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Instructional Plan
Deborah Clemens, Jordyn D. Heche, Christopher Joslin, and Laura Pinkston
EIDT 6100-1 Instructional Design
Walden University
June 22, 2014
Dr. Amy Peterson

Logo Tech


Analysis Phase.................................................................................................................................4
Project Description......................................................................................................................4
Needs Analysis.............................................................................................................................4
Learner Analysis..........................................................................................................................4
Performance Gap Analysis..........................................................................................................5
Contextual Analysis.....................................................................................................................5
Unit Goals....................................................................................................................................7
Topic Analysis..............................................................................................................................7
Procedural Analysis.....................................................................................................................7
Instructional Objectives...............................................................................................................8
Design Phase....................................................................................................................................8
Sequencing Description...............................................................................................................9
Instructional Message................................................................................................................10
Strategies Table..........................................................................................................................11
Text Design................................................................................................................................12
Multimedia Design....................................................................................................................14
Development Phase.......................................................................................................................15
Analysis of Instructional Materials............................................................................................15
Designing Instructional Materials..............................................................................................16
Implementation: Delivery Methodology...................................................................................20
Evaluation: Instructional Plan Table..........................................................................................22
Implementation Phase....................................................................................................................24
Section I Unit Overview.........................................................................................................24
Section II: Pre-workshop Planning............................................................................................25
Section III: Instructional Environment, Equipment, and Materials...........................................26
Section IV: Instructional Delivery and Sequencing...................................................................27
Section V: Assessment of Learning...........................................................................................28
Evaluation Phase............................................................................................................................29
Evaluation Process.....................................................................................................................29
Alignment of Unit Goals to the Evaluation Process..................................................................29
Evaluation of Analysis and Design............................................................................................30
Logo Design for Logo Tech...........................................................................................................31

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Instructional Plan
Analysis Phase

The instructional plan is the template for work an instructional designer will develop and
design. The instructional plan is broken into different segments that follow the ADDIE model.
The ADDIE model is an acronym for Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and
Evaluation. The following example demonstrates how an instruction plan might look in the
initial phases of development.
Project Description
The creation of a Logo could make or break your product or service. A Logo can
determine how potential customers will feel about your company. Whenever possible you should
work with the best commercial artist you can afford. If cost is an obstacle, you may need to
create a logo yourself. This project will provide a means for individuals or small organizations
that want or need to design their own logo.
Needs Analysis
Many organizations are unable to hire a commercial artist to design their logo due to the
high cost or having no budget. We here at Logo Techs believe that individuals and small
organizations can successfully design their own logo. The tutorials that we will create will
provide the proper guidance and step-by-step instruction necessary for a novice to intermediate
computer user to create a logo. Without our tutorials, novice users will have a difficult time
creating their own logo possibly losing potential customers.
Learner Analysis
The instruction we will design is going to have small business owners or entrepreneurs
just starting out as the target audience. The general characteristics of the target group will include

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both men and women, adult learners, with at least a high school diploma, and a general working
knowledge of computer applications. The instruction will have demonstrations, web based
instruction, and job aids. The learners will be highly motivated and will have the expectation to
create a logo for their business themselves without having to spend additional resources to hire a
firm for this purpose. The course will be succinct and will reassure the user the investment of
their time (60 min or less) will give them the skill necessary to navigate the Photoshop software
and successfully design and create a logo they can proudly display. The instruction will be
acceptable for those who can grasp concepts quickly, are intuitive to software navigation, and
understand basic design language.
Performance Gap Analysis
Current learners may not have experience in using the Photoshop software. Learners may
not have given much thought to the design of their company logo. Learners may not have
knowledge of what type of a logo would be appropriate to represent their organization.
The desired outcome is to address these gaps, by providing an understanding of the
aspects of Photoshop that can assist the learner in logo design. The instruction will include
suggestions on creating different types of logos, then narrowing down the choices, and finetuning the logo to fit the organizations goals and objectives.
Contextual Analysis
In respect to orienting contexts, the knowledge that the learner would have to bring to the
training would be the basic understanding of using a computer application. The learner would
have to be familiar with accessing an application on a computer such as Microsoft Word or any
other computer application. This type of learning module would be best suited for individuals
that are interested in starting their own business and would have the use of creating a logo for

