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BTEC L3 Diploma

Creative & Media (TV & Film)

Unit 22/LO1: Single Camera Techniques

Task 1.8: Single Camera TV Comparative Table




Techniqu Sound


EastEnders is a
popular soap in the
eyes of the British
people EastEnders is
a linear tv programme
because it tells a

In this tv
programme you
can tell that it is a
soap because a lot
of drama occurs in
all episodes. It
also has a
storyline for all
characters in the

The lighting varies

between dark and
light depending on
whether its day or
night time. So
mostly natural light
is used in

In EastEnders a lot
of dramatic camera
angles are
including: close ups
are used to show
emotion on the
actors face and
master shots are
used to show a wide
image to capture
the whole
geography of the

The editing techniques

used in the programme
are important and what
makes it a soap. Editing
techniques include:
quick cuts to switch to
different scenes, fade
ins/outs to make the
scene end or start
dramatically and zoom
ins/outs to focus on a
subject or to show a
wider shot.

Lie to me

Lie to me is a popular
TV drama which tells
a story about a man
who can tell if
someone is lying or
not. This story line
leads him into tense
places/life or death
situations. Lie to me
is linear.

You can tell that

lie to me is a part
of the drama
genre because the
man that is a
human lie detector
gets put into
situations which
are tense and

The lighting in this

TV series can vary
due to the situations
that accrue. Natural
light and contrasted
light are some of the
main lighting
techniques used.

The camera angles

used are: high/low
angles, mid shots
and mostly close
ups. Close ups are a
massive part of this
series because
facial expressions
are how the man
portrays if you are
lying or not.

The editing techniques

used are: fade outs/ins,
dissolve and special
effects. The technique
dissolving is a good one
to use since while the
scene is changing to
another you can
remember the previous


This type of series is

linear in the fact that
the two subjects have
to break out of prison
then they continually
get chased by the

You can tell that

this is in the crime
genre because the
two subjects got
into prison for a
crime they
committed then
break out which is
another crime and
the police are

The lighting in this

TV series is natural
day light and
sometime darkness
because in prison
you dont get a lot of
light so you mostly
trust natural day
light, so the director
was trying to tell a

A load of high angle

shots were used
also low angle
shots. This was
because the high
angle shots were
used to show the
prison guards
looking down at the
prisoners and low

The editing techniques

used were: cuts,
explosions and
fadeouts/ins. These
editing techniques were
used to create a tense
environment at all
times of each episode.


The sound in
this soap was
diegetic as there
are people
talking over
other people
and people
cutting in on
Also dramatic
music plays on
the background
when something
bad happens.
The sounds that
were used in lie
to me were:
diegetic, nondiegetic and FX
sound. Diegetic
sound was used
when an actor
was speaking
while a loud car
drove past.

The setting of this

TV series is in a
town in London
that is based in
east London. The
clothing that is
worn is just causal
clothing because
its based as it was
a real town with
real people in it.

The sounds used

were: diegetic
sound and also
FX sound. The
FX sound
creates tension
within the
episodes like
something bad
is about to

The location of this

film is most based
in a prison. The
types of clothes
they were wearing
were typical prison
clothes. The
location was set in
a prison because
the two subject

The setting of this

series was mainly
in an office were
all of the
characters were
70% of the time.
The clothes that
were worn were
smart clothing e.g.

BTEC L3 Diploma
Creative & Media (TV & Film)
Unit 22/LO1: Single Camera Techniques
heavily involved.

realist story.

angle shots to show

the prisons looking
at the guards.


were breaking out

of the prison due
to the name prison

The main location

was at the mans
home which was
also a boxing gym
another location
was at all different
types of boxing
rings around the
united states of
America. The
clothing in this
film varied to
smart suits and
casual clothing,
this showed all the
different levels of
The location is in
the familys local
area e.g. their
house and other
family houses.
The actors in this
sitcom wear
modern casual
clothing. This is
because the
makers of the
sitcom are trying
to show that this
program is about a
modern family.

Real Steel

Real steel is a science

fiction film about
giant robots in a
boxing ring fighting to
become the best
fighter out them all.
One man, a young
boy and a giant robot
become the best
boxing team ever.
This is a linear type fil
because it tells a

Real steel is in the

genre because
giant fighting
robots arent real
yet. It is a

The lighting in this is

more of a dark
contrast because the
boy and the man
didnt have much so
that had to start
from the bottom
therefore the dark
contrast really sets
the scene for this

The types of camera

shots used were:
low angle shots,
birds eye view
shots and wide
shots. Low shots
were used to show
who won each fight
and to state a
heroic act. Wide
shots were used to
so all the
surroundings of the
actors featuring the
fighting robot.

The one main editing

technique used was
special effects as Real
steel is a fantasy film a
load of special effects
were used featuring
explosions to actually
creating the robot

A lot of FX sound
was used to
create the sound
of the robot but
all so a lot of
diegetic sound
was used due to
the actors
talking over the
sound of the
robots fighting.


Throughout the whole

sitcom it tells a story
about a family and
their life style. There
is a different story line
each series. This is

The type of genre

the sitcom is in is
the comedy genre.
You can tell
because the type
of acting in this

Most of the lighting

in this sitcom is
natural lighting; this
is because it gives it
more of a natural
look to a sitcom.

The camera angles

that are used are
low angles, mid
shots, mid close ups
and long shots. Low
angle shots are
used to show the
actors high status
and the long shots
are used to show
the actors whole

The editing techniques

that are used are quick
cuts and flashes to
single camera. Quick
cuts are used to switch
between scenes.

The sound
techniques that
were used are
sound and a
theme tune at
the start at the
episode and the
end. Nondiegetic sound is
used because
the director
wants to tell a

BTEC L3 Diploma
Creative & Media (TV & Film)
Unit 22/LO1: Single Camera Techniques

gangs of

This documentary is
about gangs in south
London. It describes
the violence of gangs
over the years and
how its gotten worse.
This is a linear
documentary because
it is telling a story
about gangs in

You can tell that

this is a
because there are
flashbacks in the
video to show
people that have
died over gang
violence also facts
and statics are

The lighting in this

documentary its
natural daylight to
show that it is a real
life story line.

The camera angles

used are: POV, low
angles, two shots,
close ups and
mid/far shots. All of
these shots are
linked together to
make the whole
documentary look
overly dramatic.

The editing
techniques used are:
quick cuts fade
ins/outs and also
blurring of faces.
These techniques
were used to make
the documentary
look more official.
The blurring of faces
was used to leave a
mystery behind some
of the people in the

The sound in
this music video
is used to better
The sounds used
were: diegetic
and FX sound.
FX sound was
used for effects
to make the
more serious.

The location of the

documentary was
in places around
south London.
Ross Kemp was
dressed smartly
while gang
members were
dressed in black
tracksuits with
their hoods up
most of the time.

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