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Topic and Theme Meshup

List of topic and theme

! Family
! Hate
! Fire
! Faith
! Survival
! Night
! Purpose
! Loss of innocence
! Prayer
! Time
! Silence
! Never forget.
! Humanity
! Father-son bonds
! Setting
! Hope
! Religion
! Freedom
! Work
! Greed
! Other:________

What to do

1. Select 3 or more topics or themes that you understand very well
2. Brainstorm about how each topic relates to one another or how they
influence one another in the novel
3. Find some specific quotes or a phrase from the book or from an outside
source that defines the topic
4. Find and collect a picture(s) for each topic you have selected and be able to
explain why the picture you selected symbolizes the topic you have chosen
5. Using Microsoft PowerPoint or word to organize or Meshup your pictures
and quotes in a meaningful way and in a creative way
6. Create and additional page titled Work cited to cite the links of your
7. When you are finished, save your document ((NAME)_(CLASS)_MESHUP) and
share your document with Mr. L via email:

Key things to remember:
a) Be creative
b) Use appropriate pictures
c) You are not limited to this prompt. Feel free to come up with your own topics
as long as they can be found in the book.


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