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ASTH ALCB REVEA 9° ath Designation: A 108 - 90a Standard Specification for toile acta nati ih alli a is cascada, MH 0759510 COLsabO S mm Steel Bars, Carbon, Cold Finished, Standard Quality" iis sad nial adpton on the ea esi Serer ep (irae a et his apeieaion hit bee aptoned fr eb exes ofthe Pope of Defoe C af year of sue wth ss foam ada by the pare of Deere Sioned forbes 1. Scope Lt This specification covers standard quality eold-f ished carbon steel bars produced to chemical compositions. Standard quality cold-finished bars are suitable for hea treatment, for machin’ yinto components, of for use in the asfinished consition as shafling, or in constructional appli- cations, or for other similar purposes (Note 1). Grades of stecl are identified by grade numbers or by chemical compo- sition, Nore I—A guide for the solestion of sicel bac ie contained in Practice A400, 1.2. Material fursished under this specification shall con- form to the applicable requirements of the current edition of Specification A 29/A 29M. 1.3 Some end uses may require material superior to sstindard quality involving one or move of the available designations shown under Supplementary Requirements. Supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified individually by the purchaser. 2, Referenced L?scuments 24 ASTM Standas ts A2A29M Specification for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy, HotWrought and Cold-Finished, General Re- uirements for? A370 Test Methods and, Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products? A400 Practice for Steel Bars, Selection Guide, Composi- tion, and Mechanical Propesties* A510 Specification for General Requirements for Wire Rods and Coarse Round Wire, Carbon Steel* A 516 Specification for Stool ars, Carbon, Hot-Weought, Speciat Quatity? E45 Practice for Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel? E 527 Practice for Numbering Metals and Atloys (UNS)? 22 Other Dectoments: *-Thicspcifation swe the jutton of AST Corie A on Sh States Stel ard Rested Alloyed the die yilty oF Subcom AOLIS on Ber Ste “Curent ean approved July 27, 1990. Publishes September 1990, Only published 3) 108-76 T Las previous eon ATOR “90 * Arman! Nook of ASTM Standards, VOLO, Snel 8506 of ASTM Standards, VlxO.D1 tough 0.05, inches. ‘Annie! Rook of ASTM Standards, Val 01.9, S damit Bork °f AST Standart, Val O30 wed unr the Med ception 40 the nupie nimetatelyFlonng the dsgation nlite the yar of The year of it eso, An in preheat capper A tl he De Index of Spcienins ant SAE 11086 Recommended Practice for Numbering Metals 1d Alloys (UNS)® E Handbook* ederal Standard 66 C Steel, Chemical Composition and Hardenability? AISI Steel Product Manual for Cold Finished Bars* erminology 3A Definitions: ALI standard qualiyy—cold-finished carbon steel bars produced from special quality hot-wrought carbon steel bars ‘or rods of equivalent quality, Bars of standard quality are commonly produced, in standacd chemical grade compositions or to mechanical property specifications and are subject to product analysis tolerances. The available sections and sizes arc covered by Specification A 29/A 29M. The bars are nonnally produced in cut lengths but some small sizes are suppliea ia coils. The producer should be consulted regarding sections and sizes available in coils. 4. Ordering Information 4.1 Orders for cold-finished bars to this specification should include the following items to a Jequately describe the material: 4.1.1 Name of material, 4.1.2 ASTM specification number and date of issue, 4.1.3 Chemical composition grade cesignation or limits, 44 required, 4.1.5 Condition, 4.1.6 Quality, 4.1.7 Shape (round, hex, square, etc), size, and length, 4.1.8 Report of heat analysis, if required, 4.1.9 End use, 4.1.10 Additions to the specification and special or sup plementary requirements, if required, and 4.1.11 For coiled product, the ceil weights, ID and OD. limitations, when required, Nove 