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Cameron Chee

Due 10.16.15
AP Chemistry
Learning Study
I have kept records of the times during which I spend doing my
homework over the course of two weeks, and have come to the
following conclusion: most of my procrastination stems from social
events. These events include but are no limited to extracurricular
sports activities, music, friends, and family.
The time that I could be working, but dont is always before the
time working. On average, I get home at around six thirty, but dont
actually start working on any of my homework until around nine.
Things such as talking to people of the phone or through Skype often
distract me, as well as family obligations like taking care of my sister or
celebrating my mothers birthday. Violin and various sports teams take
up a large percentage of my time after school, particularly for practices
and games or rehearsals for both categories. The rest of my distracted
time can be attributed to, of course, sheer procrastination. While the
family and extracurriculars cannot be avoided, I can still limit myself in
the time I spend unnecessarily socializing with my friends. Often those
conversations are of no importance, and the time would be much
better spent being productive.

My most pressing concern, however, is my time management for

long-term, non school-related projects (i.e. college plans). While I am
getting in all of my school assignments in on time, and am on track for
most of the projects for my classes, I am having a hard time also
making room for both Subject Test studying and College Applications.
The solution, therefore, would be to plan ahead. If I create
smaller, short-term deadlines for my long-term projects, I will most
likely end up organizing my time more efficiently. Since the day by day
homework has proven to be manageable enough, the logical remedy
for the month-long projects would be to break them up into multiple
assignments with similar deadlines, making them more seem urgent to
my particular frame of mind. In this way, I will be less likely to allow my
workload to amass to a quantity requiring a grueling process for
punctual completion. So, for example, plan on finishing the Common
App and the Letter of Recommendation emails by this weekend, and
the UC and Univerisity of Washington Applications by the next.

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