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Youre fired!

By Caan Larkin, Katie Gardner Hannah Copley and Gabrielle Cooper
Boss is sat in office, organising paper
A staff member is walking to her bosss office
The boss is sat at desk, the staff member walks in
Boss: Good Afternoon (Stern voice) Mrs Shipman.
Mrs Shipman: Hello Miss.
Boss: I suppose you are starting to wonder why Ive called you into my
office this afternoon.
Mrs Shipman: Yeah I have been. I guess it must be about my pay rise
Ive been waiting ages for. (Relaxed, attitude like voice)
Boss: Well no Mrs Shipman. With no regret Im afraid that because of
your incompetence, un-organization and your increased lateness and
failure to attend work you will be leaving our company immediately.
Mrs Shipman: WaitWhy?
Boss: You never show up to work
Mrs Shipman: (interrupts) What?! I was in all of last week
Boss: Ive got your time sheet here and it shows me that youve called in
sick for 3 and a half weeks! (Passes Mrs Shipman the time sheet)
Mrs Shipman: Yeah I was sick.
Boss: According to your Facebook that you were in Ibiza on holiday!
Mrs Shipman: I needed time off I ran out of my holiday days
Boss: We extended your holiday time three times in a year! Its not just
your failure to turn up to work but it is also the fact that when you do
make an effort to turn up you sit at your desk eating or calling your

mates? Mrs Shipman this company does not pay you to sit on your ass a
have some free time.
Mrs Shipman: Well obviously I need a break every now and then
Boss: Not for the entire working day. We give a 90 minute lunch break at
12pm till 1:30. This level of laziness is the worst I have ever seen in my
10 years of being in charge of this company.
Mrs Shipman: Im insulted. How dare you be so rude to me?
Boss: I have better and more important things to do than sit here and
argue with you over you trying to keep your job. Ive made my decision
Mrs Shipman: Im going to sue this company!!
Boss: Good day Mrs Shipman. Please can you leave my office? I hope
that you will be successful in finding other employment.
Mrs Shipman: But I need thi
(Mrs Shipman quickly gets up of her seat and runs out of the room)
Mrs Shipman running through the corridor
(Boss picks up the phone and dials)
Boss: Carol, Can you please send the client in.
----------------------End Scene----------------------

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