2A typical owering description {sas follows: Steet Bar, ASTM A 108, dated SAE 1117; Coarse Grain; Cold Drawn, “Ava rom Sci of Auiomotie Ensorer 400 Commonwealth Div, Warren, PA 1509. “Aniible fo the Neal Pubcatons and Forms Center, $801 Tabor Ave tps, PA 19120 Ava om the Ane voor, NY 10017 rom and Sct stu, 150 Fas ADnd St, New h {200 f 139 in dante by 10019 12.0 hn. Heat Analy equa Sew Meche Boke 5. Materiils and Manufacture $4. Melting Practice—The stcel shall be made by one oF ‘more of the following primary processes: open-hearth, hasie- oxygen, or clectricelurnace. The primary melting may incor= porate separate degassing or refining and miay be fotloved by secondary melting using electroslg remelting. or vacuun aie reinelting. Where secondary melting is employed, the heat shall be defined as alf of the ingots remelted from a sinple primary heat 3.2 Deoxidation: 5.2.1 Unless otherwise specified, the steel may be rimmed, capped, semi-killed, or killed at the manufacturer's option. 5.2.2 When requitcd, the deoxidation practice, including killed steel, may be specified, 5.3 Diseard—Sufficient discard shall be made to ensure fieedom from pipe and undue segregntion. 54 Rediaw Stock—The bars shall be produced from special quality hot-wrought eacbon steel bars (Specification, A 576) o¢ from hot-wrought rods designated for eold-finished bars (Specification A $10). 5.5 Condition—The bars shall be furnished in one of the following conditions as specified by the purchaser: 55.1 Rounds 5.11 Cold drawn, Cold drawn, turned, and polished, Cold den, ground, and polished, TABLE 1 Nore Grade de ASTM AlOS REVEA 9U gl 0759510 CObBauL oo. A108 4 Tot weought, turned, and polished, or o.S.1 Hot wrought, tuned, ground, and polished, $$.2 Snares, Heragons—Cold drawn, 5.5.3" Mas: ° Cold drawn o Cold rolled, 56H Meat Treaunent 5.6.1 Unless otherwise specified, the bars shall be for- nished as cob ‘nished except that when the maximum of tie carbon range is over U.55 % they shall be annealed for cold finishing, 5.6.2 When property characteristics are required that are ot available for the specified grade as developed in the as-rolled cold-finished conditfon, the following thermal treat- ‘ments can be ordered: Annealed and cold Bnished, 5.6.22 Normalized and cold finished, Cold drawn and stress refieved, or Carbon restoration anneal to overcome surface decarburization on cokl-drawn bars. (For round bars pro- duced by turning, surface decarburization is removed during the manufucturing process.) 6. Chemical Composition 6.1 Chemical Composition: 6.1.1 The steel shall conform to the chemical composition limits specified in Table + for the grade specified by the purchaser. 6.1.2 Cacbon steels not listed in Table I can be snecified Composition of Cotd-Finished Carbon Steel Bars rations and cempesonscerespond tt reepetve ASI desig ans at conpessions ‘SDeapraien* Gade Designation Carton € Manone Preepror, See (pen Fe, Bas Osyen and Eve Fumece Graies 7 ‘ ro0eo 1c Dt max 020-080 ‘CaN mae D050 mae 10109 18 8-039 030.060 0.040 mas 0.050 max 610150 foie oro 030-060, o0%0 mae 9.050 max 10180 tote o13018 den-oa0 200 mae 9050s 10189 1018 018-020, 089.090 0040 max (0.050 max ‘Gina 120 018-023, 030-020 oto max 1.050 max SG s0020 sme? 018-023 070-100 0.060 mas 0.050 mex 610250 3028 090-080 2.000 max 1.050 mex 100 toa0 280-030 9.040 mae 0.050 max 10250 005 00.099 D040 max ‘2.050 max ‘610100 049 060-220 040 max 00 max 1040 105 00.090 0.40 me 2.050 max 10509 $088 060-89 ono mex 050 max 610050 09s, 230.050 O40 me 2050mae and iene Furoce Feo Cur Groaeste® Sino ir 100-130 ‘Ono mar 08a Gttt89 18 30-1460 2.010 max 000-013, “1ig90 a7 13-168 ocomax 08-019 artat0 at shes 0.040 max 08-033 Gite ae 135-185 0.00 ma 024-033, Gist st 070-100 2.040 max oosarg Srati0 at 050-090, oor-o12 o10-048 r2i20 tae 270-400 oor-o12 046-023 612190 20 070-169 07-012 026033 Vue OF axe Bast te 004-008 025-035, citiso co nme 075-105 004-009 026-036, ‘lew desyatiors estas a ordanca wah {men son route, tho flin oranges ren rwsite, onde Spec 03, inssig tha et L batwoen te seco "othelaae steam * Lead ean! shet bo 0 15-0.38 9 E87 we ETOH, “Sone instarecoeny ates Sa astray te Annan 61-0384 han cones Bde a en ty Scividranet seo gon nae Practce fr Nanbtng tas and Moye RAS). 