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(ED gerrtae: Standard Specification for __ASTN A105 41 0759510 0076725 3 mm inc cmd ca eee COON AST Steel, Strip, Carbon, Cold-Rolled [Metric]' crtndrt stud te ed decatn A 1090; number imme towing ton atte year of iia edn {ic cae eresion he ar fx von. Amuse pean alces hee oe ea ‘spect en 0 Ints an edt charge ae tet rcions inh ER ele ta oc ood wb ante of he Dearne of Deo. Conti the DoD Indes ef Seco nd ‘Stanko se spite or ef tise es Ben edad the Doping See 1, Scope 4.1 This specification covers cold-rotied carbon stel strip in eut lengths or coil, furnished to closer tolerances than cold-rolled carbon steel shicet, with specific temper, with specific edge or specific finish, commonly available by size a Sollows: Wa, om TWiki am er 12 eg 20 Throw 60 41.2 This specification docs not include the product in narrow widths known as cold-rolled sheet, sit from wider widths, Specification A $68/A 568M, for Cieneral Require, meat for Steel, Carbon and High-Strength Low-Alloy Hot. Rolled Sheet and Cold-Rolled Sheet,” noc dees it include cold-rolled earton spring stexl, Specific for General Requirements for Siecl, HighCarbon, Sic Cold-Rolled, Spring Quality.” 1.3 This specification covers only metric (SI) units and is Rot to be used or confused with inch-pound unis, NNore—This metric specification isthe equivalent of Specification ‘A108, and is compte a tecnica eaten. 2, Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: A370 Tost Methods and) Definitions for Mechanical ‘Testing of Steel Products? A700 Practices for Packaging, Marking, and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Domestic Shipment? ATSI Tost Methods, Practices and ‘Terminalosy for ‘Chemical Analysis of Steel Products? BEM Test Methods of Tension ‘Testing of Metallic Materials [Mettio}® 22 Military Standards ‘MIL-STD-129 Marking foc Shipment and Storage! MIL-STD-163 Stee] Mill Products, Preparation for Ship. ‘ment and Storage® 23 Federal Standards: Fed, Sid, No, 123 Marking for Shipments (Civil Agencies) | This mesietion under he jr of ASTM Comes Aon tes ‘Seine Sean Rll lye aniston ef heme ‘01,19 on Sea het nc ion Gort cia apres iy 15,1991, Pula epee 1991. Oia ied a6 100M =97- La pris etton UIA Soe * mal Rk of AST Sonterde VaOsth {Aaa Bok of ASTH Sanders Val O03 ‘Ais Bok of AST Sanders Vat O40 ; Alibi fom Sundadton Documents, Ore Det, Be. 4 Son D, 10 Reis Ave, Phiuacon, PA ST IS090, ae NROSS Sch by te ESTE TESTING TELS ST vit ae Fed, Sid. No, 183 Continuous Jentification Marking of Iron and Steel Prodycts* 3, Terminology 3.1 Descriptions af Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.1.1 annealing—the process of heating to and holdin at {a suitable temperature and then cooling at a suitable rate, Tor such purposes as reducing hardness, facilitating cold works ing, producing a desired microstructure, or obtaining desired ‘mechanical, physical, or other properties. 3.12 box qrneatine—annealing in a sealed container net conditions that minimize. oxidation. The sips Usually heated slowly to a temperature below the transforma, tion range, but sometimes above or within it, and is thes cooled slovey. 313 carbon steci—the designation for steel when no minimum content is specified or required for aluminum, chromium, cobalt, columbium, molybdenum, nickel, tia: ‘ium, fungsten, vanadium, zirconium, or any otter element added to obtain a desired alloying effect; when the specified ‘minimum for copper docs not exceed 0,40 % or when the ‘maximum content specified for any of the following cle. ‘ments docs not exceed the percentage noted: manganese 1.88, silicon 0.60, or copper 0.50. 3.1.4 cold redttion-—the process of reducing the thick- ness of the strip at room temperature, The amount of 1. ‘duction is greater than that used in skin-rlling (see 3.7). 3.1.5 continuous annealing—heating the strip in vontin- vous strands through a furnace having a controlled ati. sphere followed by a controlled cooling, 3.1.6 dead soft—refers to the temper of stip produced rithout definite control of siretcher straining or fluting Itis intended for deep drawing applications where such surface disturbances are nol objectionable. 