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WP1 Reverse Outline


Final, Revised Submission

#1 (Thesis

In analyzing these articles, I was able to

determine that the credibility of each
source hinged upon certain conventions
such as the authors style and the
structure of the work, and found that the
more formal and presentable the article,
the more credibility it had.






What You Added/Omitted and


I changed my thesis because my

initial one was not a driving thesis
statement and didnt pass the
arguability test. I also included the
names of the articles and the authors
in my introduction, instead of them
addressing them in separate
paragraphs. Introducing the sources
right off the bat made it so that I
didnt have to write out the full
article name every time I addressed it
in my essay.
The tone of The Onion article is satirical, I explained that the satirical nature of
making it an unreliable source.
the article detracts from its
formality, and the lack of formality is
why this article is an unreliable
source. This added sentence ties back
into my thesis statement.
The tone of the Rolling Stone article is
I added in more direct evidence of
informal and conversational, making it a the authors informality and a quote
non-credible source.
from the course readings to reinforce
my point. This made my argument in
this paragraph more solid.
The tone of the article from the
I added in a quote from the article
Huffington Post is formal.
that exemplified the authors
formality. This direct evidence made
my argument in this paragraph more
An authors diction can add or detract
I initially wrote that the authors use
from formality.
of slang in the Rolling Stone article
made him more relatable. This
contradicted my argument however,
so I omitted that sentence and added
in one about slang making him an
untrustworthy source of information.
An author makes certain style choices in Initially, I explained all three
order to cater to a specific purpose and
articles intended audiences
separately and in different
paragraphs. Since every article is
aimed at an adult audience, I

condensed that idea into one



Correct capitalization, punctuation, and

spelling add to the legitimacy of the


There is a relationship between length

and credibility the lengthier, the more


The articles share multiple structural

similarities which make them more


Visuals add reliability to an article.


Not showing the author of an article

makes a source untrustworthy.


Knowing how to define genres allows

people to find the correct information
from the most reliable sources.

I added in the idea that clichs and

ambiguous ideas would detract from
legitimacy to further elaborate on my
At the beginning, I added in an
explanation of the importance of
structure in an article because this
and the following three paragraphs
explain how certain structural aspects
establish credibility.
I originally wrote about comment
sections, but I omitted it because
mentioning them didnt further my
argument, it only disrupted the flow
of my essay.
I didnt add or omit anything from
this paragraph, because it tied into
my revised thesis without any
I didnt add or omit anything,
because it tied into my revised thesis
without any changes.
I added in the sentence The tone,
style, and structure all give clues to
the reliability of a piece of writing
in this case, they proved that the
Huffington Post article was the most
credible source of the three, to sum
up my entire argument into one

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