9 %mae, 010-020, 018-090% or 050-040 or ena, 11.47 4 cast Feat anal PlGsterminat en et Is 8868 Grados 1211, 1212, 1249, 42L1, ard 4218 ar not cuppa wh spect con conten 0 a tan andl ditt pai ona an iinnaaltlcidistia Se, ASTM ALO6 REV*A 90 mM 0759510 OOLAaE2 9 mm €y a 108 Steels anay te selected feom Specifications A 576 and A $10; Fodoral Standard 06 C; the SAF Handtook; or the AISI Steel Poaducts Manual for Carbon Steel Bas, 6.1.3 When a steel cannot be identified by a. stand rade number in accordance with 6.1.1 and 6.12, the fimits for cach requited clement may be specified ‘using the ‘cheanical eariges shown in the Lable (Heat Analysis Chemical Ranges and Limits of Carbon Steel Bars) of Specification ADA 29N. 6.2 Heat Analysis—An analysis of each beat shall be iade by the manufsetarer to determine the percentages of tlie elements specitied. The analysis shall be mie from a test simple preferably taken curing the pouring of the heat. The ‘eeniical composition Gus determined shall be reported 10 the purchaser or his representative when required by the purchase oeder, and shall conform to the specified require seats vod Product Analysis—A product analysis may be made by the purchaser. The chersieal composition thus deter- pine, as to elements required or restricted, shall conform to the ordered chemical composition subject to the permissible ariations on product analysis of the table (Permissible Variations for Product Analssis of Carbon Steel) in Spec ceation A a4 29M, 7. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance TA Workmassship—The bars shall be free of pine, cracks, SUPPLEM and flakes. Within the Himits of good manufieturing and inspectian practices, the bars shall be free of injurious sears, laps, seereyation, of ather imperfections which, due to theit nature, dearer, oF extent, will interfere with the use of the material #6 machining or fahrication of suitable pacts, 12 Finish: 72.1 Unless otherwise. specified, the bars shall have commercial bright smooth surface finish obtained by con- ventional cok! finishing operations such at cold drawing, cold rolling, o> tsrning and polishing, 7.2.2. When required, bars may be specified to be ground and polished, tiene and polished, or turned, ground, and polished. 7.2.3 Thurs that ate thermal treated after cold finishing may have a discolored or oxidized surface. 7.3 Osling—Fhe bars shall be given a surface coating of cil oF other rust inhibilor to protect against cust during shipment, 8, Certifiatiy 8.1 Upon request of the purchaser in the contract or onder, a manufacturer's certification that the material was nnyunuifactured and tested in accordance with this specifica- jon together with a report of the test results shall be furnished at the time of shipment PNTARY REQUIREMENTS ‘One of more of the following supplementary requirements shall be applied only when specified by the purchaser in the inquity, contract, or order. Details of these supplementary requirements shall be agrzed spon in writing by the requirement of the specification itself SI, Coid Working Quality SI.L The classification encompasses bars subject to severe cold plastic deformation such as, but not limited to, upset- ting, heading, forging, forward or backward extrusion. SL.2 If the type of steel or chemical composition does not have adequate cold working characteristics, appropriate thermal treatments should be specified. S13 When Supplementary Requirement S1 is specified, the bars shall be produced by manufacturing practices and subjected to mill tests and inspection and freedom from injurious surface imperfections to the extent that the bars sho" be suitable for the manufactute of identified paris. The quality requirements of