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Appendix H

Tutoring Reflection
Name: Jessi Towne Lesson: Getting to Know You Date: September 21,
Listen to your recording and reflect on your tutoring session by addressing
the following areas. Pay specific attention to the dialogue that you have with
the tutees and what insight you can gain from that. Write a short
paragraph for each section.
1. Identify and analyze strengths of the lesson, include reflections about
written and oral comments from the Coach and/or professional peer and
insights gained after listening to your recording. [TPE 1A, 10]
I was able to get them to talk, and I had fun with them. Toward the end of the
session, they were really opening up to me and talking a lot. One of the
strengths of the lesson was that I was able to get through all of the tests with
them, and both Julian and Kendy participated and were able to get through
all of the tests. It was nice that my coach wrote on my lesson plan that I was
able to keep both tutees engaged, and that my lesson plan was really
detailed. Listening to my recording, I realize that I was doing a good job in
relaying the information to my tutees in a way they could understand and
connect with.
2. Identify and analyze problematic aspects of the lesson include comments
from the Coach, and/or professional peer and insights gained after listening
to your recording. [TPE 2,3]
There were a few things that were problems. First of all, it would have been
better quality if it was just me with my tutees, because it was a little hard to
hear Julian and Kendy with all of the other people in the room. Another
problem that I noticed is that sometimes they had trouble staying on task,
because both were talking out of turn and being distracted.
3. Describe possible changes to lesson if implemented a second time. [TPE
I would make sure to let Kendy and Julian know that we have to stay on task,
and not to talk while we are in the middle of the lesson. I would make sure to
be more prepared with colored pencils and other materials, so that my tutees
will be more engaged. I did not have enough pencils and other writing
materials, so it stopped the flow of the lesson. I also noticed throughout the
recording that I clicked the pen I was holding, and it made a really annoying
noise. I would change that by realizing that the recording picked up a lot of

other noises, and I should stop those noises. One of the TPEs that I should
have made better use of was 10.1, which is talking about time management
in instructional planning, because I felt like we got off task a lot.
4. Discuss insights about tutees. Discuss and analyze tutees work, describe
tutees behavior/attitudes, etc. How did you differentiate your
instruction/materials to meet the different needs of your tutees? What will
you work on next session based on your analysis of this session? [TPEs 4,5,7]
The part they had the most trouble with was their writing. Julian did not do
very well on his writing. That is something I need to work on with him. His
spelling was not very good, and his phonics was okay. Neither of them were
really confident about their writing or spelling. I noticed that they also had
some trouble with their writing; they would rather verbally tell me the story
than to write 3 sentences on their favorite topics. Julians sentence structure
was not strong. Kendy was a little better with her writing. She wrote fairly
well, but she was easily distracted. Julian just was not confident whatsoever
with his writing. He struggled a lot with his writing and was not sure of what
to write or how to write in complete sentences. Julian said that he did not
write a lot, so I know this was a struggle for him. Both Julian and Kendy
struggled with staying on task and talked a lot.
5. Discuss progress made toward becoming an exemplary teacher. Refer to
the RICA Competencies, TPEs, learning theories, etc.
I know that I am working on TPE 5.2. I think I did a good job with equitable
participation with Julian and Kendy. I like that they were both active and
participated. I was able to engage both of them and learn about what they
like and dislike. I was able to get them to talk and do my activities, even
though they were easily distracted and talked a lot about things that did not
relate to the lesson. I noticed they looked up to me and were really engaged
and interested in the stuff I had and were inquisitive. In the RICA book, for
Chapter 1, I was trying my best to meet competency 3.A, which is Organizing
Instruction To Meet The Needs Of All Students. I made sure that Julian and
Kendy were meeting the standards I had for instruction. I had to adjust the
writing portion to ensure they each wrote 3 sentences, even though they did
not draw out detail bubble for their sentences. I knew they were not at that
level yet, and I had to start simply by just asking them to do their best and
write 3 sentences about a topic of their choosing.

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