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Day 10 - Tuesday, December 1st 2015

Nada anwar

Assessment of Pupils Progress

Assessing students work
Observe and record strategies used by the teacher to
assess learning.
1. How did the teacher monitor classroom activities?
Set tasks that are doable yet challenging to maintain student
Encourage cooperation by setting tasks that require
Facilitate development of the social skills necessary for working
2. What sort of designated assessment tasks are integrated
within classwork?
Visual/Text: Learning through reading printed text.
Visual/Graphics: Learning through seeing images
Visual/Text: Learning through reading printed text
3. How does s/he assess the learning during lesson?
1.Present an open-ended question for students to discuss or solve. 2.
Students can work individually, in pairs or small groups, or as a class (or
combination of these). 3. Have students share ideas with class, making
notes on the board. 4. Challenge their responses or have other students
challenge the responses on the board. 5. At the end, correct any
misconceptions, note opposing points of view, and summarize main

4. How did s/he give feedback to facilitate learning?

She make the children clap for the person who answer
And if they didn't she let them know in a kind way

5. Did s/he give homework?

Yes she did and she contact the parents to tell them about
6. Which of these strategies would you use/not use? Why?
I would use all of her strategies because they work well with the

7. Was there anything that could have been done differently?

Well I thnk that she could use more rewarding to the children
8. What surprised you?
That the collaboration establishes a personal connection between
students and the topic of study and it helps students think in a less
personally biased way.
9. What shocked you?
That some students still behave in a bad way she punishes
10. What delighted you
That the good students get presents for the teacher ,like candy

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