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their brand. The best-suited audience for this learning module would be that of a small business
owner that does not have the resources to employ a team of Web or graphic designers, to create a
logo for them.
When assessing the Instructional context, the user would have to possibly set aside time
at home with the use of a personal computer to play around or figure out certain aspects of their
logo. The learning module would be at length of about 60 minutes at the most, so time would be
an essential requirement needed for their learning environment. Other factors that would help the
learner to retain information, when they watch, would be to view the material somewhere with
little to no distractions. This would allow them time to pay attention to details to customize
certain dimensions like color patterns, sizes or graphics with respect to animations and font that
they would specifically like for their logo. The module will be used as a pacing guide for each
learner to reassess and evaluate their product any time they work on the logo.
When transferring contexts, the learner would be more likely to keep this knowledge and
transfer it to good use depending on their individual desire and intent to use this tutorial. If their
intent is to start up a business, there will be a high level of importance that they would apply this
as a tool undoubtedly at a quicker pace. Each learner is unique in what his or her period would be
to apply the information obtained from the learning module.
We plan for this learning module to be an interactive experience for the learner. The
module can be viewed and reviewed for retrieving information. I hope that it serves as an
informational and entertaining guide for adult learners who plan to implement the information
presented and will use it with fidelity.

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Unit Goals
In considering the design for developing the instruction for a logo, we have three goals in
our instructional modules for the learner. First, a novice user will become able to make use of the
Photoshop application to design and create an individualized logo. Next, the learner will be able
to create their own specified dimensions and details using this learning module. Lastly, the
learner will also be able to use the skills obtained in the future for their own use with
Topic Analysis
In order for the learner to begin creating a logo, they must figure what they want to
achieve in developing their logo. The learner will need to gather ideas and answer questions such
as: who is their audience? What is the targeted media? What items need to be incorporated into
the logo? Once the general idea is on paper, the learner can then proceed to learn the tools within
Photoshop that are necessary to create the logo. Finally, the user will need to create questionnaire
in order to get feedback from the targeted audience. If the feedback is positive, the learner is
done. If the response is negative, the learner will have to look at the data and revise the logo
Procedural Analysis

Logo ideas
o Target users
o How will logo be used?
o Ideas to communicate
o Name part of the logo?
o Color scheme

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o Symbols?
o Sketch

Rough ideas

Multiple ideas

Create logo
o Create document in Photoshop


Color scheme

Position letters and/or symbols

Publish file to desired media for reproduction

Get feedback
o Amongst peers and potential customers

Audience questionnaire

Make adjustments based on feedback

Instructional Objectives
1. Learners will understand what makes an effective logo
2. Learners will create basic sketches from ideas
3. Learners will understand Photoshop tools necessary to create a logo
4. Learners will determine the effectiveness of the logo from audience feedback
Design Phase
Designing an effective demonstration takes multiple steps in the planning process. The
following outlines the initial design elements, including sequencing description, instructional
message, strategies table, text design, and multimedia design. Each of these components needs to
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be designed to with the specific learner in mind, with the goal of aiding the learner to complete a
task or achieve a goal.
Sequencing Description
1. Design Process
a. Create a list of the following possible ideas to be incorporated into the logo
i. Message or meaning to convey
ii. Use of symbol(s)
iii. Color scheme
iv. Best use of logo: will the logo be used in a video, advertisement in the
paper, etc.
b. Sketch of ideas
i. Create rough sketches of ideas to determine placement of objects used for
logo (symbol(s), company name, distinguishing marks, etc)
2. Photoshop basics
a. Learn to create a Photoshop document
b. Learn Photoshop tools necessary to create the logo
i. Manipulating type tool
ii. Working with layers
iii. Importing symbols and objects
iv. Using the Pen tool
v. Using the grid (optional
vi. Downloading/Installing fonts
vii. Working with background colors or gradients

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viii. Publish logo to desired format (jpg, gif, png, etc.)