individual application vary. S2, Special Surface Quality $2.1 Special surface steels are produced with exacting conttol and! appropriate inspection and surface preparation to minimize the frequency and degree of seanis and other surface imperfections. $3, Spectat Internal Soundness Requirement 83.1 Special internal soundness is relative freedom from segregation and porosity, ax evaluated by means of macroetch test which is performed on representative biliet or bar samples, The test consists of deep etching a cross scetion 1amufacturer and purchaser. Supplementary 20 eqquiremems shall in no way negate any ina hot acid solution and examination to evaluate sound- ness, An altcmnative method consists of fracturing a billet section and examination of the fracture to evaluate sound- 4. Nonmetallic Inclusion Requirements S4.1 The nonmetallic inclusion requirement comprises a ‘metatiographic examination of longitudinal sections to deter- ‘mine the nature and frequency of the nonmetallic inclusions. Frxperience indicates that samples taken midway between the center and surfgee of the bloom, billet, stab, oF bar are most representative of the average inclusion content of the lot involved. The test specimen is generally heated and quenched to harden it before being polished 19, avoid polishing pits. The specimen is examined at 100 diameters. Methods for determining the nonmetallic inclusion content of stecl are described in Practice E 45, 4.2 For resulfurvzed steels, much of the sulfur is present 1g sulfide inclusions, For this reason, thowe steels are not ‘enerally produced 16 inclusion rating. SS. Special Heat-Treating Requirements 5.1 Special heut treating (hardenability) ig a term used when the purchaser specifies asa requirement the ability of: steel to heat treat to specified mechanical property. values, that the purchaser must meet after his heat treatment, Care ASTM ALUS REV*A 90 MM 0759510 0Ob8863 O mm Ih a 108 sould be taken so that the desired mechanical property. ‘alues are compatible with the chemical composition, sire, und ross section of the stecl $5.2 Hardenability bard limits have been estublished for WO38H, 1OASH, and (SALLT as well as other graxtes that appeat in the SAB handbock, 56. Grain Size $6.1. The sieel shail conform to either Cie coarse austenitic stain size requirement (except as stated in $6.2), of the fine ftustenitis grain size requiceoent of Specification A 29) A29M, 86.2 Certain elements, or combinations of elements, such as_mianganese, sulfur, and ead tend to produce grain reftwenient and it is’ technically inappropriate to assure coarse grain size as measured by the MeQuaid-Bhn test on ra smrican Sec tr Testing high manganese, high sulfur, and tended steels such as 1144, USL and HAL. 7, Restricted Incidental Ktements $1.1 ‘The purchaser may specify maximum requirements for coprer, nickel, chremium, molybdenum, or other elc- ments. S8. ‘Therial Treatment S8.1 When required, the purchaser may specify that the Ibe stress relieved, annealed to specified structure, anneated to no specified structure, oF normalized. cal Properties required, cold-finished bars can be supplied 10 mechanical properties. Mechanical properties shall be deter- mined in accordance with ‘Test Methods and Definit A370. stil kes m0 pon esting th vlc ay pen gts assvied i comcction wah any ar mont ov in ths sonar Users a tha stansrd ae evpreeny ated nat tarmiation te alt ol oy such Botere rams aha rok citing such gh are eay Pe Own espns This stan sujet revsian a any inn by the respense echnical cenvtes ad mut be reviewed ear te yous ond ctr ed ennar pound or whan eur Como are sted ether for reinan aa lone oad is sands 4 shuld 00 ares 9 ASTM Headhunters. Your connate wi ect cach conection at» mowing of Ye response {chee comme, which you ay ato you tel Da yecr coments Rave secowed ao" heang You SNS make YOu? ens hrown oho ASTM Commitee on Slondeas, 1816 Race St, Pindepns PA 19108 2

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