3.1.7 finish—refers to the degree of smoothness or luster of the strip. The production of specific finishes requires special pteparation and contral othe roll surfaces employed, normalizing—beating, to a suitable. temperature above the transformation range and then cooling in al to 4 {emperature substantially below the transformation range: [a Dright normalizing the furnace atmosphere is controlled to brevent oxidizing ofthe stip surface. 3.1.9 skin-rolled—a term denoting a relatively light cold rolling operation following annealing. It serves to reduce the [Dectiyan Gels Tana [oA io. 2004 | “TASTH AMOS 92 ME O759520 007730 7 me hb a toom TABLE 4 Cost or Hoat Analysis congarion © sen Tenpar. Tonge Pets arn rae 2s a nara, mae 280, 20 oer ass ——_oas ‘Sur mae oes 8 eppan when coppeaeegestiog min ___620 O20 tendency ofthe stel to flute or stretcher strain during fabri- cation, Its also used to impart surface finish, or affect haxd- ‘nose or other mechanical properties or to improve fatness (shape). 3.110 femper—a designation by number to indicate the herdness as @ minimum, 2s a maximum, or 0s a ringe, The {erspers are obtained by the eelection and control af chem- ical composition, by amounts of cold reduction, by thermal treatment, and by skin-rolling 4. Ordering Information 4.1, Osders for material to this specification shall include the following information, as necessary, to describe ade- ‘quately the desired product: 4.11 Quantity, 1.2 Name of matesial (cold-rolled earbon ste! strip), 1.3 Condition (oiled oF not oiled), 4 Temper Geetion 7), 5 Bdge (Section 8), ‘6 Dimensions (Section 9), "7 Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance (Section 10), 8 9 1 1 Coil size requirements (19.3), ASTM designation and year of issue, 10 Copper-bearing scl, i 1 Application (part identification or description), 12 Cast or heat analysis (request if required), and 13 Special requirements if required, Norm 1A typical onerng deseripion is a fills 10,000 ke (cola Roted Sri, Ole, Terie: 4, Edge 3, Finish 3 0.80 by 300 mn Spe 200 ey 40 mm ID AST TSM", Far 4 4 4 4 4, 4 4, 4 4 4 4 4 5, Materials and Manufacture 5.1 Cold-rolled carbon steel strip is normally produced from immed, capped, or semi-killed steci, When requited, special Killed stesl may be specified, and aluminum is nor: ‘ally used as the deoxidizer, 5.2 Cold-rolled earbon strip is manufactured from hot- rolled descaled cols by cold reducing tothe desired thickness ‘on a single stand mill or on a tandem mill consisting, of an yn EO SEE TENG A TSO several single stands in series. Sometimes an anneal is used at ome intermediate thickness to facilitate further cold vedue- tion o¢ to obtain desired temper and mechanical properties in the finished stip. Ap anneal is used af final thickness for the production of Temper 4 or Temper 5. 6. Chemical Composition 6.1 Cast or Heat Anaiysis (Formerly Ladle Analysis)— Each east of heat of ste! shall be analyzed by the manutac- turer to determine the percentage of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, and copper (when specified). This anal ‘ysis shall conform to the requirements shown in ‘Table I When requested, east analysis shal! be reported to the pare chaser or his representative, 1622 Product, Check, or Verification Analysis (Formerly Check Analysis) may be made by the purchaser on the fin- ished material ‘62:1 Not-killed stele (such as capped or rimmed) are not technologically suited to product analysis due to the non- uuniform character of their chemical composition, and there fore the tolerances in Table 2 do not apply. Product analysis is appropriate on these types of steel only when misapplice- tion is apparent or for copper when copper ste! is specified. ‘62.2 For sels other than non-killed rimmed or capped), when product analysis is made by the purchase, the chiem- ‘cal analysis shall not vary fom the limits specified by more ‘than the amounts in Table 2. The several determinations of any clement shall not vary both above and below the speci fed rang. 16.3 For referee purposes, i required, Test Methods, Prac- tices, and Terminology A 751 shall be used. 7. Temper ond Bend Test Requirements 7.1 Cold-rolled carbon stip specified to temper numbers shall eoaform to the Rockwell hardness