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Sister Cities not only fosters

bonds between Salisbury and
towns half a world away, it promotes a deep appreciation of
other cultures and a greater
recognition of our own. From a
students perspective, Sister Cities
has allowed me to look beyond
the comfort limits of our own
community and discover similarities and differences with international cities in an ever-changing
world. There is no doubt that
Sister Cities puts Salisbury on the
world map while simultaneously
bringing the world to our doorsteps.
Derek Wu
Sister Cities provides formal and
informal connections between
people in our community and
people in Salisbury, England;
Tartu, Estonia; Dalian, China and
beyond. We formally exchange
education, arts, culture, business
ideas and informally build lasting
relationships and friendships.
Paula Morris

2015 Officers:
Chair: Marion Keenan
Vice Chair:. John Hickman
Secretary: Carole Champagne
Treasurer: Ernest Boger
Donations can be made to the
Sister Cities fund at the Salisbury
Area Chamber of Commerce.

Sister Cities

Sister Cities of Salisbury/Wicomico County holds meetings once

a month in the Government
Office Building in downtown
Salisbury. If you are interested
in attending a meeting, please
Marion Keenan

Our Sister Cities

Salisbury, England

O ur M ission

International exchange creating

lasting friendships
through cultural
economic development, and

Salisbury is known

ister Cities of Salisbury/

Wicomico County began in
2006 when we joined Sister
Cities International and began
to formalize our relationship with
Salisbury, England. We have since
established relationships with Tartu,
Estonia and gained a Friendship
City, Dalian, China.
We are a branch of Sister Cities
International, an nonprofit, citizenship diplomacy network that
creates and strengthens partnerships between domestic and international communities to increase
global cooperation at a local level.

as the city in the

countryside. The
Salisbury Cathedral, constructed
in the 13th century,
contains the best
preserved original copy of the Magna Carta. The UNESCO World Heritage Site Stonehenge is located 9 miles from Salisbury, and
the citys original Iron Age settlement known
as Old Sarum can still be visited.

Global peace through mutual understanding.

Our Accomplishments

Tartu, Estonia

In the past several years, our organi-

Tartu is located

zation has hosted delegations from

on the river Emajgi in Estonia.

The city boasts
a large student
population that
attends the local University of Tartu. The city
is the second largest city in Estonia, and is
known as the spiritual and intellectual capital of the country.

Dalian, China
Dalian is a trading

O ur V ision

and financial center in northeastern

Asia. Both Japanese and Russian
architectural styles
are prominent in the city, which has many
squares, gardens, and coastal areas. Dalian
is well-known for fashion and hosting football

our sister cities, sponsored prominent community events such as the

Salisbury Film Festival, and Singing to
My Sister. We have also published
a newsletter and created the video,
The International Side of Salisbury.
Our members continue to communicate with our sister cities and
maintain Salisbury, Marylands global

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