3. After learning the Photoshop basics, create logo using the rough sketch from the design
process and publish to the desired format.
4. Provide peers and control group of potential customers a sample of the logo
a. Possible questions
i. First thought after viewing logo
ii. Does the color scheme capture your attention?
Instructional Message
There will be a brief preinstructional portion of the demonstration. This preinstructional
portion will prepare the learner by highlighting key points of the demonstration. This will
heighten the learners awareness and focus attention on the key points of instruction (Morrison,
Ross, Kalman, & Kemp, 2013). One or two open-ended questions such as:
Do I have to hire a designer to create my logo?
Do I have to be an artist to design a logo?
The demonstration will then answer these questions by stating the objectives of the
presentation. By clearly stating the objectives, the learner will understand the behavior they need
to model by the end of the demonstration (Morrison et al., 2013). The objectives for this
presentation will be something similar to the following:
At the end of this training demonstration, the learner will:
1. Be able to sketch a simple logo
2. Be able to design a simple logo
3. Be able to use the basic tools of Photoshop
4. You will be able to create a logo using Photoshop

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5. You will be able to publish a logo using Photoshop

The demonstration will have a basic overview that will highlight the central themes of
what they will experience while viewing the demonstration. This will be very brief and will be
the introduction of the demonstration.
The demonstration will incorporate a textual comparative organizer for learners that are
not familiar with Photoshop ability to create graphics and not just for editing existing graphics
and pictures. This comparative organizer would include the following:
An artist uses various forms of media to create visual images. We are familiar with art in
the forms of drawing, paintings, pictures, and others. Many understand that Photoshop allows the
artist to take visual images and alter the image in varying ways. Another way Photoshop is used
is to create images, such as logos, without the user having to possess highly developed artistic
skills. Using this feature, anyone with a general idea of an image they would like to create can
use the artistic ability of Photoshop to make their ideas come to life.
Throughout the demonstration, learners learn how to use of the functions within
Photoshop to create the basics for designing a logo.
Strategies Table


Initial Presentation & Generative Strategy:

Create a logo

Visual Simulation

Show how to create a logo, using adobe

Indesign, Illustrator, or Photoshop by using
screenshots to show learner.



Learn tools to create

Visual animation
a logo of meaning for Demonstration
the prospective client

Logo Tech

Implement the meaning for a company using

relevant symbols, colors, shapes and symbols.






Verbal & Visual


Publish the logo

Learn the tools for manipulating the tools: pen,

fonts, grids, gradients, borders, visual grids,
colors, shapes, etc.

Verbal & Visual
Direction of

Publish in jpeg., gif., etc., formats for review

sample for perspective client

Text Design
How to create a logo for a small business will be presented in one of three ways, through
PowerPoint training, a web page tutorial, or a wiki tutorial. Regardless of the final media chosen,
the training will be divided into three sections: Design Process, Basics of Photoshop, and, finally,
Creating the Logo. Each section will begin with a bold typeface heading to signal the new
section and the information to be presented. Under the heading will be the italicized subheading,
which indicates the information under it. This will be for all three sections. An example of the
sections and type are below and are based on the outline in the sequencing description.
Design Process
Choosing a Message
Choosing Symbols
Choosing a Color Scheme
Choosing a Venue
Creating a Sketch
Basics of Photoshop
Creating a Photoshop Document- Basics
Learning the Tools

