no limitations based on the genre because in any
genre can in some form be changed to typography. I do
believe it is able to express more because of the genre.
3. How does the structure facilitate its purpose?
a. It makes it easier to follow along and really grasp what is
being said.
Part Two: Oral
Answer each of the following prompts for both genres as a way of
organizing the content of your Genre Analysis assignment.
Audience and Purpose
1. Who is/are the intended audience(s) and discourse
a. The intended audience of this interview is schools that do
not feel comfortable incorporating technology devices to
the classroom for all students. Discourse community would
be school systems.
2. What does the audience already know and what do they want to

a. They know that they will eventually have to use the

technology with students and what they want to know is if
it will really work and how it can be used effectively.
3. How much time will the audience spend with each genre?
a. The audience will spend a small amount of time hearing
and understanding the interview and its purpose.
4. What was the purpose (inform, persuade, and/or entertain)?
a. The purpose I believe was mostly to inform but they also
wanted to persuade.
5. How formal/informal is the language?
a. The language used was formal.
6. What specialized vocabulary is used?
a. They use school used vocabulary that both students and
teachers use.
7. What other language features do you notice (text, type, font,
color, visuals, etc)?
a. The language is being said in a sense of urgency. Wanting
to inform others of the benefits and persuade them.
Rhetorical Issues: Ethos, Pathos, Logos
1. How does this genre establish (or attempt to establish) its
credibility with the audience?
a. This genre establishes its credibility by showing the
experience the person has on the subject. And shows
understanding of audience being skeptical about the topic
as well as those who understand the topic.
2. What emotions is the genre attempting to evoke from its
a. The emotion that is used is that confidence and nostalgia
of the past.
3. What types of evidence are used to support claims? Is it
valid/reliable? If there is no evidence, what is used to help
support the information presented?
a. The evidence that is used to support the claims in this
interview is talking to administration on how technology is
working for them but also getting it from the point of the
view of the student. I think this is very helpful because a

lot of people will take a group of students saying that the

technology devices is very helpful in the classroom setting
as evidence. However it is only from one school and one
school only and this maybe show limitation to the
Structure and Delivery
1. How is the information organized to covey its message?
a. The information is organized by first introducing what the
purpose is, then interviewing others who support the
purpose, meanwhile expressing the counter arguments
that would be made.
2. Are there limitations placed on the information because of the
genre? Does it have more freed to express what it needs to
because of the genre?
a. I think there maybe limitations based on the genre because
since it is an interview there has to be a time limit before
the listener loses interest after a certain amount of time.
However it is more freeing because the listener is able to
hear the emotion that is being said.
3. How does the structure facilitate its purpose?
a. The structure of the interview facilitates its purpose by
allowing others to really take in both sides of the
controversy and see how using technology devices in the
classroom could be very beneficial.

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