requirements shown in Table 3. TABLE 3_Harcness Requirements “rise Recta Faboss veer a ioe - Tai ae ane to 5000 No.2 etre oo asrasetsraes ae 9 rene rrat so Broo” Bes No Meunatay 08 ism ss105 ee 9 amrse er % eo Bre Roane penales OS > os 1 ASTH ALOSH 9D, 0759510 O076731 4 @ a 109m TABLE 4 Bend Test Requirements o1e—Testebecinen shit be capi of tha bart 8 speed shove pet racing he ete fe ber por fan Fi 1 Meo TABLE 8 Width Tolerances of Edge Numbers 1, 4,5, and 6 of (ColsRolled Carbon Stee! Sip Brae nS Sete Sere, ee ns oe et a = a i. See ah borne 1 15 200 se ) meneent mae | ek en ion 1/8 @ @ 28 esginates th Sonat ney asta : a Necefioeoon) Bert tater hater fi» 2 gy # ; 8 eB & # 12 Bend tes sha contacted at oom empeae = fe sm eta deesenaterie ae ae ee 7.3 All mechanical tests are to be conducted in accord- ‘ance with Methods nd Definitions A 370, 74 tis recommended that hardness numbers be specified in the same seale as that which will be used in testing the strip. 8. Rage 8.1 The desired edge number shall be specified as follows: 8.1.1 Number 1 Edge is a prepared edge of a specified contour (round or Square), which is produced when a very accurate width is required or when an edge condition sult- able for electroplating is required, or bot 8.1.2 Number 2 Edge is 4 tatural mill edge cactied through the cold rolling from the hotlled strip without ‘additional processing of the edge 8.1.3 Number 3 Edge is an approximately square edge, produced by sliting, on which the burr is not eliminated, Normal coiling or piling does not necessarily provide a dei- nite positioning of the slitting burt, 8.14 Number 4 Edge isa rounded edge produced by edge rolling ether the aatural edge of hotlled stip or slitedge stcip, This edge is produced wien the width tolerancrs and ‘edge condition are not as exacting as for No. | ede. 8.1.5 Number 5 Edge is un approximately square exige produced fiom siil-edge material on which the bur is elimi ‘nated ysually by rolling or filing. 8.1.6 Number 6 Edge is a sqvare edge produced by edge rolling the natural edge of hiot-rolled strip or slivedge rip. TABLE § Thicknoss Tolerances of Col Rolod Carbon St Skip Including High Carson Stal Sip* ‘Wlrats Taree, Ps ad Ms, ‘er Speed wi Ome Geer ree ome roe igh ea tech ‘me ae ‘oor > SS aa ‘ass —~a009 eas sm tbe oes Bote im 3 bas eg or too Su = ba) om Om bee = Saas ae om bn bo = Saas Go a) 00s = See “*Meesyed 101) mn ot mie ay oage oil wane tan 26.0 ‘en wr i mast a ny oer he wah Cen by he RN SKIET TNT TENS A Tee am ut oa aga std apecod cage rarer * Sjeoted howe ust bu en anges sted oes na ‘This edge is produced when the width tolerance and edge ‘condition are not as exacting as for No. | edge. 9. Dimensional Tolerances 9.1 The dimensional tolerances shall be in accordance withthe fotlowi “oleanea men “tke Number “Tikare a wan fae Tovah 5 iter to 10, Workmanship, Finish, and Appesrance 10.1 Cut lengths shall have a workmanlike appearance {and shall not have imperfections ofa nature or degree forthe Product, the grade, and the description ordered that will be strimental to the fabrication of the finished pact. 10.2 Coils may contain some abnormal imperfections that render a portion of te coll unusable since the inspection of coils does not afford an opportunity to remove portions ‘containing imperfections as in the case with eut lengths. 10.3 The finish is specified normally as one of the following: 40.3.1 Number 1 or Maite (Dull Finish is a finish without hustes, produced by rolling on rolls roughened by mechaical ‘or chemical means. This finish is especially suitable for lacquer or paint adhesion, and is beneficial in aiding drawing operations by reducing the contact Irition between the die and the strip, 103.2 Number 2 or Regular Bright Finish is a finich produced by rolling with rolls having 4 moderately smooth finish, Is suitable for many requirements, but not generally applicable to bright plating. TABLE 7 With Tolowmce for Edge Number 2 of Cold oted ‘Carbon Sto! tip, nnn ror ore Ove wouh 7 a a cs oo a 0) a is 20 foo 25 i to 38 oo oe ao ~ASTH ALON 4) ME 0759510 OO7b732 3 pA 109m, TABLE & hath Tloraness of Edge Number 9 of Cols-Roled ‘Carbon Stoo! Sip ‘Wa Tera, Ps on om Tr Spaced Spaces Wee "ss Outs