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Type Tool
Background Colors
Creating the Logo
Transferring Sketch to Photoshop
Reviewing the product
Making Revisions
The design of the message is critical because it is what connects the message to the
learner. Chambliss and Calfee, as noted by Morrison, et al (2013, pg. 166) identify design
elements that are important to printed instruction. The first being a set of words that signal the
structure, the second is the coherence of the structure and the third is there is a connection
between the content and the learner. For our purposes, we fulfilled the first area by using
headings and italicized subheadings, or typographical signals. The bold face headings signal the
structure of the section and the italicized words indicate the important points. We fulfilled the
second area by using redundancy and familiar words. To assist in making a connection between
the learner and the content we utilized lists and specific sequences. We will also be utilizing
definitions and example structures.

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Multimedia Design
Many different types of media distribute information including news, entertainment,
learning, and others. The term multimedia design is a way of communicating a concept or
information (A Digital Dreamer, 2014, para. 1) using various media sources. The sources of
media include audio, video, images, text, photos, and many others. Communicate of the
information presented in the demonstration will include text, graphics, audio, and may include
video. Presenting the information in a variety of media formats keeps the learner engaged. There
is ample proof when there are visual cues paired with textual rendering the information is more
easily learned (Levie & Lentz, 1982). The graphics of the demonstration will be interpretive of
the steps the user will take to perform the necessary actions to meet the objectives. Organization
of the graphics in conjunction with text or audio instructions will provide a map for the learner
through each task they are to complete (Morrison et al., 2013). For this demonstration, a
PowerPoint presentation will be primary media device. The majority of learners has access to
this program on their computers and is familiar with its use. PowerPoint allows for the insertion
of graphics, video, sound, and textual media content. PowerPoint does not allow for interaction
or testing of the learner, for this demonstration and group of learners this was not a necessary
concern. The other option is creating a webpage to deliver the content. Using a web page allows
for multimedia content including, animation, images, sound, and video (Kyrnin, 2014). Creating
the demonstration in this format would allow the same types of multimedia as the PowerPoint
and would allow the user to navigate easily to additional content via hyperlinks embedded in the
page. Using hyperlinks in PowerPoint is possible, but may make the demonstration disjointed or
difficult to return to depending on if the PowerPoint is a presentation or a slide show. The

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designers will consider this limitation. The one drawback of WebPages is ensuring the video is
accessible over a variety of different browsers (Kyrnin, 2014).
This portion of design for the project has clearly defined the strategies, and the
framework for how the group will focus the learners attention through preinstructional
strategies, and will enhance the communication of the message through specific wording and
graphics to guide the learner through each step of the learning process.
Development Phase
Designing effective instruction for a Self-paced, Individualized Learning or SelfInstruction involves several steps. In the Developmental phase of instruction, for creating a logo
using Adobe Photoshop, we will explore the learning objective, content presentation, student
participation, and feedback. The steps were designed for instructing the learner to complete the
task with visual and audio assistance. The learner will be familiar with tools and techniques after
completion of the modules.
Analysis of Instructional Materials
The delivery of instruction that meets the learners needs is critical to the success of the
program. So to demonstrate the proper way to design a logo, we want to use materials that our
target audience of small business owners, artists, graphic artists, or web developers can use
efficiently and with minimal or no added cost to create a logo at their own pace. Microsofts
PowerPoint presentation software will effectively fill that need. Most business owners and
employees use Office or office like programs. So, there should be relatively little or no new
learning to run the software. PowerPoint is not free. However, many programs will run a
PowerPoint slide show such as OpenOffice or LibreOffice, both are free downloads. Adobe
Photoshop (Ps) can also be used on a trial basis, of 30 days, for the user. Within the slide show,
we will incorporate screen captures, using Debut Video Capture Software, showing the use of

