Mañana Habit

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Maana Habit is a behavior that many Filipinos share, it encourages

procrastination and with it the practice of cramming and sometimes even leads
to the failure to accomplish tasks. Every time you hear the all too familiar words
Mamaya na or Bukas na, thats Maana Habit. This behavior can perhaps be
traced back to the Spaniards who occupied our country for over 300 years. The
Spanish word Maana directly translates to tomorrow. When we talk about
Maana Habit, we refer to the practice of putting off work to be done in the near
future when it can be done in the now, which is why we find ourselves working
until the last minute just so we can meet the deadline when we had more than
enough time to do the work. This Filipino habit is one that affects productivity
because consciously or not, most of the time, we bring this habit with us to the
workplace or in school.
People, tend to work harder when theres something in it for them, this is
where positive reinforcement comes in.
In addition, closer monitoring may be another tool to get Filipinos to
overcome this habit. This has something to do with what we know as observer
effect, people are generally more productive when they know they are being

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