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‘The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress inventory The Social Readjustment Rating Scale IISTRUCTIONS: Nark down the point value of each ofthese life events that has happened to you during the previous year. Total these associated points. Life Event Mean Vane] I. Death of spouse 100 [2 Divorce 3 |2. Marital Separation from mate 65 la. Detention in rail or other institution 63 Is: Death of 2 close family member 63 le. major personal injury or liness 3 [P. Marriage 0 lz. Being fired at work a7 Je. Marital raconcifation with mate 5 1, Retirement from work 45 Hit. Major change in the health or behavior of a family member “4 liz. Pregnancy 40 3. Sexual Cificuities 33 ls4. Gaining a new family member (i.e. birth, adoption, older adult movina in, ete) 30 his. Major business readjustment 33 lis. Major change in financial stats (ie.. 2 lot worse or batter off than usual) 8 liz. Death of a close friene a7 lis. Changing to a different line of work 36 19. major change in the number of arguments w/spouse ([.e.. either a lot more or alot ess than 35. jusual reaardina child raaring, personal habits, etc.) J20. Teking on a mortgage (for home, business, etc.) a 21, Foreclosure on a mortuage or loan 30 l22. Major change in responsibilities at work (i.e. promotion, demotion, etc:) 2 123. Son or dauahter leavina home (marriane. attendina colleae. ioined mil.) 2 |24, in-law troubles 2 j25. Outstancing personal achievement 2 |26. Spouse beginning or ceasing work outside the heme 2s lz7, Beginning or ceasing formal schooling 26 |28, Major change in living condition (new home, remodeling, deterioration of neighborhood or 25 Ihome etc.) J29. Revison of personal habits (dress manners, associations, quitting smaking) 4 |20. Troubles with the boss 2 [21. Major changes in working houts or conditions 20 [22. Chanaes in residence 20 |23. Changing to a new schoo! 20 |24. Major change in cual type and/or amount of recreation ‘9 |25. Major change in church activity (1e.. a lot more or less than usual) i |26. Major change in eocial activities (clubs, movies visiting, otc.) 18 |27. Taking on a loan (car, tv,freezeretc) iT f38. Major change in sleeping habits (a lot more or a lot less than usual] 16 |29. major change in number of family get-togethers ("") 15 lA0. Major change in eating habits (2 lot more or less food intake, or very different meal hours or 15 fsurroundinas) lat. Vacation 3 [42. Major helidays 2 j43. Minor violations of the law (traffic tickets, jaywalking, disturbing the peace, etc) "1 Now, add up all the points you have to find your score. 180pte or loos. m lativaly low amount of Ife chenge end a low avecoptbilly to otrese-nduced heath broakdown, 150 to 300 pts imptes about a S0% chance of a major heath breakdown in the next 2 years s0opts or more raises ine 06a o about £O%, eccorang fo the Holmes-Rahe statistical prediction model

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