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It is widely accepted that falling asleep while

driving is dangerous, but it is also important

to recognize that driving drowsy reduces the
ability to drive safely even if you dont fall
asleep while driving. Numerous studies have
shown that drowsy drivers

take longer to react,

are less attentive to their
have impaired decision-making skills,
all of which can contribute to vehicle

According to the Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention, as many as
7,500 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the
United States each year might involve
drowsy driving, and 4.2 percent of adult
respondents to a 20092010 survey
reported falling asleep while driving at
least once during the previous 30 days.

About Drowsy Driver

Poor sleep health is a known common
problem with 25 percent of U.S. adults
reporting insufficient sleep or rest at least 15
out of every 30 days.1 Not receiving the
appropriate amount of sleep leads to health
issues and poor performance in your daily life.
Adult drivers are our focus at Drowsy Driver.
Our main goal is to help drivers examine what
the risk factors are and healthy steps to
reduce the chances of injury and/or fatality.
Drowsy Driver will promote a reduction of the
number of vehicle injuries and/or fatalities
during driving episodes.
For additional information, please contact
Tiffany Chery

2. Jackson ML, Croft RJ, Kennedy GA, Owens K, Howard ME.

Cognitive components of simulated driving performance: sleep loss
effects and predictors. Accid Anal Prev 2013; 50:43844.


http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/sleephealth/objectives.Updated October 30, 2015. Accessed October 31, 2015.

Drowsy Driver
Are You Awake?

What should you do if

you are drowsy and

Signs of Drowsiness

You keep yawning

Your reactions slow down
You feel stiff
Your eyes are heavy, frequent
You are day dreaming
Difficulty remembering the past
few miles driven
You drift over the center line
Missing your exit
You drive along the edge of the road
hitting the rumble strip

Commercial Drivers
Shift Workers (night
shifts and long shifts)
Drivers who do not
get adequate sleep

Let a passenger drive

Pull over to a safe place &
take a brief nap (15-20)
Drink 2 cups of coffee

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