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David Palafox
Ms. Cowart
ENG 1301
November 5, 2015

Are Notebook Computers Replacing Textbooks?

The world today is evolving to benefit the lifestyles of ones everyday life. With the
constant change in todays technology, lead to worry if today current students are receiving a
strong education to prepare them for their future. How would a student benefit from using a
notebook computer in place of the normal textbook? With this debatable issue being very
important for the future students, leading towards test and research to determine the possibilities.
Pros and Cons play an important role in concluding the final decision. Will the notebook
computer be reliable and effective or will the device cause more confusion and distractions for
the students? Textbooks are always educational leaving the notebook computer in question to
how beneficial the device really is. Starting get into further detail between the two possibilities I
will have to say notebook computer have already have a high bar to overcome. Now trying to
keep the past experiences of the past school years in mind and help conclude what will be the
best and most effective procedure to educate the future students in order to be successful citizens
in today current world.
The learning process is growing at such a rapid rate that it is no longer possible
for traditional tools to keep pace or for students to have necessary access to the available
information. While colleges and universities have moved headlong on digital textbooks as a
means to reduce costs for students, K-12 education is venturing cautiously, but steadily, into
using digital textbooks (Mardis, et al. pg. 4). Providing the students with the most up to
date resources is always the most important reason for making changes in the educational
environment. As for the students, they will be given an opportunity to excel by using technology
to read, test, and complete homework when needed. Instead of the student being limited to what

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is around, they will be given the chance to expand their studying abilities with the unlimited
amount of information on the World Wide Web.
A major concern with the younger student on carrying multiple books around can begin to
cause back problems, neck strains, and fatigue. With the advantage of a notebook computer
being half the weight of one book, will help limit the weight of a students backpack. Digital
textbooks would decrease the physical burden placed on students who use print textbooks. They
are also accessible to students online at home or at school, eliminating the need to transport
heavy print textbooks in their backpacks for use to do homework assignments (Mardis, et al. pg.
Giving the opportunity to expand the learning horizon for a student and even teaching limits
for a teacher should be in the best interest for the future generation. With a standard textbook a
student and teacher is limited to sitting in a classroom with only the provided material for
learning and teaching. A notebook computer can give a student the ability to communicate
with one another by emails or even open debate blogs. Also, having the ability to debate
about a certain subject with a greater number of opinions is a plus. Communication among
faculty and students may enhance students learning efforts, which can be done by providing
notebook computers. Different learning/teaching requirements are needed for certain students,
and with the notebook laptop this can be customized for the students that have different learning
needs. Technology can free faculty and students from the constraints of the traditional classroom
experience. With computers in hand, students can solve science, accounting, math and confusion
problems on their own instead of watching the professor solve the problems on the blackboard.
Class can be structured so students learn by doing and by discovery instead of repetitively
receiving information delivered by faculty.
Communication among faculty and students also can be enhanced by access to notebook
computers. For example, a student can post a question to the professor at the time the problem
arises, often late at night, instead of taking class time or seeking the professor out during office
hours. When questions have to wait for often forgets the question which then never gets asked or
answered. The student Professors also can post significant questions and answers on the

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network so the entire class, not just a single student can benefit from the interaction.
Unfortunately, even with all of the advantages to having a notebook computer compared to the
textbooks, there are also many disadvantages toward the notebook computers. Not everyone is
aware of the new technology, especially younger students and older adults who can't get used to
the idea of reading assignments off a small device.
As for some of the younger students that may tend to be distracted toward the
use of a notebook computer. For instance, without the monitoring of an adult the student may
tend to play games or log on social media. As good as it sounds, there tends to always be reasons
to compare both sides. Technology is always going to be an advancement for the future, so
prices for these devices will be costly because of the high demand. The purchase price will not
be the only money spent toward the device. For instance, future fees of repairs for both physical
and technical damages to the device. So in order for all the repairs to get done someone will
have to pay a fee for the technician and/or pay for the training on the devices. In most cases,
when a textbook is lost or badly damaged, it will normally get replaced. The cost to replace a
notebook computer can cost double or even triple than the amount of a textbook would cost.
With the financial issues leading the top of the list for disadvantage, there is another issue with
the notebook computer.
With the last disadvantage most likely play a big issue with the younger ages of students.
Hand-written practices and reading textbooks help with the learning strategies. Now, having
the advantage of auto correct, spelling, and grammar checks, limits students from learning proper
grammar and spelling. It is very important every student receives proper teaching. Long access
times, technological problems or difficulties with certain platforms caused frustration on the
users part. Some users wanted to be able to print portions of the e-textbook to either read them
while away from a computer or other device or simply to highlight or annotate them. (Doering, et
al. pg. 3). In order for students to learn information, they must study for hours each day.
Depending on how much work or classes the student have, staring at a bright screen can cause
eyes to strain, along with headaches and dizziness. For larger classroom the use of textbooks is
the best choice. Due to the fact that time is a big issue, so as the students ask questions helps

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answer for other students. As the learning needs for students differ, in the larger classes, students
may get behind due to confusion. One last issue involving time and money is the training that is
needed, in order to maintain and perform task correctly. Some students may need a little extra
training regarding the new technology that only a few may have experiences with. Having to
figure out when to make time for proper training and keeping every student up to speed may be
an extra class for students. That may lead to having another employee on the payroll. Will most
likely need to hire certified technicians who are qualified to perform the job. Others related that
if a textbook was needed during class time, sometimes it was necessary to have a printed text to
refer to problems, especially when the instructor was wary of students being online during class
time. Doering, et al. (2012).
Notebook computers will soon be part of every classroom in the United States. This
development provides further advancement for schools to maintain 21st Century learning.
Preparing students to learn and live productively in todays society where accurate and current
Information is an important part of everyday learning. Giving the right technology to students
will help the student advance further than what was provided to the older generation. Basically,
the textbook has a limited amount of information that is able to provide, while notebook
computers have a very wide range of sources. Building an educational foundation and focus for
the achievements of universal students access to technology is critical to gaining faculty and
institution wide commitment. Technology is the only way the future generation is going to be
able to keep up the advancement in the future society, depending on the development in the
teaching/learning tools will determine if todays students are ready for a successful life. Giving
the students an opportunity to have hands on experience of what the future has to offer, is the
biggest advantage they will have for their future. Giving a chance to provide enough information
for the reader to make a supportive decision on introducing stronger technology in future
schools. As an owner of an electronic device, todays current life depends on some sort
technology in order to complete giving task or even make it through a stressful day. So take a
moment to think about what the current technology is experience daily, and how would someone
function without the device.

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Works Cited

Mardis, Marcia; Everhart, Nancy; Smith, Daniella; Newsum, Janice; Baker, Sheila. Digital
Textbooks and Florida Schools From Paper to Pixel: pdf. July, 2010. Pg. 1-24

Torsten Doering, Luiz Pereira, and Linda Kuechlar The Use of E-Textbooks in Higher
Education, A Case Study: E-Leader Berlin, 2012. Pg. 1-16

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