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Assessment Strategies

(Fill in the blank and composition question feedback will be provided via email.)

Terminal Objective: Learners will identify their responsibilities, the contractual responsibilities of 3E,
and how to resolve issues listed by 3E in the Customer Action List.
Question 1.
Technicians lose valuable time waiting for 3E to respond to assistance requests that are outside of 3Es
contractual obligations.
Sort the following terms into two columns by responsibility. Drag actions 3E is required to take as
written in the contract into the left column. Drag actions technicians are supposed to take into the right

Provide SDS in locations majority language

Update SDS in system after manufacturer issues a revision
Upload SDS to 3E if requested in customer action list
Verify SDS is not listed in database under another name
Source SDS from manufacturer
Enter new products into inventory

3E Contractual Responsibility

Provide SDS in locations majority language

Update SDS in system after manufacturer issues a revision
Source SDS from manufacturer

Technician Responsibility

Upload SDS to 3E if requested in customer action list

Verify SDS is not listed in database under another name
Enter new products into inventory

Feedback is built in- if the phrase is dragged to the incorrect column it will return to its original location
until the learner places it in the correct column. Program will not advance until the question is answered

Question 2.

How would you address the following 3E request for information in the customer action list?
Please indicate if the product is an Aerosol or a Liquid. Thank you.
a. Email 3E customer service with correct response (This answer is incorrect. Remember, you dont
contact 3E unless they have asked you to complete an action that they are required to complete per the
contract. Click here to return to the question.)
b. Use Respond button to provide additional information (This answer is incorrect. Remember, the
Respond button is only used to inform 3E you completed the action. Click here to return to the
c. Use Upload button to provide correct SDS for chemical state (This answer is incorrect. Remember,
the Upload button is only used when 3E requests an attachment. Click here to return to the question.)
d. Use Physical State drop down list to indicate state (This answer is correct. The Physical State drop
down list is the correct place to indicate the state or phase of the chemical.)

Question 3.
How would you address the following 3E request for information in the customer action list?
3E has been unsuccessful in multiple attempts to obtain the requested document(s) with the
manufacturer information provided. Thank you.

a. Contact the manufacturer and obtain the SDS. Attach the file to the customer action request. (This
answer is incorrect. Remember, 3E has certain responsibilities under the contract. Click here to return to
the question.)
b. Contact 3E customer service. Under contract it is their responsibility to provide the SDS. (This answer
is correct. It is 3Es responsibility to provide the SDS. Click here to move on to the next question.)
c. Do nothing. This is a courtesy note from 3E. They will update after they contact the manufacturer.
(This answer is incorrect. 3E doesnt send courtesy notes. Click here to return to the question.)
d. Remove product from inventory. If the SDS is not available it cannot be used on site. (This answer is
incorrect. The manufacturer must provide an SDS. Click here to return to the question.)

Question 4.
It can be difficult to obtain SDS for products that are not purchased directly from the manufacturer,
particularly if the chemical formula is proprietary. The manufacturer may not release the information to
a third party vendor without proof of purchase.
In your own words, describe how you would obtain an SDS for a proprietary chemical after the
manufacturer refused to provide the information to 3E.

There are a few ways this could be accomplished; a variation of one of these answers is acceptable.
1. Contact the manufacturer, provide proof of purchase and upload SDS to 3E through the
inventory page.
2. Contact 3E and give them the supplier information if purchased from a vendor and not the
manufacturer. 3E can work with the supplier to obtain the SDS.
3. Have the supplier contact 3E to obtain the SDS.
Via email: Feedback for a correct answer will include reasons why the answer was correct. Feedback for
an incorrect answer will inform the learner where to find the information and give them an opportunity
to respond with the correct answer for credit.
Question 5.
3E has more than 3 million SDS in the database but sometimes it can be difficult to find the specific
product you are looking for. Who is responsible for listing a product alias in 3E if a chemical is known by
more than one name?

(Fill in the blank)

________________ (The correct response is I am or Me. Incorrect response is 3E.)
Via email: Feedback for a correct answer will include reasons why the answer was correct. Feedback for
an incorrect answer will inform the learner where to find the information and give them an opportunity
to respond with the correct answer for credit.

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