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1 John 2:18-29 “The Discernment of the Holy Spirit” Dennis Mock

Sunday, March 28, 2010

When we think of the ministry of the Holy Spirit we think of power and enablement without which we
would be unable to do anything of worth. There is, however, another aspect of His ministry in our lives.
John uniquely tells us about this anointing from God. It is not something separate and apart from
salvation. We are permanently indwelt at salvation, which enables this anointing.

Read 1 John 2:18-29

- John mentions the “last hour” but not in the sense of chronology. He means we are in the period of
Christ’s imminent return pictured in Rev. 19.
- What John is really talking about is spiritual discernment.
- The Holy Spirit indwells us and gives us this ability.
- The anointing is not something separate form the H.S. is the person of the H.S. himself.

What is involved?
1) Special spiritual ability to know true from false.
2) To know good from evil.
3) To determine who is genuine and who is counterfeit.
a. The emphasis is on false teachers who had left them.
4) The ability to correctly choose between various choices.
a. A critical ability to evaluate and make a choice based on how things really are.

The backdrop is the gospel account of John.

- John 14:16-17, 26
- John 15:26
- John 16:13

In the context of 1 John the Church was riddled with false teachers. Some of them had left the Church.

How does the process of discernment work?

1) The H.S. searches the mind of God determines His thoughts and will and reveals that to us
internally and by His Word (v. 18-19)
a. 1 Cor. 2:9-14 – Unbelievers do not have this capacity.
b. John 8:26-27 – The H.S. prays for us.
c. Only the spiritually mature and those “in tune” who exercise discernment.
d. Where else can we go fro discernment? A seminar, book, teacher, education, human
wisdom? Apart from God’s Word and His Holy Spirit none of this is effective.
e. The KJV uses the word “unction” which points to anointing with ointment or oil. What we
want is the result not some ritual, however.
f. The anointing enables us to identify false teachers.
g. v. 18 – There were already many “antichrists” among the believers John was writing to.
i. Antichrist means those who pretended to be someone they were not. They denied
the deity of Jesus Christ.
ii. They oppose Christ.
h. What do you do with a false teacher?
i. Listen, read, attend and you will find them.
ii. Confront them biblically.
iii. Don’t abide in their presence.
iv. Have nothing to do with them.
i. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen someone on TV who appears sound at first
but then something they say is completely wrong and off the wall. Biblical truth should be
unadulterated and not mixed with error!
2) The Holy Spirit teaches us the “True” Truth and affirms our relationship to the Father (v.
a. The greatest lie is that you can have the Father without believing in the Son.
b. If you find someone only talking about God and avoiding who Jesus is then there is a
c. Jesus is completely God and completely man forever united without confusion.
d. Our view of who Jesus is is the central truth of our salvation.
e. Jesus was with God from the beginning and was born in time in the flesh.
f. The H.S. gives us the ability to determine the genuine.
g. The Holy Spirit testifies in our spirit that we are God’s children.
h. Romans 8:16 – He bears witness that we are children of God.
i. Galatians 4:6 – We can call on Him as Abba Father because we are His children.
j. This gives us assurance of salvation.
i. We are securely in the hands of the father and no one can snatch us out.
ii. What we feel about this truth is an emotional issue but does not affect the truth.
3) He protects us from being led astray (v. 26-27)
a. We have to be really careful here or we are saying there is no need for teachers or pastors
at all!
b. What he is saying is that what we do need is the anointing of the H.S. to tell us what
teachers are right.
c. He gives us the capacity to discern so that we are not led astray.
d. Galatians 4 – Paul asks who cut in and led them astray?
e. How does He do it?
i. He teaches us the truth.
ii. Reminds us of the truth.
1. He can’t remind us of what we don’t know!
2. It is our responsibility to take it in and make it part of out thinking.
iii. He guides us into the truth.
f. ILL: In terms of the environment many Christians have been led astray. They are very
passionate about what they believe but it does not match up with scripture. Much of
environmentalism movement is based on false human philosophies.
g. Acts 17:11 – The Bereans were nobler than the Thessalonians because they tested what
was taught against the scripture.
i. We need to do this no matter what the reputation of the teacher.
h. Galatians 2:14 – Paul challenges Peter because what he was doing was not in line with the
i. Peter had led even Barnabus astray. So no one is above being led astray!
i. We must be so intimately acquainted with the truth that when we see something false we
should no instantly.
4) He confirms the right and righteous thing to do (v. 28-29)
a. There are wise things to do given certain choices. There are other things which make no
i. God does not care what color car you drive.
ii. It does matter: who we marry, what we do with our lives, etc.
iii. Acts 16 – Paul moves to take the Gospel east but is told to go west by the Spirit
instead. It mattered what He did at this point.
iv. The H.S. will give us the discernment with regard to decisions of import.
b. If we enjoin the H.S. He will give us the knowledge we need to make the right decision.
c. We do not have direct access to the mind of God apart from the anointing of the H.S. He
knows right now exactly what God the Father is thinking.
d. When we realize this and trust Him we will have bold confidence for the decision we make.

How do we make this discernment real in practice?

1) We must remain or abide in the truth. (v. 24,28)
2) We must remain in Him (in Christ)
a. A vital, genuine, active relationship with Christ lived out each day.
3) We must remain or abide in a righteous life. (v. 29)
a. If we live in habitual sin we will grieve the H.S.
4) We need to keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25)
a. This implies:
i. Not running ahead.
ii. Not lagging behind.
b. He is the counselor coming alongside us to guide, lead, direct and give discernment.

The question John poses for us is: “If we lack discernment, why?” because if we are His we have all that
we need for life and godliness!

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