Geis owas Strooss Treagh Trough con ew es ‘ap os bad 02 = oOo 02 = 4d Ss Ot bso bso 10.3.3. Number 3 or Best Bright Finish is erally of high luster produced by selective rolling practices, including the use of specially prepared rolls, Number 3 finish i the highest ‘qualty finish commonly produced and is particularly suited for bright plating, The production of this finish requires ex: treme care in processing and extensive inspection, 11, Inspection ILL When the purchaser's order stipulates thet inspection ‘and jest (except product analysis) for avceptance on the steel ‘be made prior to shipment from the mill, the manufacturer shall afford the purchaser's inspector all reasonable facilites to satisfy him that the steel is being produced and furnished jn aceordauce with the specification. Mill inspection by the purchaser shall not interfere unnecessarily with the manv- Freturer's operation. All tests and inspection (except product ‘analysis) shall be made at the place of manufacture unless ‘otherwise agreed. 12, Rejection and Rehearing 121 Unless otherwise specified, any rejection shall be reported to the manufacturer within a reasonable time after receipt of material by the purchaser. 12.2. Material that is reported to be defective subsequent to the acceptance at the purchaser’s works shall beset aside, adequately protected, and correctly identified. The mamufac- turer shall be notified as soon as possible so that an investi- sgtion may be initiated, 12.3. Samples that are representative ofthe rejected mate- rial shall be made available (othe producer. Inthe event that ‘the manufacturer i dissatisfied with the rejection, be may request a rehearing. 13, Product Marking 13.1 As a minimum requirement, the material shall be TABLE 9 Length Talorencot of Cold-Rolled Carbon Stet Sip ‘TABLE 10 Cambor Tolerances, Cold-Rolled Carbon Sted! Siip Nore 1—Caier tw gost! devon of eager ase, susie soa tate on cee se wera eg ‘Nowe Gomer rot anton be ale we ar wy 200 a ‘ong Fo lah unger 2900 rem cane Whance shal be sie! etn, Vor han te combo tances shea Tito 10a nol ei ore —- 2000 wm w= wth o sep, a ater in = Vein Sand Gobo Toe _ “weuan nse, = wo identified by having the manufacturer’s name, ASTM desie~ hation, weight, purchaser's order number, ané materil iden tification legibly senciled on top of each lift or shown ox & {ag attached to each coil or shipping unit, 15.2 When specified in the contract or order, and for direct propurement by or dicect shipment to the governmeat, ‘marking for shipment, in addition to requirements specified jn. the contract or order, shall be in accordance with MAL-STD-129 for military agencies and in accordance with Fed, Std. No. 123 for civil agencies. 13.3 For Government procurement by the Defense Supply Ageney, srip material shall be continuously marked for identifiation in accordance with Fed. Std, No, 183. 14, Packaging and Package Marking 14.1 Unless otherwise specified, the sheet and strip shall bbe packaged ancl loaded in aecordance with Practices A 700. 142 When specified in the contract or order, smd for direct procurement by or direct shipment to the government, when Level A is specified, preservation, packaging, end packing shall be in accordance with the Level A require- ‘outs of MIL-STD-163, 14.3 When coils are ordered itis customary to specify rminimnurm of range of inside diametes, maximum outside fiameter, and a maximurn coll mass, ifrequired. The ability fof manufacturers to meet the maxinaum coil mass depends ‘upon individual mil equipment. When required, minimum oil mass is subject to negotiation. TABLE 11 Flatnee® Tolorances of Coldellod Carbon Stel Sip has st Boon asin to oman Tales lence or ea rans eon scat stove ta ws rare owl and Penson and vay ot omvrs poe ‘oe a en mm 7 Fron 60) Ove 1d_—_Owr 00 ver Tioush—wecugnsoo Tose 3000_ Thug a) % Hy a the MERION SICLEY FR TESTING ERAS CASH) Saas ASTH ALOE § 530 OO2L733 S APPENDIX (Nonmandatory Information) Xi. GENERAL INFORMATION AND METALLURGICAL ASPECTS X1.