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Jessi Towne

EDUG 550
Tutoring Lesson Plan #9
November 23, 2015

Appendix G

Tutoring Lesson Plan: Session 2 and Beyond

Basic Information:
Date: 11/23/15
Tutor: Ms. Towne
Tutees/Grade/s: Julian (4th), Kendy (3rd)

Session #: 9

Support for ELs: Before I start reading aloud to my tutees, I will make sure
to clarify the meaning of words I believe my ELs might not understand. I
make sure to speak slowly and clearly. When I ask a question, I will make
sure to give them more time to think and comprehend the question. When
they are writing, I will decrease the amount they need to write.
RICA connection: p. xvii Introduction; Common Strategies for Meeting the
Needs of All Learners; (B) Struggling Readers and Students with Learning
Disabilities; (3) Teach Things in Manageable Units;
Support for Learning Challenged Student: (Hard of Hearing): I will make
sure to speak loudly and clearly. I know there are other tutors and their
tutees in that same room, so I know it will be noisy and difficult to hear, so I
could take my tutees outside to sit on the grass in the shade for a change of
scenery and also for it to be a quieter atmosphere. I will also make sure that
we are all sitting in close proximity so the student can hear me properly.
RICA connection: p. 7 Competency 1, (5) Engaging and Motivating
Students; (A) Stimulating Learning Environment That Promotes Success
Introduction: Hi, Julian. Hi, Kendy. Its good to see you today. How are you
doing? Today, we are going to work on words that have the same beginning
letters, read aloud, and go over our readers theatre script with our friends.
Description of Activities
Titles of Books, Time
Fill in rationale, standards, objective,
s or other
and procedure for each activity. List
possible questions, words to be used, Notes/Reminde
rs, Sources,

Rationale: I want my students to be - Recorder

able to decode words that end in ing - Notecards with
words that end in
correctly and accurately.
- Whiteboards
- Markers
RF.3.4 Read with sufficient accuracy
- Erasers
and fluency to support

10 min

p. xvii (A)

; (6) Use
, and

Objective: My students will be able

to say, write, and decode the root
word inside of the ing word.

Read To
or Read

Procedure: I will have 8 words that

end in ing that the students will
need to figure out the root word for.
Today, we are going to play a word
game. I have 8 different words that
have the suffix of ing, and your job
is to figure out what the root word is
and spell it correctly on your
whiteboard. Please write your names
at the top of your whiteboards. Okay,
when I show you the word, I want you
to write it on your whiteboards and
then write the root word underneath
it. For example, if I give you the word
giving, you will write g-i-v-e on your
whiteboards. I will write out the
example on my whiteboard for them
to see. I am also going to be taking
pictures of your whiteboards after
each word, so please do not erase
your boards until I tell you to. Okay,
lets get started.
Rationale: I want the students to be
familiar with different genres of
literature and I want them to hear me
reading poetry with fluency.
RL.3.4 Determine the meaning of
words and phrases as they are used
in a text, distinguishing literal from
non-literal language.
Objective: The students will be able
to accurately read poetry aloud after
hearing me accurately read poetry.
Procedure: Have you ever heard of
Shel Silverstein? I will wait until I
hear their answers. If they say yes, I
will tell them about the book of his

- Shel Silversteins
Where The
Sidewalk Ends
poetry book
- Recorder

10 min

p. 8 Comp
1; (5)
Aloud to

poems we are going to be reading

from. If they have not heard of him, I
will say, Shel Silverstein is a poet.
That means that he wrote poetry.
Poetry tells a story just like a book
does, but in a different way. It will
feel more like a nursery rhyme book
because most poems rhyme. When
you read a poem, you have to make
sure to pay attention to the
punctuation. I will read a poem
aloud and then we will start to
discuss the meaning of words and
phrases in the poem and determine
which are literal, which are non-literal
and how each affects the meaning of
the poem.

Rationale: The students will

- Journals
organize their opinions about the text -Pens or pencils
- Recorder
in their writing journals.
W.3.1 Write opinion pieces on topics
or texts, supporting a point of view
with reasons.
Objective: The students will write
their opinions in their journals in a
narrative format.
Procedure: Please get out your
journals and a pencil. Today, we are
going to write our rough drafts about
our opinion of the book we read last
week. I have your OREO outlines you
can have to reference what your
opinions were about the book.
Remember, you have to make sure to
support your opinion with details
from the book like, I could tell that
Brians friends did not like him
because it says on page 5. When
you are writing your rough draft,
spelling and grammar does not

15 min

p. xvii (A)
; (3) Teach
Things In
e Units

matter. We will fix that later. Please

skip lines when you are writing your
rough drafts. It makes it easier to
read and for me to correct. I will have
the book here if you need to refer
back to the story in your writing. I will
be writing along with you. Okay, lets
try to get this done today before we
go to readers theatre. I will make
sure they are skipping lines in their
writing and are at least writing one
paragraph with 4-5 sentences. Lets
start our paragraphs by writing, In
my opinion, Brians friends
should/should not have intervened in
Brians life because. I will write
that on the whiteboard so they can
see how to format their paragraph.

Rationale: Get my tutees to become - 3 copies of the

readers theatre
confident in reading aloud by
script, Which
Shoes Do You
RF.3.4a Read with sufficient accuracy
and fluency to support
comprehension. Read on-level text
with purpose and understanding.
Objective: Students will feel
confident enough to read aloud in
front of an audience.
Procedure: Okay friends, we are
going to go outside so we can
practice reading our readers theatre
script Which Shoes Do You Choose?
with the kids in our group. Were you
able to practice your parts at home
last week? I want you to feel as
confident about reading as you can.
The only way you are going to be
confident is by practicing. We will
wait until Cassie and Monica are
ready to practice with their tutees
and we will go outside together and

15 min

p. xvii (A)
; (5)

practice as many times as we can.

Closing: Today, we did a word study with words that ended in -ing, we read
a few poetry pieces aloud, we wrote our rough drafts of our opinions, and we
practiced our readers theatre with our friends. I loved working with you both
today, you guys did awesome! I cant wait to see you next week!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reflection/Notes: (Please type and attach comments to lesson plan)
At the end of each tutoring session, write comments about the session
regarding the following areas:
1) your reaction to the session
2) your tutee(s) reaction to the session
3) what you plan to focus on for the next tutoring session

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