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Research Plan Reflection

Natacha Isaac Bonaventure
University of St. Thomas

Fall 2015
Dr. Teresa Hughes



This course has opened my eyes to the world of research. I have enjoyed creating the
survey in Survey Monkey, as it helped me to see the importance of taking surveys. Their values
are important to statisticians and impact the methodology that educators use in the actual
classroom. It was interesting to desegregate the data and make sense of what it was actually
saying. What I found compelling was that even though the data showed that numbers were
statistically significant generalization could not be made based on those results. Those results
just revealed that something was likely to occur. I walked away with a good knowledge of the
difference between validity and reliability. Validity would be how well the test measured what it
proposed to measure. But reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable
and consistent results.
Another facet of this course were the readings. I realized that I prefer reading qualitative
research rather than quantitative research. I do understand and appreciate that quantitative
research is important, however I found qualitative research to be much more interesting and
easier to read.
Overall the course challenged me and I enjoyed the challenges. The work load for the
course was adequate and I was able to keep up with my assignments. I found that the practice
modules were very helpful. I enjoyed sitting in the comfort of my home to watch the videos and
complete the practices. The projects in the course were interesting to complete. If I could do
anything over it would be to get better grasp of the data set assignment. I wish I had more time
to understand how each of the different test worked. I am glad I was able to have this

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