{ Mechanical Properties X14 Table X1.1 shows the approximate mechanical properties corresponding (o the five commercial tempers of cold-rolled carbon steel stip. ‘This fable is presented as a ‘matter of goueral information. The limits of tensile strength, lc, are not intended as critetia for acceptance or rejection, uniess specifically agreed to by the manufacturer when accepting the order. The exact processing by diferent ‘manufacturers will naturally vary slighty, so that absolute Identity cannot be expected in their commercial tempers of ccolderolled strip. X12 Hentified Part X12.1 Cold-rolled earbon stoet strip ean be furnished ia the various tempers to rake an identified part provided the fabrication of the part is compatible with the grade and tomper of the steel specified. Proper identification of parts ‘may include visual examination, prins or descriptions, or a Combination of thes It is the general experience that most ‘dentiied parts can be satisfactorily produced from one of the tempers, There are applications or requirements that neces- sitate additional controls or limit the choice of processing ‘methods. For most end part application only one kind of ‘mechanical test requirement is normally employed. This test requiroment is generally the Rockwell hardness test. X1.3 Rockewell Seales and Loads X13 Various scales and loads are employed in Rockwell testing, depending on the hardness and thickness Of the sirip to be tested. IL is common penctice to make the Rockwell hardness test at a point midway between the si edges on a single thickness only. There is some overlapping among the different scales, but the best scale to use in any tiven case isthe one that will give the maximum penetration, without showing undue evidence of impression on the undersurface and without exceeding B10O or its equivalent oon the dial, The use of a lighter load results in a loss of sensitivity, while a heavier load leads to a loss im accuracy. IP the Rockwell ball is flattened by using it om a hard sample, it should be replaced, otherwise the subsequent readings wil be affected, A tolerance for check testing of two Rockwell points ‘on the B scale below the minimum and above the maximum of the range specified is commanly allowed to compensate for normal differences in equipment. I is recommended that hardness numbers be specified to the same scale as that to be vsed during testing, X14 Aging Phenomenon 1.4.1 Although the maximum ductility is obtained steel strip in its dead sof (annealed lst) condition, such strip js unsuited for many forming operations due to its tondeney to stretcher strain or flute, A small amount of cold rolling (kio-rolling) will provent this tendency, but the effet is only temporary due 1o a phenomenon called aging. The phenom- ‘enon of aging is aecompanied by a loss of ductility with an increase in hardness, yield point, and tonsile strength. For those uses in which stretcher straining, luting, or breakage due to aging of the stec is likely to eccur, the steel should be fabricated as promptly as possible after skin-rolling, When the above aging characteristics are undesirable, special killed (gencrally alumisum killed stet is used, ‘TABLE X11 Approximate Machanial Properts for Various Temper of Cold-Rolled Cavben Strip Hore—thoto whos ar tn snot ony end wert nda tere aceparce efeton. Toute Seagur, Eaten RO mer Tener great, Pps eo Sune Naw wae : AT aT INT TATE OO toe tas 1228 protean ese se ce rn ea Seamwn — Soi EE} Netimapranavctosarp nated tut ia ton de nd tc Na iSinming” So S26 Rotts ect e mercea econ ring er oss ma ri oreo wa seénseor) S000 wes che cfrlad ip tne or deep tmnng what etch as ce Bg are is® Abe or ext ‘Twa pepris ao bated on slardare waar el sean a aol mots, Ga Fo T of Tet Mood eengtanf 60 ive wi eas lo.” Tempes No, dtu ach tape, he prep dengan = 43 + (Oleg (= cnr, wm) Othe terete Fae Toe XA Pesan pet YR TO TES CE) ASTH AMOS 92 ME 0759520 0070734 7 me 4) A 109m Pye ty pao yay. an fbn emt rete ze sp ea SR rl Se te vs acre t rerio at ary ety ha resco acca ad stb ovkuod wry vo ys ard atrovent oir enero r waa Yor crmeats We td etal shel bs atnsooer te seed eda, {3 a be atvossed fo ASTM Haart Yeu corns wrote cx carson sto MUSE {eel aentoe which oo ray aan Hy el at Your eonrats havent weed a fae Msn We ee are ana hohe AST Ceca Stdose. 09 Faca Si, Pepi Pa Tes Cope by eR SCAT FR TEUING ATES CST rei es oo ae

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