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Adobe Photoshop (Ps) that will help the learner to identify the steps necessary to complete each
step of the training. Audio will also be included in the slide show that will reinforce the steps
shown with the screen captures. We expect all users to be comfortable use this tool at a pace that
is comfortable for each learner. Quick question quizzes will be incorporated within the modules
to help the user to remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and create the logo of their
choice with or without the use of a sketch or photograph.
The learners will also be provided with a document that will describe each tool used in
Adobe Photoshop (Ps). Learners will be able to open this document in MS Word and print if
necessary. This will help each new user to quickly identify each tool and associate its function
with the steps necessary to create a logo. This document will also serve as a reference sheet for
future projects in designing with Adobe Photoshop (Ps). With these instructional tools, we will
provide the learner with the three main cognitive learning styles with minimal or no extra cost.
The PowerPoint slides with screen captures and audio will help the visual and auditory learner.
While the entire training will help the kinesthetic learner, the goal of the training is to use Adobe
Photoshop (Ps) to create a logo. Instructional Materials for the learner will include MS
Powerpoint, MS Word, and Adobe Photoshop (Ps) to design the logo of choice.
Designing Instructional Materials
The learning modules content will contain information that the learner will use to
accomplish the task. The first module will begin with the initial presentation or introduction of a
pre-instructional strategy.
Design Development Storyboard: Module 1
PDF Storyboard-1
Project: Creating a Logo

Logo Tech

Filename: _Introduction to Logo Making_



Screen ID:_(Not Created)______

Last Date Saved:____6/6/2014

5 Window e-Learning

Slide show with interactive
quizzes (using Articulate and

Next button to move to next
slide in tutorial

Introduction starts with an
opening True/False question,
then continues with multiple
choice questioning

Learning Audience: What I
should consider before I start
Things to Consider: Before You
start designing
Some sound affects with music,
to keep the learners attention

Slide 1

Slide 2-Identifies the audience

Slide 3- Refers to the abilities of the learner

Slide 4- Identifies the learners abilities

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Slide 5- Identifies with the objectives

aids or

Slide 6- Gives the learner an idea of


Slide 7- Examines the intentions for creator

Slide 8- Questions learners intentions

Slide 9- Develops direction for the creator

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Slide 10-Questions



Slide 11- Examines the purpose for a logo

Slide 12- Motivates the learner to


Module 2: Visual Descriptions for Strategies

Frame 1 - place the name of your organization, and pick a font that you like,
you can always make changes later
Frame 2 - start to manipulate the letters or words in your organizations name
Frame 3- experiment with breaking your company name into different sizes or orders
Frame 4 - start adding a background image that may represent the scope of your
Frame 5- change the intensity or location of the background image to get a different look
or feel.
Frame 6- consider adding a shape on which to imprint the logo
Frame 7- start to add colors to different parts of your logo
Frame 8-add colors to the background of the logo, adding shadows highlights, etc.
Frame 9-you should have a good idea of what you want your logo to look like

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Implementation: Delivery Methodology

For the purposes of our project, we have chosen to utilize the self-paced learning
methodology as means of instruction. This training is for individual small business owners who

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choose to create their own logo instead of contracting with a large company to create the logo, or
artists, graphic artists, and web developers. Since they are individuals the use of a large group
presentation was not feasible. Additionally, Morrison et al (2013, pg 203) states that group
presentations are usually passive for the learner and involve listening, watching, and taking
notes. This method is usually not effective for teaching subjects that need some form of practice
or hands on development. Since our goal is to assist the owner in actually creating a logo this
would not be the appropriate method of instruction.
With the exclusion of large group presentation this left the methods of small group
formats or self-paced learning. The small group format would have been appropriate if the
business had more than one employee who was designing the logo. There would also be the
possibility of holding a class with a number of small business owners however this would mean
they would have to wait for a class date instead of beginning immediately and they may also be
in class with competitors which would not be appropriate. A positive for this format would be
that the trainer was present and could answer any questions immediately and would also be there
to assist.
Since our customers would most likely be individuals and would want to create their logo
as soon as possible we chose the self-paced learning format. In this format the learning activities
are designed to address specific objectives (Morrison et al, pg 208). In our case the objective is
to walk the user through the process of designing their own logo. This format also permits more
specialized steps that require mastery before moving on to the next step. Seeing as it is selfpaced the business owner can work as quickly as he desires and can be as detailed as needed.
This format also requires a certain amount of self-reliance on the part of the business owner
creating the logo; this would also be a skill necessary to run a small business. One limitation for

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this format would be the lack of interaction with the instructor. However, this could be resolved
by providing telephone or web connection consultation where they have the opportunity to talk
through the difficulty or the instructor could remote in to their program to assist in a more
concrete way. One last positive attribute of the self-paced format is that it is more cost effective
for the small business owner as it does not require travel or extended time away to attend
Evaluation: Instructional Plan Table
Learning Objective
The student will be able to design a simple logo
Module 1: Content Presentation
Module 1- Initial Presentation of the Pre-Instructional Strategy Introduction to Making a
Module 2-(Strategy) The student will learn how to change font style, how to manipulate
font size and location, how to add symbols to image, how to add colors, to create a simple
Module 3- Summary and Evaluation by Assessment and observation.
Module 2: Demonstration
The student will be given a demonstration on how to insert text as part of an image.
The student will be given a demonstration on how to change the font style of the text.
The student will be given a demonstration on how to manipulate the size and location text
The student will be given a demonstration on how to add symbols to the image.
The student will be given a demonstration on how to add colors to the text and symbols.

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Materials and Media Selection:

Storyboard with textual directions of the steps in which to follow.
Student Participation
Student Grouping:
Students will be working individually through their personal computer.
Practice Items and Activities:
1. Students will watch a demonstration of the basic functions of Photoshop.
2. Students will watch demonstrations on how to create a new image.
3. Students will create their own new image on their computer.
4. Students will watch a demonstration on how to add text to an image.
5. Students will add text to the image they have created on their computer, taking the time
to select different font types, styles, and sizes.
6. Students will watch a demonstration on how to manipulate the text within the image.
7. Students will manipulate the text on the image they created, taking time to try different
layouts and structures for their text.
8. Students will watch a demonstration on how to add symbols to the image.
9. Students will search for images appropriate to their idea for a logo and add various
images, deciding if the image enhances or distracts from the company name and
organizational message.
10. Students will watch a demonstration on how to add colors to the text and symbols.
11. Students will add colors and textures to their own image, including background
colors, borders, etc. until student is happy with their basic logo design.

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Module 3: Feedback
Learner will complete feedback questionnaire to rate the quality of their logo design.
Learner will seek feedback from peers regarding the aesthetics of the logo they have designed.
In the development phase, the process of putting the pen to the paper or fingers to the
keyboard happens (Morrison et al., 2013, p.193). Within this phase, the learner is exposed to the
actual learning process of learning. In this phase, the learner is met with the materials,
instruction, and task to complete. The content is delivered to the learner with a brief introduction,
task demonstrations, and then task evaluation. The cognitive load for this task was a self-paced
and adaptable any schedule that the learner may have. The objectives are clearly presented with
audio and visual aids. At this point of instruction, the keys have been given to the driver and now
we await to reach the destination, which is success.
Implementation Phase
Section I Unit Overview
With todays technology, numerous individuals are wanting to venture into learning new
ways to be more productive in the digital age. The idea behind this module is to provide the
learner with a way to be creative and develop the skill necessary to help them learn and advance
their desktop publishing ability. The learner will be able to learn at their own pace and in the
convenience of their preferred learning environment whether it be at home or in their office.
Creativity is in all of us. To create in the digital world, one must first learn the tools for
their desired medium. This instructional module will help individuals who want to learn how to
create from scratch their own logo using Adobes Photoshop software. This tutorial will help

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learners develop their idea then learn the tools and steps necessary to create a completed digital
Learning Objectives

Learners will recognize effective aspects of logo design

Learners will create a new document in Adobe Photoshop

Learners will create basic shapes using the Pen tool in PS

Learners will create, delete and move layers

Learners will manipulate colors

Learner will add and adjust text

Learners will export image to a .jpg or .gif file format

Section II: Pre-workshop Planning

Facilitator Preparation
Facilitator will have to distribute all materials to learners registered for the workshop if
this is via a web link or other format, all materials necessary must be uploaded to web link and
available for access.
Participant Preparation

Ability to link to location of the training materials

Ability to download and print handouts or support materials

Access to Adobe Photoshop or have installed on their computer

Ability to run PowerPoint presentations

Complete the pre-work, have a basic idea for their own logo

An hour to review the materials presented in the instructional media

Necessary Skills

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Participant should have a basic working knowledge of computers, including the ability to:

Opening new documents

Saving documents

Downloading and printing documents

Open and view PowerPoint presentations

Open a Photoshop image

Ability to save a Photoshop image

Section III: Instructional Environment, Equipment, and Materials

Types of learning environments in which this unit could be delivered

This unit is designed to be carried out individually. The client may choose to do so at
the office or in their home

Annotated list of Materials

Microsofts PowerPoint

Adobe Photoshop


Handouts- a reference sheet for future projects in designing with Adobe Photoshop (Ps)


Articulate Storyline for interactive quizzes

Equipment- OpenOffice or LibreOffice, both are free downloads.

Describe any logistical considerations the facilitator should be aware of:

N/A the self-paced learner is the facilitator

Suggested sections:
Considerations for the delivery environment

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More cost effective for the small business owner as it does not require travel or
extended time away to attend training

Equipment and materials

The individual should have access to a computer w/ the suggested applications


Handouts and media support

Reference sheet with terms and steps to follow

A document that will describe each tool used in Adobe Photoshop(Ps). Learners will be
able to open this document in MS Word and print if necessary. This will help each new
user to quickly identify each tool and associate its function with the steps necessary to
create a logo.

Section IV: Instructional Delivery and Sequencing

Module Overview
The How to Create Your own Logo modules will give the learner a self-paced interactive
instruction introduction to the method for creating a logo. There will be an introduction to the
most suitable users and most productive methods for creating a logo. There will be a handout to
accompany the module to guide the learner throughout the module.
Module Sequence of process
The first How to Create your own logo introduction module will identify the target
audience for who would benefit from using the instructional modules. It will address the
usefulness for Small Business Owners, Artists, and Web Graphic Designers. It will quiz the
learners on the important questions for them to think about before they get started on the project.
Next the learner will be instructed visually on the terms and steps suggested on the handout to

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begin their logo. Last the learner will be instructed to implement the steps they were given and
apply them to the creation of a logo.
Section V: Assessment of Learning
It is important to evaluate that the training is successful and it meets the objectives. For
this training it would be useful to begin with a pretest. This is one form of a pre-assessment
strategy and it can be done quickly prior to the start of the presentation. The pretest will be a
short quiz in which their knowledge of the workings of Photoshop will be tested.
Formative assessment strategies will also be utilized. These will include testing the
instructions during the development stage to ensure they are accurate and understandable. To
evaluate its effectiveness as a training tool, the outcome will also be an indicator of its
effectiveness. If the small business owner was able to create a logo from our instructions then our
training was successful. However, if they were unable to create a logo then the failure is ours.
We, obviously, would like to know if the program is successful prior to its use with clients
therefore we will test with other designers.
As designers, we will also want to evaluate the program upon its completion. We will be
focusing on the effectiveness of the training- how long did it take to be understood? Was it
confusing and did it need for the user to access collateral assistance to complete the logo? Was it
cost effective? What was the feedback- did the client feel it was a useful form of instruction?
One form to use to obtain the answers to these questions is a post-test. This would entail
administering the same test as the pretest again at the end. We would also use an evaluation to be
completed by the client.

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Evaluation Phase

Evaluation Process
The process that will be employed to evaluate the effectiveness of the program will
consist of quizzes and a completed logo. Although there is no prerequisite to begin the program,
there will be a pre-quiz to prepare the learner for the training. Once training begins, the learner
will be quizzed after each module within the training to assess whether they understood the
material. The quizzes will examine the different tools that were presented in the modules. We
will use either Adobe Captivate or Google Forms to create the quizzes which will give the
learner instant feedback after completing each quiz, It will be recommended, not required, that
the learner repeat a module if they score less than 80 percent on the corresponding module quiz.
The summative assessment for this training will be a completed logo that follows effective logo
design and is exported to the desired format, .jpg or .gif.
Alignment of Unit Goals to the Evaluation Process
The initial goals of the instructional model were:

Learners will understand what makes an effective logo

6. Learners will create basic sketches from ideas

7. Learners will understand Photoshop tools necessary to create a logo
8. Learners will determine the effectiveness of the logo from audience feedback
The use of a pre-requisite quiz will test to see if the learner has the basic skills needed to
complete the learning module successfully. Lack of these skills by the learner will make
successful completion highly unlikely. By using a quiz at the end of each step in the process,
learning is rewarding, reinforced through repetition and confidence is raised in the learners
ability to master each skill. Because this is a self-directed learning curriculum and there is not
formative evaluation process, learners will determine their own success by the quality of the logo

Logo Tech



they are able to produce. Design and developers will determine the effectiveness of the module
based on participant completion rates, and feedback solicited from those enrolled in the course.
Additional adjustments to the module will be ongoing based on this feedback.
Evaluation of Analysis and Design
There are some brief review quizzes and checkpoints used as learning assessment for
Creating a Logo, only basic skills and materials are needed for the learner. Along with 45 to 60
minutes to view all modules, the initial requirements for the learner are basic understanding of
using computer applications, such as being familiar with accessing Microsoft Word and Adobe
Photoshop applications to apply to their training. In the Introduction module, there are some
questions in which, the participant is quizzed on the goals for creating a logo. Throughout the
following modules there are screen casts and quick reviews to reiterate to the learner the tasks
that are needed to carry out key operations. The final assessment is based on saving the
document in a specific file and the final product that the learners would produce on their own
time. A few revisions were made throughout the course of developing the instruction.
Proposed Revisions and Key Points

The learning objectives were changed to what the learners will recognize and create,
instead of what they will be able to do.

In the introduction module, the learner target audience was opened to a wider audience
besides only small business owners, but to artists, web developers, and graphic artists.

The demonstrations for how to create a logo, using adobe Indesign, Illustrator, or
Photoshop by using screenshots to show learner, were reduced to only using Adobe

Logo Tech



The self-paced learner was given a handout to print out for a reference guide to
accompany the visual simulations of the modules.

There was increased knowledge of skills for creating with the use of pen tools, creating
layers, manipulating colors, and text for creating a logo.

The instructional plan is the starting point for any instructional curriculum. This instructional
plan models the ADDIE format. The compilation of a team of different individuals as brought a
variety of insight and style to this instructional plan. The plan has been revised based on
feedback from the instructor and peers. The plan will need further revision, development, and
design, to become what the team members that have contributed to its creation envision.
Logo Design for Logo Tech

Logo Tech



A Digital Dreamer. (2014). A simple multimedia definition. Retrieved from
Kyrnin, J. (2014). What is Web Content? Retrieved from
Levie, W. H., & Lentz, R. (1982). Effect of text illustrations: A review of research. Educational
and Technology Journal, `(30), 195-232.
Morrison, G. R., Ross, S. M., Kalman, H. K., & Kemp, J. E. (2013). Designing effective
instruction (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Logo Tech

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